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PEOPLE & ARTS Saturday 23 december 2017
Jodie Foster goes behind the camera at a creepy Netflix show
By MARK KENNEDY that involved. It’s different implications of eavesdrop-
AP Entertainment Writer with boys, she said. “When ping on her daughter as
NEW YORK (AP) — The first you’re raising a man, you’re she grows into a woman.
movie that Jodie Foster just so in awe at how differ- The actress laughs about
ever directed was about ent they are,” she said. “It’s a “gentle tension” on the
a single mom raising a son. just so amazing to you how set. “I sometimes felt Jodie
Her latest project behind different they are in every was really rooting for the
the camera is also about a way — not just the physical daughter and I was re-
single mom — but this time ways but how they think. ally rooting for myself. So
one who is raising a daugh- It’s very easy to understand we had this combustible
ter. that they are separate thing,” said DeWitt. “It’s a
For an episode of the Netflix from you. It’s not so easy, really sticky relationship —
series “Black Mirror,” Foster I think, with female chil- mothers and daughters.” This image released by Netflix shows Rosemarie Dewitt, left,
and Aniya Hodge, seated right, in an episode of “Black Mirror,”
had to dig deep into moth- dren.” The “Black Mirror” Brooker’s script intrigued directed by Jodie Foster. Season four of “Black Mirror,” will be
er-daughter dynamics to episode, titled “ArkAngel,” both women with its ethical available for streaming on Netflix starting Dec. 29.
tell the story of a mom so is part of season four of writ- quandaries and rich char-
anxious about her girl that er Charlie Brooker’s anthol- acters. Foster likens the se-
she turns to a sophisticated ogy series that taps into our ries to “The Twilight Zone,”
surveillance tool. collective unease with the serving up twists and messy
Foster is a mother of two modern world. Foster’s epi- human reactions to tech-
boys — and her debut as sode stars Rosemarie De- nology. “In some ways, the
a director was “Little Man Witt, whose credits include technology has outpaced
Tate” in 1991 — so she “La La Land” and “Mad our ethics and the ability for
reached back to how she Men.” DeWitt, who has two us to understand the mon-
interacted with her own young daughters, plays ster that we’ve created,”
mom and the push and pull the mom wrestling with the she said.q