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Thursday 1 March 2018
Purim This Year To Be Celebrated In The Animal Garden
-Thursday’s Purim celebra- The event is a community- join- refreshments after the
tion to feature a buffet din- wide program, and all are service.
ner and fun for all at Phillip’a welcome to join, regard-
Animal Garden. less of Jewish affiliation or Event Recap:
background. Participants What: Purim in the Jungle.
NOORD ARUBA — “PURIM will enjoy a full buffet din- Where: Phillip’s Animal Gar-
IN THE JUNGLE” is Chabad ner, fun with the animals den.
of Aruba’s creative twist to and a reading of the Book When: March 1st 5pm.
this year’s community cel- of Esther known in Hebrew Cost: Very reasonable –
ebration of Purim, the holi- as the Megillah. please inquire.
day commemorating the “The event is focused pri- What is the holiday of Pu-
Jewish people’s salvation in marily on spirit, fun, and tra- rim?
Persia of old. The festivities dition.” says Rabbi Ahron The festival of Purim is cel-
will be held at Phillip’s Ani- Blasberg, who organized ebrated every year on the
mal Garden on Thursday the event, “everyone is sure 14th of the Hebrew month
March 1st at 5pm. to have a great time!” of Adar. It begins this year en, in a single day.” It is ob- day of Purim and its obser-
Known as the most joyous In the spirit of Purim, par- after sundown on March served by public readings vances, contact Chabad
date on the Jewish calen- ticipants are encouraged 11 and ends at nightfall on of the Megillah, or Scroll of Aruba at Rabbi@JewishA-
dar, the daylong holiday to come in costume, and March 12. Esther, to recount the story or visit our web-
commemorates the nul- there will be a competition The holiday commemo- of the Purim miracle, send- site at www.JewishAruba/
lification in 356 B.C.E. of a for the most innovative or rates the salvation of the ing food gifts to friends, giv- purim.q
Persian decree calling for funny entries. Jewish people in Ancient ing gifts of money to the
the extermination of the The Megillah will also be Persia from Haman’s plot poor and enjoying a festive Rabbi Ahron Blasberg
Jewish people throughout read on Wednesday eve- “to destroy, kill and anni- Purim meal. Chabad Aruba
the Persian Empire as told in ning Feb 28th at 7.15pm at hilate all the Jews, young For more information on Pu- 297 592 7613
the biblical Book of Esther. Chabad. All welcome to and old, infants and wom- rim festivities or on the holi-
Loyal Guests Honored at Costa Linda Beach Resort
gether with associates from work here and all of our
the Costa Linda Beach Re- ‘winter family’ make us feel
sort. like we are at home. Aruba
Mr. DiGiorgio tells us, “My is one Happy Island. My
wife and I have been com- wife and I are honored to
ing to Aruba for the past have received the Honor-
forty two years. We love ev- ary Emerald Ambassador
erything about this beauti- Award. Thank you to all the
ful island. The Costa Linda people that made it pos-
is a very special place. The sible. We love you all.”
beaches, the people that -Bob & Edie.q
EAGLE BEACH - Recently is presented in the name tive annual visit to Aruba!
the Aruba Tourism Author- of the Minister of Tourism These special visitors love
ity had the great pleasure as a token of appreciation Aruba very much because
of honoring a couple of to guests who visit Aruba of the people, Costa Linda,
loyal and friendly visitors of for 35-or-more consecutive and the sun, sand and sea.
Aruba at the Costa Linda years. The certificate and com-
Beach Resort as Emerald The honorees were Mr. Rob- memorative coin were pre-
Ambassadors. ert and Mrs. Ida DiGiorgio sented by Ms. Marouska
from Massachusetts, cele- Heyliger representing the
The symbolic honorary title brating their 42nd consecu- Aruba Tourism Authority to-