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Friday 14 June 2024 LOCAL

            Enjoy one of the best views on Aruba at the top of the Hooiberg Hill

            (Oranjestad)—If  you  are  a  in Venezuela, providing one  National Park.              may still be a work out to get
            regular hiker, or maybe want  of the best views you can get  The staircase that run on the  on top. In addition, there is
            to spice up your morning work  on Aruba.                  side of the hill was first built  now a gazebo placed half-
            out session, then you might                               in 1951, when Mr. Eduardo  way up the stair for a little rest.
            enjoy one of the most popular  located at the center district  Tromp constructed it. At that  The view at this resting stop
            climbing sites on the island:  of the island, Santa Cruz, the  time, the staircase consisted  is also a sight to see.
            The Hooiberg Hill. Accompa-  Hooiberg Hill is the second  of 900 steps. Over time, as the
            nied with a 600-step staircase,  highest point on the island at  steps faced erosion, the gov-  The best time to climb the hill
            this hill overlooks a great part  165 meters above sea level  ernment decided to renovate  would be early in the morning
            of the island, the Caribbean  (or about 540 feet above sea  these stairs in 1991. This new  or right before sunset, as it
            sea, and sometimes even the  level). The highest point is Ja-  project delivered the newer  may not be as hot. However,
            Santa Anna mountain located  manota Hill at 189 meters (620  staircase with only 587 steps.  the hill is of course open all
            in the coastal state of  Falcon  feet), located in the Arikok  However, don’t be fooled—it  day, every day.q

            Episode CXXXI- 131 - Aruba’s reforestation

            NOORD  —  In  this  episode  recreate a landscape tak-
            we  will  focus  on  the  need  ing as a reference the veg-
            to reforest the island com-  etation  that  supposedly
            bating  rising  temperatures  would have existed there if
            of our planet. We must work  there had been no human
            form out local communities  incursion.
            and  increase  the  pressure  The  advantages  of  this
            on  our  leaders.  However  method      are   abundant
            reforestation  is  not  a  mat-  and  are  not  only  linked  to
            ter  of  repopulating  without  the  growth  speed  of  the
            ecological  criteria  but  of  chosen  native  species  but
            opting for island of endem-  also  from  a  recreational
            ic  biodiversity  as  an  eco-  and  social  point  of  view,
            logical strategy.            incorporating native plants
                                         allows  them  to  be  valued,
            In the 1990s, after decades  made known and with their
            of observation and years of  rapid  growth  it  achieves
            study, Akira Miyawaki dem-   that  people  love  them  by
            onstrated  that  the  recov-  protecting  and  caring  for
            ery of the potential natural  them.
            vegetation of a degraded  The  success  of  implement-
            land  was  achieved  more  ing  the  Miyawaki  method  available  land  and  follow  they  exist,  and  do  not  use   its  layers,  which  are  what,
            quickly  by  planting  indig-  consists  primarily  in  adapt-  their  growth  with  minimal  pesticides  or  added  prod-  guarantees the ecosystem
            enous species, as opposed  ing it to the place accord-    intervention.                ucts. Follow the growth rate   services that we expect.
            to what was previously be-   ing  to  the  environmental  In a first step, the soil must  of the plants during the first   The  Miyawaki  method  is
            lieved to be with the mas-   conditions  and  in  parallel  be  identified,  looking  for  two years through irrigation   based  on  taking  advan-
            sive  repopulation  of  non-  knowing  exactly  the  lo-  its  deficiencies  and  nutri-  and  weeding  and  plant   tage  of  the  “potential
            native trees fast growing.   cal  vegetation,  its  variants  ents  that  it  has,  defining  them at a very high density.         natural  vegetation”  prin-
            The  Miyawaki  method  is  and  the  way  in  which  it  is  the  species  that  adapt  to  We  must  be  aware  that   ciple. Where any land that
            an  ecological  restoration  expressed.    Fundamental  the climate and the place.  planting  more  trees  does     is  fertile  and  without  any
            method  that,  based  on  stages to achieve amazing  Search  the  region  for  the  not create forests because      human  intervention  would
            the  Potential  Natural  Veg-  results. In this way, the idea  biomass necessary to fill the  the forest is a living structure   develop a lush and sustain-
            etation of a space, aims to  is  to  plant  native  plants  in  deficiencies  of  the  land,  if  that requires its border and   able  forest  in  a  maximum
                                                                                                                                of 1000 years.
                                                                                                                                If human support and sus-
                                                                                                                                tainable  collaboration  ex-
                                                                                                                                ists  in  this  same  area,  the
                                                                                                                                development  time  of  the
                                                                                                                                forest would be shortened
                                                                                                                                to 100 years.Q

                                                                                                                                To get to know a little more
                                                                                                                                regarding  Aruba’s  and  its
                                                                                                                                cultural  origins,  etc.  We
                                                                                                                                highly  recommend  you  to
                                                                                                                                book  your  participation  in
                                                                                                                                our cultural encounter ses-
                                                                                                                                sion.  A  mind  opening  rev-
                                                                                                                                elation  and  entertaining
                                                                                                                                island  experience.  What-
                                                      Article by: Etnia Nativa                                                  sapp + 297 5922702 or mail
                                                      Whatsapp us +297 592 2702 and book                                        our  facilities  and  activities
                                                               your Aruban exprerience                                          take  place  close  to  high
                                                                                                                                rise hotels.q
                                                        Etnia Nativa is close to the high rise hotels
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