P. 12

12                                                            AWEMainta                                            Diahuebs, 15 Maart 2018

                                                                                                Marisol Lopez-Tromp a aclarea:

                                                                                                      Durante cu e tabata

                                                                                                     Minister el a tuma e

                                                                                                 decision di duna DPS un
                                 AUCTION                                                        posicion mas fuerte como

                                       ex. 3:268 Civil Code of Aruba                           dienst, no como fundacion


                                                                                               E topico di DPS ta uno cu ta hopi discuti
                                    April 12, 2018                                             e ultimo simannan unda cu Minister Lampe

                                                                                               a anuncia algun tempo pasa di kier haci un

                    On Thursday  April  12, 2018, at 11  AM,  at the  Conference               fundacion di dje.
                    Room of the Chamber of Commerce, Irausquin Boulevard 10,
                    Aruba, will be auctioned in public:                                        Lider  di fraccion  di POR  den Parlamento,
                                                                                               Marisol Lopez-Tromp  a  indica  cu  despues

                    1. A residential  house locally known as:                                  di esaki e minister a acudi na Parlamento pa
                                                                                               splica pakico e kier tuma e pasonan ey.
                          TANKI LEENDERT 159-A

                                                                                               Despues di esaki por a ripara basta reaccion
                    standing on full ownership  land,  ±  838 m2 size,  situated at Tanki
                    Leendert  in Aruba,  locally recorded  as First Division  Section L number   den comunidad tambe y siman pasa, diferente
                    3249, with index D4824.
                                                                                               miembro di Parlamento, incluyendo Marisol
                    Starting bid: Afl. 135.000,--                                              Lopez-Tromp  y Alan Howell representando

                                                                                               fraccion di POR, a reuni cu varios docente
                    2. A residential  house locally known as:
                                                                                               unda nan a vocifera nan preocupacionnan,
                              TOTOLICASTRAAT 5                                                 sugerencianan  y a bin dilanti  cu  diferente

                                                                                               pregunta. Diamars lo mester a tuma lugar un
                    standing on  a parcel  of  full ownership  land, 755 m2  size, situated    reunion di Comision di Enseñansa den Parla-
                    at Totolicastraat  in Aruba,  locally recorded  as First  Division Section
                    S number 65.                                                               mento cu e sindicatonan y DPS, pero esaki a

                    Starting bid: Afl. 116.000,--                                              keda cancela te cu un proximo aviso.

                    3. A residential  house locally known as:                                  Lopez-Tromp a tuma nota dialuna den prensa

                      RUDOLF ARENDSSTRAAT 42                                                   cu Minister Lampe a dicidi di aplasa of can-
                                                                                               cela e decision di haci di DPS un fundacion

                    standing on  a parcel  of  full ownership  land,  727 m2  size, situated   y a duna un splicacion pa cu e decision aki.
                    at Rudolf Arendstraat  in Aruba, locally recorded as First Division Section
                    N number  307.
                                                                                               Den e splicacion di Minister Lampe, Parla-
                    Starting bid: To be announced
                                                                                               mentaria di POR a nota cu su nomber a bin
               Auction notary: mr. T.R. Johnson                                                dilanti den e funcion cu el a ocupa den pasa-

                                                                                               do como Minister di Enseñansa vociferando
              •        The auction is subject to the general conditions for foreclosure auctions and
                       special auction conditions which will be determined by civil law notary T.R.   cu e idea pa haci di DPS un fundacion no ta
              •        The auction will take place by  raising bids (in Dutch: “bij opbod”) and by   algo di awo, cu ta algo cu ta data di basta aña
                       decreasing bids (in Dutch: “bij afmijning”), in one session.
              •        Seller has the right to not accept any bid, at his sole discretion.     caba. Esaki ta algo cu ta berdad, segun Lopez-
              •        Each bidder must be able to submit a bankguarantee issued by a reputable   Tromp, pero tin poni cu na 2004 su persona
                       bank in Aruba to the amount of the highest bid increased with an amount
                       equal to the auction costs.                                             como Minister lo a dicici pa haci mescos cu
              •        A private written bid can be submitted until March 28, 2018, 5 PM.      loke e ta haciendo awor, es decir haci algo cu

                                                                                               ya caba a wordo dicidi e tempo ey.
                                                 For more information:

                        WWW.JOHNSONNOTARY.COM/AUCTIONS                                                [ Continuacion na siguiente pagina ]
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