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                                                                                         world news Diabierna 14 Januari 2022

                        Russia won’t rule out military deployment to Cuba, Venezuela

            (AP)  —  Russia  raised  the
            stakes Thursday in its dis-
            pute  with  the  West  over
            Ukraine  and  NATO’s  ex-
            pansion  when  a  top  dip-
            lomat refused to rule out
            a  military  deployment  to
            Cuba  and  Venezuela  if
            tensions  with  the  United
            States escalate.

            Deputy  Foreign  Minister
            Sergei Ryabkov said he could
            “neither  confirm  nor  ex-
            clude” the possibility of Rus-
            sia sending military assets to
            Latin America if the U.S. and
            its  allies  don’t  curtail  their
            military activities on Russia’s  Russian  troop  buildup  near  egations  agreed  to  leave  the  Ryabkov  last  month  com-  gued  that  NATO  could  use
            doorstep.                    Ukraine  that  the  West  fears  door open to further talks on  pared  the  current  tensions  Ukrainian territory to deploy
                                         might be a prelude to an in-  arms control and other issues  over  Ukraine  with  the  1962  missiles  capable  of  reaching
            “It all depends on the action  vasion.                    intended  to  reduce  the  po-  Cuban  Missile  Crisis  —  Moscow in just five minutes.
            by  our  U.S.  counterparts,”                             tential for hostilities.     when  the  Soviet  Union  de-  He warned that Russia could
            the minister said in an inter-  Russia,   which   annexed                              ployed missiles to Cuba and  gain  a  similar  capability  by
            view with Russian television  Ukraine’s  Crimea  Peninsula  A  senior  Biden  administra-  the  U.S.  imposed  a  naval  deploying  warships  armed
            network  RTVI,  citing  Rus-  in  2014,  has  denied  having  tion official suggested Thurs-  blockade of the island.  with the latest Zircon hyper-
            sian  President  Vladimir  Pu-  plans to attack the neighbor-  day that Ryabkov’s statement                         sonic cruise missile in neutral
            tin’s  warning  that  Moscow  ing  country.  The  Kremlin  about  Cuba  and  Venezuela  That  crisis  ended  after  U.S.  waters.
            could take unspecified “mil-  reacted  to  the  suggestion  by  had  not  changed  Washing-  President  John  F.  Ken-
            itary-technical  measures”  if  accusing NATO of threaten-  ton’s calculations.        nedy  and  Soviet  leader  Ni-  Soon after his first election in
            the U.S. and its allies fail to  ing its territory and demand-                         kita  Khrushchev  agreed  that  2000, Putin ordered the clo-
            heed its demands.            ing that the military alliance  “We are not going to respond  Moscow  would  withdraw  sure of a Soviet-built military
                                         never  embrace  Ukraine  or  to  bluster.  If  Russia  actually  its  missiles  in  exchange  for  surveillance  facility  in  Cuba
            Ryabkov  led  a  Russian  del-  any  other  ex-Soviet  nations  started moving in that direc-  Washington’s  pledge  not  to  as he sought to improve ties
            egation  in  talks  with  the  as new members.            tion,  we  would  deal  with  it  invade Cuba and the removal  with  Washington.  Moscow
            U.S.  on  Monday.  The  ne-                               decisively,”  said  the  official,  of U.S. missiles from Turkey.  has intensified contacts with
            gotiations  in  Geneva  and  a  Washington  and  its  allies  speaking on condition of an-                          Cuba in recent years as ten-
            related NATO-Russia meet-    firmly  rejected  the  demand  onymity to discuss the ongo-  Putin,  in  seeking  to  curtail  sions with the U.S. and its al-
            ing  in  Brussels  took  place  this week as a nonstarter, but  ing negotiations.      the  West’s  military  activity  lies mounted.
            in  response  to  a  significant  the NATO and Russian del-                            in  Eastern  Europe,  has  ar-

                           WFP director for Afghanistan warns of ‘tsunami of hunger’

            (AP)  —  Afghanistan  is  above  political  discussions  prehensive response. And for  ing through 19 governments.  comes  directly  to  the  agen-
            facing a “tsunami of hun-    and avoid disaster by making  WFP, we need 2.6 billion to  “They  have  never  before,  cies,”  McGroarty  said.  “We
            ger” because of a shortage  sure that billions in aid keep  do the minimum we need to  despite  the  decades  of  con-  work  with  our  partners,  we
            of  funds  that’s  needed  to  reaching  the  Taliban-run  be doing in 2022.”          flict,  had  to  stand  in  a  line  work directly with the com-
            keep  the  supply  of  food  country.                                                  with their hands out for for  munities.”
            intact  as  country  teeters                              Afghanistan’s  aid-dependent  humanitarian  support,”  she
            on  the  edge  of  economic  According  to  the  UN  hu-  economy  was  already  stum-  said.  “This  is  the  first  time  McGroarty  said  the  WFP
            run with more than half of  manitarian organization, 22.8  bling when the Taliban seized  ever for them, and they told  managed  to  distribute  food
            the population struggling  million  people  face  acute  power in mid-August amid a  me the hunger is worse than  in  key  locations  across  the
            to eat this winter, a senior  food shortages, including 8.7  disorderly departure of U.S.  the  conflict  that  they  have  northeast  and  central  high-
            official  with  the  United  million close to starvation.  and  NATO  troops.  The  in-  lived  through  over  five  de-  lands of the country in pre-
            Nations  World  Food  Pro-                                ternational community froze  cades.”                      vision of the winter months.
            gram said on Thursday.       “We  don’t  have  enough  Afghanistan’s  assets  abroad                                But she said the winter snows
                                         money going into 2022,” said  and  halted  funding,  unwill-  McGroarty  urged  the  inter-  have already started to block
            In an interview with The As-  McGroarty  during  a  stop  in  ing  to  work  with  a  Taliban  national community to keep  some  of  country’s  major
            sociated  Press,  WFP  leader  Brussels.  “What  we  call  all  government given its reputa-  sending  money  to  Afghani-  roads,  making  the  need  for
            in  Afghanistan  Mary-Ellen  the  humanitarian  sector  in  tion  for  brutality  during  its  stan,  insisting  that  funding  aid even more urgent.
            McGroarty  urged  the  in-   Afghanistan  needs  4.4  four  previous rule 20 years ago.  can get into the country inde-
            ternational  community  to  billion  dollars  for  the  next                           pendently from the Taliban.  “Can you imagine not being
            put  humanitarian  necessity  12 months to mount a com-   Combined  with  the  CO-                                  able to feed your young chil-
                                                                      VID-19 crisis and a drought,  The new Kabul rulers initial-  dren? And you can also imag-
                                                                      the shortage of money has had  ly promised tolerance and in-  ine  not  being  able  to  keep
                                                                      catastrophic   consequences  clusiveness regarding women  those  young  children  also
                                                                      amid a dramatic surge of in-  and  ethnic  minorities.  But  warm?,”  McGroarty  said.
                                                                      flation, with the price of food  so  far,  their  actions  includ-  “It’s  unimaginable  suffering
                                                                      going up by over 50 percent  ing  renewed  restrictions  for  and  the  support  is  required
                                                                      in the last couple of months.  women and the appointment  today  to  avert  some  of  that
                                                                                                   of  an  all-male  government  unimaginable suffering.”
                                                                      McGroarty said she recently  have  left  the  international
                                                                      met  with  old  farmers  dur-  community  and  many  do-  McGroarty said Afghans now
                                                                      ing a trip to the northeastern  nors unimpressed.         face the choice of either starv-
                                                                      province of Badakhshan, who                               ing or leaving their country.
                                                                      told her they have never been  “We’ve  been  working  for
                                                                      confronted to such an ordeal  years in Afghanistan, in con-  “It’s one step away from a ca-
                                                                      despite the experience of liv-  tested  areas,  and  the  money  tastrophe,” she said.
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