Page 7 - AHATA
P. 7
local Friday 3 February 2023
Investors interested in the development of Aruba
ORANJESTAD —Wednesday morning, real the road. Despite this, Mrs. Godet is opti-
estate tycoon Rosa Nurys Godet held a mistic — yet firm—with her wishes to keep
press conference with Aruba Today and improving the communication between
other news outlets to highlight the impor- government institutions and investors as
tance of clear communication and team- she expresses to us how she already has
work when developing new projects. some new project ideas up her sleeve,
some of which she has already proposed
Her real estate investment company has to the government of Aruba.
specialized in investing and developing
public infrastructures for both the Aruban In her statement, she expresses her passion
locals and tourists since 2014. In the past 8 and determination for her work, along with
years, the company has provided beauti- her love for the island and her wish to be
ful structures and entertainment spaces for involved in the island’s growth. It is for this
the community of Aruba, such as the Palm reason that she also urges for the space
Beach Plaza along the hotel strip in Noord, for young investors to grow on the island.
Rose Alley in main street, Oranjestad along As a proud mother of two young investors
with other structures in that same area. herself, she strives to teach her children to
always conduct business in a proper way:
Mrs. Godet, who is also an international “either you do it and complete it, or don’t
business consultant, has revealed the do it at all.”
growing interest of foreign and local inves-
tors in new developments on the island. Finally, she thanked Aruba Today for giv-
With this, she highlighted the importance ing her a platform to express her passion,
of teamwork and communication be- and she points out how the interest from
tween all parties involved in the develop- herself and other investors to see Aruba
ment of new projects. grow into its full potential is still there: “We
are looking to see an island full of flowers,
Of course, when taking up new projects, comfort, and happiness.”q
there are going to be some bumps on
Minister Geoffrey Wever:
We need to create necessary conditions
for sustainable developments on Aruba
Ocean life; 15. Land life; 16. other representatives of necessary conditions in or-
Peace, justice and strong UN organizations. The UN is der to reach this goal, like
institution; 17. Partnership to an important international national awareness about
achieve goals. strategy partner in the im- the SDGs, the fortification
plementation of SDGs. of national and interna-
This week, the Resident Co- tional strategy partners,
ordinator of the United Na- Minister Wever: “Aruba improvement of govern-
tions for Aruba, Curacao, knows of different plans mental processes and the
(Oranjestad)—Recently, between the 3 essential St. Maarten, Trinidad & To- and initiatives to further prioritization aligned with
Minister of Sustainable De- elements of sustainable bago and Suriname will visit develop sustainability. It’s limited financial and hu-
velopment, Mr. Geoffrey developments: economic Aruba, along with different also important to work with man resources.”q
Wever, met with represen- growth, social inclusion and
tatives of the Sustainable protection of the environ-
Development Goals Com- ment.
mittee (SDG) and the facul- The SDGs consist of 17
ty of Sustainable Develop- goals, on which countries
ment Planning of Economic work to reach their na-
Issues, Trade and Indus- tional goals. The goals are
try (DEZHI) about the next as follows: 1. End poverty;
steps in implementing the 2. End hunger; 3. Health
SDG framework from the and Wellness; 4. Quality
United Nations. educacion; 5.Equality be-
tween genders; 6. Clean
Since 2015, Aruba adopted water; 7. Clean energy and
the UN Goals for Sustain- economy; 8. Decent em-
able Development agen- ployment and economic
da for 2030. The agenda growth; 9. Innovation and
consists of global goals for infrastructure; 10. Reduce
sustainability based on the unequality; 11. Sustainable
principals of Human Rights communities and neigh-
and the “Leave no one be- borhoods; 12. Responsible
hind” slogan, which is cru- production and consump-
cial for reaching harmony tion; 13. Climate action; 14.