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                                                                                                       SPORTS Saturday 23 december 2017

            LeBron, Cavs beat Bulls for  12th straight home win

            By The Associated Press      help  the  Raptors  win  their
            CLEVELAND  (AP)  —  LeBron  fifth straight and 11th in 12
            James  scored  34  points,  games.
            Kevin  Love  added  27  and  Ben  Simmons  scored  20
            the  Cleveland  Cavaliers  points for Philadelphia.
            won  their  12th  straight  Embiid  missed  two  games
            home      game,    115-112  with  back  tightness  after
            over  the  Chicago  Bulls  on  logging  a  career-high  49
            Thursday  night  as  injured  minutes in a triple-overtime
            point  guard  Isaiah  Thomas  loss  to  Oklahoma  City  last
            moved  even  closer  to  his  Friday.  Embiid  didn’t  show
            return.                      any discomfort during pre-
            James  had  11  points  in  game  drills,  but  was  ruled
            the  fourth  quarter  and  out  about  30  minutes  be-
            dropped  a  pair  of  free  fore tipoff.
            throws  with  11.1  seconds  KNICKS 102, CELTICS 93
            left as the Cavs won for the  NEW YORK (AP) — Michael
            19th time in 21 games and  Beasley  scored  28  of  his
            ended  Chicago’s  seven-     season-high 32 points in the
            game winning streak.         second  half,  helping  New
            With    Cleveland’s    Jae  York shake off Kristaps Porz-
            Crowder     guarding   him  ingis’ dismal return to beat
            closely,  Chicago’s  Denzel  Boston.
            Valentine  was  short  with  a  Beasley  went  back  to  the
            tying  3-pointer  in  the  final  bench  with  Porzingis  back
            second. Rookie Lauri Mark-   from  a  knee  injury,  but
            kanen scored 25 points for  he  was  on  the  floor  in  the
            the Bulls.                   fourth  quarter  while  Porz-
            Cavs  coach  Tyronn  Lue  ingis  watched  from  the
            missed  the  game  with  an  sideline  as  the  former  No.
            undisclosed illness. Assistant  2 overall pick punished the
            coach  Larry  Drew  filled  in  Celtics  inside  and  out  to
            for Lue, who conducted his  help the Knicks pull away.
            usual  media  session  about  Porzingis was 0 for 11 from
            90  minutes  before  tip-off  the  field  and  finished  with
            and  was  in  Cleveland’s  one point after missing two
            locker  room  before  the  games with a sore left knee.
            team  announced  he  was  The “MVP! MVP!” chants he
            sick.                        has  heard  this  season  in-  Chicago Bulls’ Nikola Mirotic, bottom, from Montenegro, is fouled by Cleveland Cavaliers’ Dwyane
            RAPTORS 114, 76ERS 109       stead went to Beasley, who   Wade, left top, as LeBron James, right, also defends during the second half of an NBA basketball
            PHILADELPHIA  (AP)  —  De-   also had 12 rebounds. Kyrie   game Thursday, Dec. 21, 2017, in Cleveland. The Cavaliers won 115-112.
            Mar DeRozan scored a ca-     Irving  scored  32  points  for                                                                   Associated Press
            reer-high 45 points and To-  the Celtics.                 with 27 points, and Daniels  the road.                    scoring nine straight points,
            ronto overcame a 22-point  SUNS 97, GRIZZLIES 95          —  acquired  from  the  Griz-  JAZZ 100, SPURS 89         including a contested pull-
            deficit to beat Joel Embiid-  PHOENIX  (AP)  —  Former  zlies  in  September  —  add-  SALT LAKE CITY (AP) — Rod-   up  3-pointer  from  the  cor-
            less Philadelphia.           Memphis  guard  Troy  Dan-   ed 14 off the bench. Phoe-   ney Hood scored 29 points  ner  and  a  spinning,  mid-
            DeRozan also set a career  iels  hit  a  3-pointer  with  17  nix won at home for the first  and  Utah  fended  off  mul-  range  jumper  to  push  the
            high  with  six  3-pointers.  His  seconds  to  play  to  give  time since Nov. 19 against  tiple  comeback  attempts  lead to 12. Ricky Rubio had
            jumper with 4:13 left put the  Phoenix  the  lead,  and  the  Chicago.                 by San Antonio. Hood took  11 points and 11 rebounds,
            Raptors  ahead  to  stay  af-  Suns  held  off  the  Grizzlies  Tyreke  Evans  led  Memphis  over  in  the  fourth  quarter  while Derrick Favors finished
            ter  they  trailed  76-54  early  for their third victory in four  with  23  points.  The  Griz-  after  San  Antonio  cut  the  with 14 points and nine re-
            in  the  third  quarter.  Kyle  games.                    zlies have lost eight of nine  lead  to  82-81.  Utah  went  bounds. Bryn Forbes led the
            Lowry  added  23  points  to  T.J.  Warren  led  the  Suns  games and nine straight on  on  a  13-2  run  with  Hood  Spurs with 12 points.q
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