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                                                                                        November 14, 2017
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            Algae floats in the water at the Maumee Bay State Park marina in Lake Erie in Oregon, Ohio, on Friday, Sept. 15, 2017. Pungent, ugly and often-toxic algae is spreading
            across U.S. waterways, even as the government spends vast sums of money to help farmers reduce fertilizer runoff that helps cause it.
                                                                                                                                     (AP Photo/Paul Sancya)
            Toxic Algae Flourishes Despite Vast Sums Spent to Prevent It

            By JOHN FLESHER                     ern Lake Erie.                      a rising threat to U.S. waters.      killing animals and hammering the
            ANGELIKI KASTANIS                   And Steele, a semipro angler, was  “It  attacked  my  immune  system  economy.
            Associated Press                    sickened by it.                     and shut down my body’s ability to  The scourge is escalating from oc-
            MONROE,  Mich.  (AP)  —  Compet-    Driving home to Port Huron, Michi-  sweat,” Steele said.                 casional nuisance to severe, wide-
            ing  in  a  bass  fishing  tournament  gan,  he  felt  lightheaded,  nau-  “If  I  wasn’t  a  healthy  51-year-old  spread hazard, overwhelming gov-
            two  years  ago,  Todd  Steele  cast  seous.                            and  had  some  type  of  medical  ernment  efforts  to  curb  a  leading
            his rod from his 21-foot motorboat  By the next morning he was too diz-  condition, it could have killed me.”  cause: fertilizer runoff from farms.
            — unaware that he was being poi-    zy  to  stand,  his  overheated  body  He recovered, but Lake Erie hasn’t.
            soned.                              covered with painful hives.         Nor have other waterways choked                     Continued on Page 3
            A thick, green scum coated west-    Hospital tests blamed toxic algae,  with algae that’s sickening people,
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