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             Saturday 23 december 2017
                                                                           What makes Will Smith’s world

                                                                                ‘Bright’ _ money, he jokes

                                                                      By NICOLE EVATT              signed  to  reunite  with  the  ger scale that are in place
                                                                      Associated Press             rookie Nick Jakoby, the first  in order to allow people to
                                                                      LOS ANGELES (AP) — “Just  Orc to serve with the LAPD.  feel OK about treating oth-
                                                                      money. Lots of money.”       Jakoby  is  played  by  Joel  er  people  badly  became
                                                                      So goes Will Smith’s tongue-  Edgerton.                   more  and  more  a  sort  of
                                                                      in-cheek summation of why  Edgerton joined Smith dur-     magnify thing, I think, as we
                                                                      he took on what has turned  ing  a  recent  round  of  in-  were making it.”
                                                                      into  one  of  the  worst  re-  terviews  in  Los  Angeles  Smith  considers  science
                                                                      viewed films of the season,  and  agreed  that  the  issue  fiction  “emotionally  dis-
             In this Dec. 15, 2017 photo, Will Smith poses for photographers   the  big-budget  Netflix  re-  of  racism  grew  more  and  tant  and  safe  for  the  au-
            upon arrival at the European premiere of the Netflix film ‘Bright’
            in London. Smith is at it again as a sci-fi cop in the new Netflix   lease “Bright.”   more  important  as  filming  dience,  so  you  get  to  talk
            film “Bright.” T                                          The seasoned film cop and  went on.                       about  things  and  say  and
                                                     Associated Press  science  fiction  star  does  “Not  because  the  topic  do  things  that  you  really
                                                                      it  all  over  again,  playing  suddenly  became  a  more  couldn’t  if  you  were trying
                                                                      a  police  officer  with  racist  kind of evolved or new top-  to  hit  the  subject  on  the
                                                                      feelings  against  his  other-  ic,” Edgerton said. “It just so  head.”
                                                                      worldly  partner  who  hap-  happened that there are a  That’s  exactly  what  his
                                                                      pens to be an Orc in a land  lot of really bad things hap-  character  does,  he  said,
                                                                      also  occupied  by  Elves,  pening  that  were  news-     going  “straight  down  the
                                                                      Fairies  and  at  least  one  worthy.  And  when  things  middle  on  the  insanity  of
                                                                      Centaur.                     become  newsworthy,  un-     these  racist  concepts,  but
                                                                      Smith’s  Officer  Ward  has  fortunately  the  subject  of  it doesn’t feel like that be-
                                                                      just returned to the job af-  how  we  treat  each  other  cause of the nature of the
                                                                      ter  being  shot  and  is  as-  and  the  policies  on  a  big-  world.”q
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