Page 10 - AHATA
P. 10
Friday 3 February 2023 locAl
Consumer Price Index, base period June 2019 - December 2022
Part 2
The Central Bureau of Sta- tionery” (0.6%) and “Vege-
tistics presents the most tables” (0.6%). The only two
important findings for the decreases were registered
Consumer Price Index in the indices for “Potatoes
(CPI) for the month of De- and other tubers” (-2.5%)
cember 2022. and “Meat” (-0.2%) in De-
cember 2022.
Change in prices of crude
oil, utilities, gasoline and The index for “Food away
diesel in December 2022 from home” increased by
The prices of utilities (elec- 1.9% in December 2022.
tricity and water), gaso-
line and diesel are for the In December 2022, “Food
greater part determined at home” and “Food away
by international crude oil from home” as a group
prices. In December 2022 showed an increase in
the average price per bar- of -0.04 ppts on the CPI of price of 1.0% compared to
rel of crude oil (US$ 76.80) December 2022. November 2022, and had
had a decrease of US$ 8.28 In December 2022, utilities, an effect of 0.16 ppts on
(-9.7%) compared to No- gasoline and diesel as a the CPI, while the remain-
vember 2022 (US$ 85.08). ing goods and services, as
group, showed a decrease
in price of 2.1% compared a group, experienced an
The prices of electricity to November 2022, and increase in price of 0.3%,
and water did not change had an influence of -0.38 causing an effect of -0.27
compared to November ppts on the CPI, while the ppts on the CPI.
2022. Subsequently, the remaining 404 goods and
average electricity price services, as a group, show The subsistence level in De-
per household remained an increase of 0.3% and cember 2022
at Afl. 294.56, while the av- had an effect of 0.27 ppts The subsistence level is
erage price of water per on the CPI. the minimum level of in-
household remained at Afl. come which is perceived
168.73. Change in prices of Food necessary to achieve an
& catering services in De- adequate standard of liv-
In December 2022 the price cember 2022 ing in a given country. The
of gasoline registered a de- The “Food & catering ser- crease of 0.6% in Decem- (2.2%) in December 2022. subsistence level is usually
crease of Afl. 17.70 cents vices” index showed an ber, as nine (9) of the elev- Furthermore, other signifi- determined by estimating
(-6.6%) and had an effect increase of 1.0% in Decem- en (11) “Food at home” cant increases were post- the cost of all the essential
of -0.34 ppts on the CPI. The ber 2022, after an increase indices increased in De- ed in the indices for “Fruit” resources that an aver-
price of diesel registered a of 1.4% in November cember 2022. The “Bread (1.4%), “Food products age adult consumes in one
decrease of Afl. 23.80 cents 2022. The index for “Food and cereals” index regis- n.e.c.” (0.9%), “Sugar, jam, month or year. This is com-
(-8.4%) and had an effect monly called a basic needs
at home” showed an in- tered the largest increase honey and other confec-
index, and varies accord-
ing to the price of food,
clothing, housing, trans-
port and other items in the
"basket". Equivalent scales
are used to adjust the as-
sumed standard of living, of
households of different sizes
and composition.
The scale assigns a weight
of 1.0 for the first adult
and 0.5 for each addition-
al adult in the household
(aged 15+) and a weight
of 0.3 for each child (aged
0-14 years). The subsistence
level is based on figures of
the report “Bestaansmini-
mum 2010” published by
the CBS in December 2010
and is monthly updated for
inflation using the monthly
CPI. The reference unit used
in this report is a household
consisting of two (2) adults
and two (2) children (aged
0-14 years).q