Page 23 - aruba-today-20171223
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                                                                                           TECHNOLOGY Saturday 23 december 2017

            Light winds might favor smaller boats in Sydney-Hobart race

            SYDNEY  (AP)  —  The  four                                                                                          little breeze.
            super maxis entered in this                                                                                         “We’re  delighted  with  the
            year’s  Sydney  to  Hobart                                                                                          forecast for now and it will
            race  might  not  have  it  all                                                                                     get  us  down  the  coast  in
            their own way — favorable                                                                                           good shape, but it doesn’t
            wind conditions could pro-                                                                                          look  good  for  us  in  the
            duce a record for medium-                                                                                           Derwent  River,”  LDV  Co-
            sized boats but might slow                                                                                          manche  navigator  Stan
            down  the  100-foot  yachts                                                                                         Honey said. “We get there
            as they chase line honors.                                                                                          at  exactly  the  wrong  time
            The  73rd  edition  of  the                                                                                         and  Comanche  is  not  at
            630-nautical-mile     race                                                                                          her  best  in  the  light  air,  so
            from Sydney Harbor to the                                                                                           we’ll probably spend a fair
            island  state  of  Tasmania                                                                                         amount of time in the river
            begins on Dec. 26 and has                                                                                           waiting.”
            102 entries, including 30 in-                                                                                       Black Jack sails well in light
            ternational boats.                                                                                                  winds.
            The  super  maxis  entered                                                                                          “Some of these other boats
            —  LDV  Comanche,  Wild                                                                                             might  get  a  bit  of  a  jump
            Oats XI, Black Jack and In-                                                                                         on  us  in  the  offshore  stuff,
            foTrack — have all won line                                                                                         but it looks like we could be
            honors in the past.                                                                                                 coming  to  Tasman  quite
            Wild  Oats  XI  achieved  the                                                                                       late in the day,” Black Jack
            treble  (line  honors,  overall   In this Dec. 12, 2017, photo, the maxi yacht InfoTrack maneuvers before the start of the Big Boat   navigator  Tom  Addis  said.
            and  race  record)  in  2012   Challenge, a lead-up event to the Sydney Hobart open ocean yacht race, on Sydney Harbour in   “If  Comanche  and  those
            and has won line honors a    Sydney.                                                                   Associated Press  guys start to struggle in the
            record  eight  times.  Black  London  2012  Olympic  La-  ing  a  year  off,  watching  it  swinging  around  to  the  light, we might not be too
            Jack, formerly named Alfa  ser  gold  medalist  for  Aus-  on  the  couch  with  a  beer  northeast just after the start  far  behind  them.”  Among
            Romeo, took 2009 line hon-   tralia. He was on the boat   in  hand  and  watching  my  next  Tuesday  and  increas-  the other entries is the Clip-
            ors; LDV Comanche won in  last year when it broke the     friends go south. But I’ll en-  ing from 15 to 25 knots over  per Round the World Race
            2015 and InfoTrack (racing  race  record  sailing  as  Per-  joy  steering  the  boat  and  the following 24 hours.  fleet, which is including the
            as  Perpetual  Loyal)  won  it  petual Loyal.             racing the boat as hard as  There could be a southerly  Sydney to Hobart as Race
            last  year,  setting  the  race  Slingsby   was   only   an-  I can.”                  change  on  Dec.  28  or  29,  5 in its series. “The signs are
            record  of  1  day,  13  hours,  nounced  as  skipper  on   The  weather  bureau  said  but the leading super maxis  that it will be a swift down-
            31 minutes and 20 seconds.   Thursday.                    Friday that the race could  are projected to enter the  wind passage down to Ho-
            InfoTrack  will  be  skippered  “I wasn’t planning on doing   start  under  an  east-south-  Derwent  River  in  Tasmania  bart this year,” Clipper race
            by  Tom  Slingsby,  the  2013  it this year,” he said. “I was   easterly  breeze  of  around  late on the 27th, at a time  director  Mark  Light  said  of
            America’s Cup winner and  actually  considering  hav-     10  knots,  with  the  wind  when  there’s  usually  very  his medium-sized fleet.q

                          Welcome/Bon Bini                            Facebook signs deal with music label

                       Locals & Island Guests                         Universal Music

                                                                      NEW  YORK  (AP)  —  Face-    The companies did not say
                      Christmas Eve Special                           book and record label Uni-   when users would be able
                                                                      versal  Music  Group  have  to share music in videos on
                        “Love Come Down”                              signed  a  multiyear  deal  platforms owned by Face-
                                                                      that will let Facebook users  book.  They  hinted  that
                                                                      share videos that have the  more music features could
                                                                      label’s music in them.       be coming.
                         Music - Dance - Fellowship                   Right  now,  if  Facebook’s  Facebook     declined   to
                         Wesley Methodist Church                      regular  users  upload  vid-  comment  about  its  music    In this Monday, June 19, 2017,
                                                                      eos that contain Universal’s  strategy  beyond  the  press   file  photo,  a  user  gets  ready
                             Long Fellowstraat 3                      music,  the  videos  will  get  release.  Universal  also  de-  to  launch  Facebook  on  an
                         (Behind Talk of the Town)                    taken  down.  Universal,  a  clined to comment.           iPhone,  in  North  Andover,
                                                                                                   Facebook  is  trying  to  get
                                                                      unit  of  French  media  con-
                             Oranjestad, Aruba                        glomerate Vivendi SA, has  people to watch and share                  Associated Press
                                                                      rights  to  music  from  artists  more videos.            ing    subscriptions,   but
                      For information call (297) 584-5243             including  Jay-Z,  Rihanna,  YouTube,  the  world’s  larg-  Spotify  and  Apple  Music
                         Sun., Dec. 24th, 2017 at 6 PM                Bruce Springsteen and Jus-   est  destination  for  online   are  thought  to  be  more
                                                                      tin Bieber.                  video,  sells  music-stream-  popular.q
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