Page 34 - MIN VOS NOV 23, 2015
P. 34


sportsMonday 23 November 2015

Triple G and Canelo could be boxing’s next big thing 

TIM DAHLBERG                   That didn’t happen Satur-      are beginning to thirst for.   of them can make in a           punches, landing 118 of
AP Boxing Writer               day night at the Manda-        Two big punching middle-       fight that would match two      them to 75 for Cotto.
LAS VEGAS (AP) — Canelo        lay Bay casino, but Alvarez    weights in their prime with    big punchers in their prime.    The pro-Alvarez crowd that
Alvarez hadn’t even had        may not have to wait long.     all the major titles and box-  “I’m not afraid of any-         filled the Mandalay Bay
time to celebrate his win      The two biggest names in       ing supremacy at stake.        body,” Alvarez said.            arena liked what they saw
over Miguel Cotto when         the middleweight division      “Gennady Golovkin is a         Alvarez staked his claim        from the Mexican star, es-
the subject of Gennady         are on a collision course      great fighter, and he is       to being the best in the        pecially in the later rounds
Golovkin came up.              that could end with them in    my friend,” Alvarez said. “I   division with a unanimous       when the two traded more
Golovkin was watching at       the ring together sometime     have respect for him, but      decision over Cotto that        punches. Most were on
ringside, and had to like      next year in a megafight       if we do fight, it’s going     wasn’t as lopsided as the       their feet in the final round
what he heard.                 that could make many           to be at my weight class.      three judges scoring ring-      when the two went toe-to-
“With all due respect, if he   fans forget the retired Floyd  I’m the champion, and I        side made it look. One          toe in the early moments of
wants to fight right now I’ll  Mayweather Jr.                 don’t have to do what he       gave Alvarez 11 of the 12       the round.
put the gloves on and fight    It’s a fight both boxers       wants.”                        rounds in a fight that Cotto    Alvarez, who blamed in-
him,” Alvarez said.            want, and one fight fans       Alvarez can afford to be       was competitive in all the      experience for the only

                                                              Canelo Alvarez, of Mexico, celebrates his win over Miguel Cotto, of Puerto Rico,during a WBC

                                                              middleweight title bout Saturday, Nov. 21, 2015, in Las Vegas. 		  Associated Press

                                                              picky, but not for long. The   way to the final bell.          loss of his career — a 2013
                                                              160-pound title he won by      Alvarez never really            decision to Mayweather —
                                                              beating Cotto comes with       seemed to hurt Cotto,           solidified his position as a
                                                              strings attached — a man-      though he threw the hard-       pay-per-view draw in the
                                                              date by the WBC for him        er punches all night. While     fight. The red-head known
                                                              to fight his fellow middle-    Cotto tried to mix it up and    simply as “Canelo” among
                                                              weight champion in a unifi-    box from the outside, Alva-     fans has consistently drawn
                                                              cation bout.                   rez patiently walked him        big, enthusiastic crowds.
                                                              One scenario would be for      into some big shots that        The performance against
                                                              both boxers to fight other     proved the difference.          Cotto will surely draw more
                                                              opponents in the spring        It wasn’t a great fight, but    fans to his side.
                                                              — Alvarez has the Cinco        it was certainly a good         But Triple G has his fan
                                                              de Mayo weekend May-           one. And while Cotto was        base, too, selling out Madi-
                                                              weather always favored         bitterly disappointed, the      son Square Garden last
                                                              for his big pay-per-view       outcome was almost surely       month for a dominating
                                                              fights already lined up —      good for a sport thirsting for  win over David Lemieux.
                                                              and then meet in Septem-       good young talent.              It was Golovkin’s pay-per-
                                                              ber.                           Cotto left the ring quick-      view debut and, though it
                                                              “This fight will take Canelo   ly after the fight, leaving     didn’t sell in big numbers,
                                                              to a whole new level,” said    trainer Freddie Roach to        the fight was a coming
                                                              Oscar De La Hoya, who          speak for his effort.           out bout of sorts for those
                                                              promotes Alvarez. “This is a   “We thought it was much         not familiar with the unde-
                                                              new era in our sport.”         closer than the score cards     feated knockout artist from
                                                              This being boxing, of          showed,” Roach said. “It        Kazakhstan, who now lives
                                                              course, there’s no guar-       was a very competitive          in Los Angeles.
                                                              antee the fight will take      fight.”                         With Mayweather retired,
                                                              place. The two fighters        That was reflected in ring-     there’s an opening for oth-
                                                              have different promoters       side stats that showed Cot-     er fighters to take his place.
                                                              and differing agendas.         to throwing more punches        Unlike Mayweather, both
                                                              But they know each other       (629-484) than Alvarez but      Alvarez and Golovkin bring
                                                              well and have sparred to-      landing less (155-129). Al-     plenty of firepower into the
                                                              gether several times. They     varez was credited with         ring, something that fight
                                                              also know the millions each    throwing more power             fans love to see.q
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