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                                                                                         WORLD NEWS Monday 17 July 2023

            EU  and  Tunisia  announce  progress  in  building

            economic and trade ties

            TUNIS,  Tunisia  (AP)  —  Eu-                                                          Specific  aid  that  von  der
            ropean  leaders  and  Tuni-                                                            Leyen  announced  includ-
            sia’s  president  announced                                                            ed  a  10-million  euro  ($11
            progress  on  Sunday  in  the                                                          million)  program  to  boost
            building of hoped-for clos-                                                            exchanges of students and
            er  economic  and  trade                                                               65 million euros ($73 million)
            relations  and  on  measures                                                           in EU funding to modernize
            to  combat  the  often  le-                                                            Tunisian schools.
            thal  smuggling  of  migrants                                                          On migration, Von der Ley-
            across  the  Mediterranean                                                             en  said:  “We  need  an  ef-
            Sea.                                                                                   fective  cooperation  more
            The  leaders  of  Italy,  the                                                          than ever.”
            Netherlands  and  the  Euro-                                                           The  EU  will  work  with  Tuni-
            pean  Commission  made                                                                 sia  on  an  anti-smuggling
            their second visit to Tunis in                                                         partnership,  will  increase
            just over a month. They ex-                                                            coordination   in   search
            pressed hope that a mem-     In  this  photo  provided  by  the  Tunisian  Presidency,  Tunisian   and rescue operations and
            orandum newly signed with    President  Kais  Saied,  left,  shakes  hand  with  European   both  sides  also  agreed  to
            Tunisia during the trip would   Commission President Ursula von der Leyen at the presidential   cooperate on border man-
            pave  the  way  for  a  com-  palace in Carthage, Tunisia, Sunday, July 16, 2023.      agement,  she  said.  Von
                                                                                  Associated Press
            prehensive partnership.                                                                der Leyen pledged 100 mil-
            On their last visit in June, the  der  Leyen,  Italian  Premier  we will now put into prac-  lion  euros ($112  million)  for
            leaders held out the prom-   Giorgia  Meloni  and  Dutch  tice swiftly.”               those efforts — a figure she
            ise  of  more  than  1  billion  Prime  Minister  Mark  Rutte  Saied,  speaking  through  had  already  announced
            euros ($1.1 billion) in finan-  didn’t  detail  the  full  mon-  a  interpreter,  said  that  he  on  the  leaders’  previous
            cial  aid  to  rescue  Tunisia’s  etary value of EU aid on of-  expects the memorandum  visit.
            teetering  economy  and  fer to Tunisia, in statements  to  be  followed  by  “a  set  Tunisia has faced an inter-
            better police its borders, in  they  made  after  talks  with  of binding agreements” —  national  outcry  over  the
            an effort to restore stability  Tunisian   President   Kais  suggesting  more  negotiat-  plight  of  hundreds  of  mi-
            to the North African coun-   Saied.                       ing work ahead.              grants who were deported
            try  and  to  stem  migration  But von der Leyen said the  Tunisia  intends  to  imple-  to  inhospitable  desert  ar-
            from its shores to Europe.   latest  trip  secured  agree-  ment the memorandum “in  eas on the Libya and Alge-
            This  time,  European  Com-  ment on “a comprehensive  the nearest time possible,”  ria borders.q
            mission President Ursula von  package of measures that  he said.

            Iran’s  morality  police  return  after  protests  in  a  new

            campaign to impose Islamic dress on women

            DUBAI,  United  Arab  Emir-                                                            notifying  and  then  detain-
            ates (AP) — Iranian authori-                                                           ing  women  not  wearing
            ties on Sunday announced                                                               hijab  in  public.  In  Tehran,
            a  new  campaign  to  force                                                            the men and women of the
            women to wear the Islamic                                                              morality  police  could  be
            headscarf and morality po-                                                             seen  patrolling  the  streets
            lice  returned  to  the  streets                                                       in marked vans.
            10  months  after  the  death                                                          Late  Saturday,  police  ar-
            of  a  woman  in  their  cus-                                                          rested  Mohammed  Sade-
            tody  sparked  nationwide                                                              ghi, a young and relatively
            protests.                                                                              unknown actor, in a raid on
            The  morality  police  had                                                             his  home  that  he  appears
            largely pulled back follow-                                                            to  have  broadcast  on  so-
            ing  the  death  of  22-year-                                                          cial media. Earlier, he had
            old  Mahsa  Amini  last  Sep-                                                          posted a video in response
            tember,    as    authorities   Iranian women make their way along a sidewalk in downtown   to  another  online  video
            struggled  to  contain  mass   Tehran, Iran, Tuesday, April 26, 2016.   Associated Press   showing  a  woman  being
            protests calling for the over-                                                         detained  by  the  morality
            throw of the theocracy that  pecially in the capital, Teh-  had  not  changed.  Iran’s  police. “Believe me, if I see
            has ruled Iran for over four  ran, and other cities.      clerical rulers view the hijab  such a scene, I might com-
            decades.                     The  morality  police  were  as a key pillar of the Islam-  mit murder,” he said.
            The  protests  largely  died  only  rarely  seen  patrolling  ic  revolution  that  brought  The website of the semi-offi-
            down  earlier  this  year  fol-  the streets, and in Decem-  them to power, and consid-  cial Hamshahri daily, which
            lowing a heavy crackdown  ber, there were even some  er more casual dress a sign  is affiliated with the Tehran
            in  which  over  500  protest-  reports  —  later  denied  —  of Western decadence.    municipality,  said  he  was
            ers  were  killed  and  nearly  that  they  had  been  dis-  On  Sunday,  Gen.  Saeed  arrested  for  encouraging
            20,000 detained. But many  banded.                        Montazerolmahdi, a police  people  to  use  weapons
            women  continued  to  flout  Authorities insisted through-  spokesman,  said  the  mo-  against the police.q
            the official dress code, es-  out  the  crisis  that  the  rules  rality  police  would  resume
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