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P. 21
Tuesday 14 November 2017
Jittery French honor 130 killed in Paris attacks, 2 years on
By SYLVIE CORBET with crutches, others in loons took to sunny skies all still love rock and roll.” ress in a cafe, said she has
ANGELA CHARLTON wheelchairs, also attended above Paris in honor of the After singing, he hand- “a sense of solidarity” with
Associated Press the ceremony. victims, Macron embraced ed out white roses to the the victims’ families.
PARIS (AP) — In silence and After the commemoration, parents and siblings of vic- crowd. “What has changed since
tears, families of the victims Nov. 13, 2015, is that we are
of France’s deadliest ter- now aware that we are not
ror attacks stood alongside safe, an attack can hap-
President Emmanuel Ma- pen anywhere,” she said.
cron Monday to honor the “And still, we must continue
130 people killed two years to live our lives.”
ago when Islamic State ex- On Nov. 13, 2015, France
tremists attacked the City “entered a new era of ter-
of Light. rorism,” national police
A crowd joined them on chief Eric Morvan said Mon-
the memorial sites to lay day on BFM television.
roses and light candles in The attacks ushered in
memory of the victims. nearly two years of state
Security was tight for the of emergency, replaced
memorial events — part of just two weeks ago with
the new normal in France a tough law allowing po-
since Nov. 13, 2015. lice wider latitude against
Outside the Stade de anyone suspected of links
France national stadium, to radicalism. The state of
Macron and the mayor of emergency didn’t prevent
the Paris suburb of Saint- subsequent extremist vio-
Denis placed a wreath of lence, including a truck at-
red, white and blue flowers tack on holiday revelers on
to honor the Portuguese im- the Mediterranean shore
migrant killed by a suicide of Nice. While Islamic State
bomber, the first victim of French President Emmanuel Macron and his wife Brigitte, Paris mayor Anne Hidalgo, left, and extremists have been oust-
the night’s violence. former FrenchPresident Francois Hollande, right, release balloons at Paris 11th district town hall, ed from their Syrian strong-
The commemorations con- Monday, Nov. 13, 2017, during a ceremony held for the victims of the Paris attacks. Multicolored hold of Raqqa where the
tinued at Paris cafes, where balloons are taking to sunny skies above Paris in honor of the 130 victims of attacks on the Bataclan Paris attacks were planned,
concert hall, Paris cafes and the national stadium to mark the 2nd anniversary of the worst terror
city officials read out the attacks in France. French authorities remain
names of the 29 people (Philippe Wojazer, Pool via AP) on guard, and the French
gunned down while dining, military remains active in
drinking and enjoying the Parisians and tourists took tims, patting others on the Leading politicians from the U.S.-led military coali-
balmy night. their turn to pause near back and listening to them rival political parties took tion against IS.
Dozens of families and Pa- the memorial plaque with talk about lost loved ones. part in the somber com- “The threat level obviously
risians gathered outside the names of victims. Many Members of California rock memorations, including remains high,” Prime Min-
the Bataclan concert hall, were crying. band Eagles of Death Met- Francois Hollande, who ister Edouard Philippe said
where the attacks took Residents recalled the al, which had been play- was president during the on France-Inter radio Mon-
their most chilling turn as blasts of explosive belts and ing at the Bataclan on the attacks. day.
extremists opened fire on assault rifles, and described night of the attack, gave a Parisian Elisabeth Bornand, All but one of the Novem-
a dancing crowd and the wariness that has lin- surprise performance on a 56, white roses in her hand, ber 2015 attackers were
held hundreds hostage in gered since. Hundreds Paris plaza. said “I came to show my killed. France’s counterter-
an hourslong standoff with were wounded; some sur- Visibly moved, singer Jesse support to the injured peo- rorism prosecutor says au-
police. Ninety people were vivors are disabled for life, Hughes said: “I’m so happy ple, the victims’ families. thorities are still looking for
killed. and many have deep psy- and pleased to see all of Show them we don’t for- suspects involved, and that
Many rescuers and people chological scars. you. The only reason we’re get.” “zones of mystery” remain
injured in the attacks, some While multicolored bal- still standing is because you Marie Courtois, 29, a wait- about the attacks.q
Business chiefs from EU, UK ask May to speed up Brexit talks
By DANICA KIRKA the negotiations can move 2019. They want a transi- ‘status quo-like’ transition- the EU, not Europe, and
GEIR MOULSON forward. The EU has re- tional period during which al arrangement with the expressed her commit-
Associated Press fused to discuss trade until Britain would remain in U.K. staying in the customs ment to giving businesses
LONDON (AP) — Business there is agreement on Brit- the European single mar- union and the single mar- “the certainty they need
leaders from both sides of ain’s financial obligations, ket and customs union so ket as this will best provide by agreeing a time-limited
the English Channel urged citizens’ rights and the Irish companies could adjust to citizens and businesses with implementation period
Prime Minister Theresa May border. Industry groups the new relationship after greater certainty.” as soon as possible.” The
on Monday to accelerate from Germany, France, Brit- Brexit. “Business is extremely May had pledged to out- pound fell a cent against
talks on Britain’s exit from ain and other EU countries concerned with the slow line her hopes for a “bold the dollar, to below $1.31
the European Union as deployed representatives pace of negotiations and and deep economic part- in afternoon trading in Lon-
uncertainty about future to London amid concern the lack of progress,” said nership” between Britain don, on concern about the
trade relations threatens that time is running out Emma Marcegaglia, presi- and the EU after Brexit. A government’s weakness. A
jobs and investment. to ensure more than 550 dent of BusinessEurope, an statement from her office Sunday Times report that
European business leaders billion pounds ($719 bil- umbrella organization of later said that May reas- a group of lawmakers had
are urging Britain to make lion) of trade keeps flow- business lobbies. “Business sured the group with the signed a letter of no-confi-
concrete proposals on the ing smoothly after the U.K. aims to avoid a cliff edge oft-repeated sentiment dence in May weighed on
so-called divorce issues so leaves the bloc in March and therefore asks for a that the U.K. was leaving sterling’s performance. q