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A4   U.S. NEWS
                       Monday 17 July 2023

            California’s Death Valley sizzles as brutal heat wave continues

            By  SETH  BORENSTEIN  and                                                              with  triple-digit  days  and  in 1913 in Death Valley and
            ADAM BEAM                                                                              little nighttime relief.     131  degrees  (55  degrees
            Associated Press                                                                       Heat  records  are  being  Celsius)  in  Tunisia  in  July
            Long  the  hottest  place  on                                                          shattered  all  over  the  U.S.  1931. Burt, a weather histo-
            Earth,  Death  Valley  put  a                                                          South,  from  California  to  rian for The Weather Com-
            sizzling  exclamation  point                                                           Florida.  But  it’s  far  more  pany,  finds  fault  with  both
            Sunday on a record warm                                                                than  that.  It’s  worldwide  of  those  measurements
            summer that is baking near-                                                            with  devastating  heat  hit-  and lists 130 degrees in July
            ly the entire globe by flirting                                                        ting  Europe,  along  with  2021 in Death Valley as his
            with  some  of  the  hottest                                                           dramatic  floods  in  the  U.S.  hottest recorded tempera-
            temperatures  ever  record-                                                            Northeast,  India,  Japan  ture on Earth.
            ed, meteorologists said.                                                               and China.                   “130 degrees is very rare if
            Temperatures    in   Death                                                             For  nearly  all  of  July,  the  not unique,” Burt said.
            Valley,  which  runs  along   A  man  walks  on  a  pathway  Tuesday,  July  11,  2023,  in  Death   world has been in unchart-  In  July  2021  and  August
            part  of  central  California’s   Valley National Park, Calif.                         ed hot territory, according  2020,  Death  Valley  re-
            border with Nevada, were                                              Associated Press   to the University of Maine’s  corded  a  reading  of  130
            forecast  to  reach  128  de-  tion’s  records  coordinator,  weekend.   Four   people  Climate Reanalyzer.         degrees (54.4 degrees Cel-
            grees  (53.33  degrees  Cel-  said  in  an  email.  “Long-  died  in  Pennsylvania  on  June  was  also  the  hottest  sius), but both are still await-
            sius) on Sunday at the aptly  term:  Global  warming  is  Saturday when heavy rains  June on record, according  ing  confirmation.  Scientists
            named Furnace Creek, the  causing  higher  and  more  caused  a  sudden  flash  to  several  weather  agen-         have  found  no  problems
            National  Weather  Service  frequent  temperature  ex-    flood that swept away mul-   cies. Scientists say there is a  so far, but they haven’t fin-
            said.                        tremes. Short-term: This par-  tiple cars. Three other peo-  decent  chance  that  2023  ished  the  analysis,  NOAA
            The  hottest  temperature  ticular  weekend  is  being  ple,  including  a  9-month-   will go down as the hottest  climate  analysis  chief  Russ
            ever  record  was  134  de-  driven by a very very strong  old  boy  and  a  2-year-old  year on record, with mea-  Vose said.
            grees  (56.67  degrees  Cel-  upper  level  ridge  of  high  girl,  remained  missing.  In  surements  going  back  to  There are other places simi-
            sius) in July 1913 at Furnace  pressure  over  the  Western  Vermont,  authorities  were  the middle of the 19th cen-  lar to Death Valley that may
            Creek, said Randy Ceverny  U.S.”                          concerned  about  land-      tury.                        be as hot, such as Iran’s Lut
            of  the  World  Meteorologi-  On Sunday in Death Valley,  slides as rain continued af-  Death  Valley  dominates  Desert,  but  like  Death  Val-
            cal Organization, the body  meteorologists  were  track-  ter days of flooding.        global heat records. In the  ley  are  uninhabited  so  no
            recognized  as  keeper  of  ing high clouds in the area  Death  Valley’s  brutal  tem-  valley,  it’s  not  only  hot,  it  one  measures  there,  Burt
            world  records.  Tempera-    that  could  keep  tempera-  peratures  come  amid  a  stays brutally warm.            said.  The  difference  was
            tures  at  or  above  130  de-  tures in check.           blistering  stretch  of  hot  Some  meteorologists  have  someone  decided  to  put
            grees  (54.44  degrees  Cel-  “The all-time record seems  weather    that   has   put  disputed  how  accurate  an  official  weather  station
            sius)  have  only  been  re-  fairly safe today,” said Matt  roughly one-third of Ameri-  Death Valley’s 110-year-old  in Death Valley in 1911, he
            corded on Earth a handful  Woods,  a  meteorologist  cans  under  some  type  of  hot-temperature          record  said.
            of  times,  mostly  in  Death  with  the  National  Weather  heat  advisory,  watch  or  is,  with  weather  historian  A combination of long-term
            Valley.                      Service’s  Las  Vegas  office,  warning.  Las  Vegas  also  Christopher  Burt  disputing  human-caused    climate
            “With global warming, such  which  monitors  Death  Val-  faced  the  possibility  of  it for several reasons, which  change  from  the  burning
            temperatures  are  becom-    ley.                         reaching an all-time record  he laid out in a blog post a  of coal, oil and natural gas
            ing more and more likely to  The  heat  wave  is  just  one  temperature  on  Sunday,  few years ago.               is  making  the  world  hotter
            occur,” Ceverny, the World  part of the extreme weath-    while residents from Sacra-  The  two  hottest  tempera-  by  the  decade,  with  ups
            Meteorological  Organiza-    er  hitting  the  U.S.  over  the  mento to Phoenix grappled  tures on record are the 134  and downs year by year.q

            Earthquake  off  the  Alaska  coast  triggers  brief  tsunami  advisory,

            sending some residents to shelters

            By The Associated Press      media post that the earth-                                                             There  were  an  estimated
            A  7.2  magnitude  earth-    quake  occurred  106  kilo-                                                            eight  aftershocks  in  the
            quake triggered a brief tsu-  meters (65.8 miles) south of                                                          same  area  of  Alaska,  in-
            nami  advisory  for  southern  Sand Point, Alaska, at 10:48                                                         cluding one measuring 5.0
            Alaska  late  Saturday,  but  p.m.  Saturday.  The  quake                                                           magnitude  within  three
            the advisory was canceled  initially was reported as 7.4                                                            minutes  of  the  original
            about an hour later, moni-   magnitude but downgrad-                                                                earthquake,  KTUU-TV  re-
            toring bodies reported.      ed to 7.2 soon after.                                                                  ported.
            The  earthquake  was  felt  The  U.S.  National  Weather                                                            Residents were advised not
            widely throughout the Aleu-  Service sent a tsunami ad-                                                             to  reoccupy  hazard  zones
            tian  Islands,  the  Alaskan  visory  saying  the  quake                                                            without clearance from lo-
            Peninsula  and  Cook  Inlet  occurred at a depth of 13                                                              cal  emergency  officials,
            regions,  according  to  the  miles  (21  kilometers).  The                                                         KTUU reported.
            Alaska Earthquake Center.    agency cancelled the ad-                                                               Small  sea  level  changes
            In  Kodiak,  Alaska,  sirens  visory  about  an  hour  after   This file photo provided by Andy Varner, city administrator for   were  still  possible,  KTUU  re-
                                                                      Sand Point, Alaska, shows the city’s harbor on June 7, 2016.
            warned of a possible tsuna-  the first alert.                                                      Associated Press  ported.
            mi and sent people driving  Before  the  cancellation,                                                              Alaska  experiences  thou-
            to shelters late at night, ac-  the  National  Weather  Ser-  Unimak Pass, but Kodiak Is-  Management Agency said  sands of earthquakes each
            cording to video posted to  vice in Anchorage, Alaska,  land  and  the  Kenai  Penin-  shortly  after  the  tsunami  year, most of which are too
            social media.                tweeted  that  the  tsunami  sula were not expected to  warning  went  out  that  deep  and  too  small  to  be
            The United States Geologi-   advisory applied to coastal  be impacted.                 there was no threat to the  felt.q
            cal Survey wrote in a social  Alaska from Chignik Bay to  The   Hawaii   Emergency  islands.
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