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A30    world news
                  Diabierna 14 Januari 2022

                                UN hails landmark conviction of senior Syrian official

                                                                                                                                on other countries to follow
                                                                                                   The trial is the first of its kind  what he called the “pioneer-
                                                                                                   worldwide  and  other  courts  ing  work”  performed  by  his
                                                                                                   may cite the verdict and evi-  country’s legal system.
                                                                                                   dence heard in Koblenz, said
                                                                                                   Patrick Kroker, a lawyer with  “Crimes  against  humanity
                                                                                                   the  European  Center  for  mustn’t remain unpunished.
                                                                                                   Constitutional  and  Human  No  matter  where  they  are
                                                                                                   Rights.  The  group  repre-  committed,  no  matter  by
                                                                                                   sented 14 victims who under  whom,” said Buschmann.
                                                                                                   German law were able to take
                                                                                                   part in the proceedings as co-  Human  rights  experts  said
                                                                                                   plaintiffs.                  it  was  significant  that  the
                                                                                                                                Koblenz  court  had  deemed
                                                                                                   “The  goal  remains  to  bring  the allegations of sexual vio-
                                                                                                   senior Assad associates, such  lence to be among the crimes
                                                                                                   as  former  Air  Force  Intel-  against humanity Raslan was
                                                                                                   ligence  chief  Jamil  Hassan,  convicted  for.  However  the
                                                                                                   to  justice  for  their  crimes,”  judges  didn’t  convict  him
                                                                                                   said  Kroker.  Germany  is-  over the enforced disappear-
                                                                                                   sued  an  international  arrest  ances,  meaning  those  will
                                                                                                   warrant  for  Hassan  in  2018,  have  to  be  prosecuted  sepa-
                                                                                                   but  bringing  him  and  other  rately in future proceedings.
                                                                                                   senior Syrian officials to trial
            (AP)  —  A  former  Syr-     “This day, this verdict is im-  population” from April 2011  will be difficult, as the coun-  Conservative  estimates  put
            ian  secret  police  officer  portant  for  all  Syrians  who  onward  with  the  aim  of  try does not extradite its citi-  the number of those detained
            was  convicted  by  a  Ger-  have  suffered  and  are  still  quashing  the  popular  upris-  zens.                 or  forcibly  disappeared  in
            man  court  Thursday  of  suffering from the Assad re-    ing.                                                      Syria  at  149,000,  more  than
            crimes  against  humanity  gime’s  crimes,”  said  Ruham                               Still,  the  European  Union’s  85% of them at the hands of
            for  overseeing  the  abuse  Hawash, a survivor of Branch  But the court concluded that  judicial  cooperation  organi-  the  Syrian  government,  ac-
            of detainees at a jail near  251 who testified in the trial.  events  at  Branch  251  were  zation, Eurojust said the rul-  cording  to  the  Syrian  Net-
            Damascus a decade ago, a                                  “significantly   determined”  ing “will leave a lasting mark  work  for  Human  Rights.
            ruling the top United Na-    “This verdict is only a begin-  by  the  defendant,  meaning  on international criminal jus-  Most  disappeared  or  were
            tions human rights official  ning and we have a long way  he bore personal responsibil-  tice.”                     detained  soon  after  peaceful
            described as “historic.”     to  go  –  but  for  us  affected  ity  for  crimes  that  occurred                    protests  erupted  in  March
                                         people, this trial and today’s  there, she said.          It noted that photographs of  2011 against Assad’s govern-
            Anwar Raslan is the highest-  ruling are a first step towards                          alleged torture victims smug-  ment,  which  responded  to
            ranking Syrian official so far  freedom, dignity and justice,”  Victims  and  human  rights  gled out of Syria by a former  the rallies with a brutal crack-
            convicted of the charge. The  she said.                   groups  have  said  they  hope  police  officer,  who  goes  by  down.
            verdict was keenly anticipated                            the verdict in the 19-month  the alias of Caesar, were a key
            by those who suffered abuse  German  prosecutors  alleged  trial will be a first step toward  part  of  the  evidence  against  The  Syrian  government  de-
            or lost relatives at the hands  that  Raslan  supervised  the  justice  for  countless  people  Raslan.             nies it is holding any political
            of  President  Bashar  Assad’s  “systematic  and  brutal  tor-  who have been unable to file                        prisoners, labeling its opposi-
            government  in  Syria’s  long-  ture”  of  more  than  4,000  criminal  complaints  against  “This  conviction  has  put  tion  terrorists.  After  battle-
            running conflict.            prisoners   between   April  officials  in  Syria  or  before  state  authorities  on  notice  field  wins,  it  has  negotiated
                                         2011  and  September  2012,  the  International  Criminal  –  no  matter  where  you  are  limited  prisoner  exchanges
            “This trial cast a much-need-  resulting  in  the  deaths  of  at  Court.              or  how  senior  you  may  be,  with  various  armed  groups,
            ed, renewed spotlight on the  least 58 people. Judges ruled                            if  you  perpetrate  torture  or  which families say offer par-
            kinds  of  sickening  torture,  that  there  was  evidence  to  Since Russia and China have  other  serious  human  rights  tial solutions for a very small
            cruel  and  truly  inhuman  hold  him  responsible  for  27  blocked  efforts  in  the  U.N.  violations,  you  will  be  held  number of people.
            treatment  –  including  abject  deaths.                  Security Council to refer cas-  accountable  sooner  or  later,
            sexual violence – that count-                             es to The Hague-based tribu-  at home or abroad,” Bachelet  There have already been sev-
            less  Syrians  were  subjected  A  junior  officer,  Eyad  al-  nal,  countries  such  as  Ger-  said, the U.N. rights chief.  eral convictions in Europe of
            to in detention facilities,” the  Gharib,  was  convicted  last  many that apply the principle                      Syrians  accused  of  commit-
            U.N.  High  Commissioner  year of being an accessory to  of  universal  jurisdiction  for  Germany’s  justice  minister,  ting war crimes against mem-
            for Human Rights, Michelle  crimes against humanity and  serious  crimes  will  increas-  Marco  Buschmann,  called  bers of Syria’s armed forces.
            Bachelet, said.              sentenced  by  the  Koblenz  ingly  become  the  venue  for
                                         court to 4½ years in prison.  such trials, experts say.
            “It is a landmark leap forward
            in the pursuit of truth, justice  Both  men  were  arrested  in  “We  are  starting  to  see  the
            and  reparations  for  the  seri-  Germany in 2019, years after  fruits  of  a  determined  push
            ous  human  rights  violations  seeking asylum in the coun-  by courageous survivors, ac-
            perpetrated  in  Syria  over  try.                        tivists  and  others  to  achieve
            more than a decade.”                                      justice  for  horrific  atrocities
                                         Like    al-Gharib,   Raslan  in  Syria’s  network  of  pris-
            The Koblenz state court con-  planned to appeal his convic-  ons,” said Balkees Jarrah, as-
            cluded  that  the  defendant  tion, his lawyers said.     sociate  international  justice
            was  in  charge  of  interroga-                           director  at  Human  Rights
            tions at a facility in the Syrian  “Ultimately  ...  Mr.  Raslan  Watch.
            city of Douma known as Al  has  been  convicted  in  the
            Khatib, or Branch 251, where  regime’s  place,”  his  counsel  “The  verdict  is  a  break-
            suspected opposition protest-  Yorck Fratzky told reporters.  through  for  Syrian  victims
            ers were detained.                                        and the German justice sys-
                                         A court spokeswoman, Anne  tem  in  cracking  the  wall  of
            The  court  sentenced  the  Brodoefel,  said  judges  had  impunity,” she added. “Other
            58-year-old to life in prison,  determined  as  part  of  their  countries should follow Ger-
            with the possibility of parole  verdict  that  the  Syrian  gov-  many’s lead and actively bol-
            after 15 years.              ernment  carried  out  a  “pro-  ster efforts to prosecute seri-
                                         longed attack against its own  ous crimes in Syria.”
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