Page 32 - MIN VOS NOV 23, 2015
P. 32

                                                                                                                               Monday 23 November 2015

     Kyle Bush                 ament often got in his own        the title in 2004, the inau-    Jeff Gordon, right, congratulates Kyle Busch after Busch won the
                               way. But he has mellowed          gural season of NASCAR’s        NASCAR Sprint Cup Series auto race and the season title, Sun-
 Continued from page 17        with marriage, gained             Chase format.                   day, Nov. 22, 2015, at Homestead-Miami Speedway in Home-
                               perspective after the Day-                                        stead, Fla.
“We felt like we had to take   tona wreck, and was de-           The system has been
a really big swing at it.”     termined to be on his feet        tweaked several times and                                                                           Associated Press
That made the champion-        in the delivery room when         is in the second year of
ship race a two-car battle     wife Samantha delivered           an elimination format that
between Busch and Har-         their first baby, a boy born      sends four drivers to Home-
vick, and the outgoing         in May — right after Busch        stead to race for the title.
champion simply didn’t         returned to the race car          The first driver to the finish
have enough for Busch.         and celebrated his 30th           line hoists the Cup, and
                               birthday.                         Busch won it by winning
Busch was headed to-                                             the race, the same way
ward the title via a second    “I just can’t believe it, with    Harvick did a year ago.
or third-place finish in the   everything that happened
race when NASCAR called        this year, all the turmoil, ev-   The title is the fourth NAS-
a caution for debris with      erything I went through, my       CAR crown for Joe Gibbs,
11 laps remaining. Team        wife went through,” Busch         a three-time Super Bowl
owner Joe Gibbs pumped         said. “I said back then, I’ll     winning coach, but first
his fists in frustration, but  say it again, the rehab and       Cup title since 2005.q
Busch remained calm in         then getting back and get-
the car. The field headed      ting focused was the hard-
to pit road, Busch asked       est part, the hardest thing
for an adjustment, and was     I’ve ever gone through.
second on the restart with     “To put it all together here
seven laps remaining.          tonight, this night wasn’t all
                               that hard.”
He worked his way past
leader Brad Keselowski to      His title is the first for Toyo-
claim the lead, then Busch     ta, which joined the Sprint
pulled away and handily        Cup Series in 2007 and had
beat Harvick to the finish     shots at championships but
line by 1.553 seconds.         came up empty again and
“This is pretty unbelievable.  again. It was also fitting be-
The dream of a lifetime, a     cause Joe Gibbs Racing
dream come true,” Busch        dominated a huge portion
said.                          of this season and was the
                               overwhelming favorite to
The title is a sweet reward    win the title with one of its
for Busch, who has made        four drivers.
huge personal and profes-
sional gains over the last     Busch also joins older
several years. Known as        brother, Kurt, as a NASCAR
one of most talented driv-     champion. Kurt Busch won
ers in the sport, his temper-
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