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                                                                                                           local Friday 20 OctOber 2023
            Another Treasure of Aruba’s Beaches: Sea Glass!

            (Oranjestad) - It is hard to imagine                                                                        Then,  the  sapphire  rocks  are  the
            this  happening  today,  but  years                                                                         remnants  of  broken  apothecary
            ago people dumped all kinds of re-                                                                          bottles. The most common and the
            fuse straight into the ocean, includ-                                                                       easiest to find are the brown (Ams-
            ing  old  cars,  and  their  household                                                                      tel & Polar beer), green (Heineken
            garbage, which of course included                                                                           &  Balashi  beer)  and  clear  glass
            lots of glass. Over the next 30 years                                                                       which  are  the  soft  much  loved
            the  pounding  waves  cleaned  the                                                                          “soft drink” bottles.
            beach,  by  breaking  down  every-
            thing  but  glass  and  pottery.  The                                                                       If you like to see the sea glass for
            pounding waves washed the trash                                                                             yourself,  and  be  in  awe  of  the
            up and down, back and forth. Tons                                                                           power  of  nature,    rent  a  car  or
            of  polished,  broken  glass  pieces                                                                        jeep and go explore our deserted
            were created by the pounding surf.                                                                          beaches on the north  side of the
            These  smoothened,  colored  glass                                                                          island. Make it a fun family day!
            particles then settled along the sea                                                                        Even if we didn’t mean to pollute
            shore  in  millions,  and  that  is  why                                                                    the Beaches how we did, it is inspir-
            you  can  find  these  beautiful  and   The colorful pieces of glass are   The  waves  and  weather  condi-  ing to see just how the earth can
            colorful pieces on the north shore   being used for decoration, hand-   tions wore down   the overwhelm-    correct our mistakes.
            beaches of Aruba.                           crafts and jewelry!         ing amount of garbage in the wa-
                                                Once glass makes its way into the  ter,  creating  millions  of  beautiful   Funny, how trash can change into
            Especially  on  the  strip  on  white  ocean, the glass is broken up into  smooth rocks.                                 treasures!
            sand between the famous Natural  shards  and  is  tumbled  around  in
            Bridge” and the huge red anchor  the  water,  where  sand  and  other    It’s  hard  to  believe  the  short-  Everybody knows that you are not
            close  to  “Grapefield”  beach  you  rocks act like sandpaper to smooth  sighted mistakes we were making  allowed to take local shells home,
            will be able to find your own pieces  out its rough edges. Sometimes as  that  could  have  potentially  ru-  but the people working at the air-
            of sea glass. The sea glass that was  the sea glass is passed through fire,  ined these beautiful beaches. But  port  have  no  problem  you  taking
            created  is  the  product  of  a  very  it becomes fire glass, the rarest of  thanks  to  natural  processes,  the  sea  glass  home.  A  few  of  those
            long and interesting process. It can  sea  glass  with  certain  inclusions,  ocean  transformed  the  trash  into  pieces make great souvenirs.  You
            take anywhere from 10 to 30 years  just like precious gems.             the sea glass.                      can place them in a wine glass or
            to  make  sea  glass.  The  name  for                                   Each  colored  gem  on  the  beach  large bottle for decoration and ev-
            any piece of glass that finds its way  For  years,  the  water  beat  against  has its own story.           ery time you look at it a smile will
            to the ocean and tumbles around  the  different  kinds  of  trash  being                                    light up your face thinking back of
            in  the  water  long  enough  is  “Sea  dumped.  Glass,  household  ap-  The ruby red glass stones are typi-  your  unforgettable  Aruba  vaca-
            glass.                              pliances  and  even  motor  parts  cally from old car tail-lights.      tion! q
                                                were  discarded  on  the  beach.

            Helpful tips for your stay on Aruba

            (Oranjestad)—When traveling to another coun-                    Drinking water
            try, especially for the first time, it is always better  The water that flows through the sinks of every
            to be over-prepared than under-prepared. That  house,  hotels  and  other  establishments  is  dis-
            is why we have a list of basic—but important—   tilled and perfectly safe to drink. Aruba’s drink-
            information that we think may come in handy to  ing  water  exceeds  WHO’s  international  stan-
            Aruba’s visitors.                               dards for water quality, so there is no need to
                                                            buy bottled water from the store.
                         Emergency services
            Even though most people don’t even want to                    Supermarket hours
            think about having to contact emergency ser-    Supermarket  hours  may  vary  depending  on
            vices—especially not while on their vacation, it  where you are staying on the island. Generally
            is still important to know what number to dial in  though, most supermarkets are open from 8am
            case of the unlikely event of an accident or se-  to  9  or  10pm,  Monday  through  Saturday.  On
            vere incident.                                  Sundays,  supermarkets  generally  close  earlier;
                                                            mostly around 2pm.
            Police: 100
            Police Tipline: 11141                                                Taxis
            Ambulance: 911                                  Prices  for  taxi  fair  are  set  by  the  Department
            Fire Dept: 115                                  of Public Traffic and are based on destination
            Oranjestad: HOH hospital: +297-527-4000         rather than mileage. Most taxis can take up to
            San Nicolas: ImSan: +297-527-8833               five  passengers,  but  this  may  vary  depending
                                                            on  the  vehicle.  Taxis  are  pretty  much  always
                           Electrical power                 available and you can ever hire one for $45 an
            Aruba generally operates on 110V to 127V sup-   hour.
            ply voltage and 60Hz. There are also three types                    Safety
            of outlets used on the island: type A with two flat  Aruba is one of the safest islands in the Caribbe-
            prongs; type B with two flat and one grounding  an, and many tourist that visit have often told
            prong, and on occasion, type F with two round  us how they feel safe to explore the island or
            prong  and  two  earth  clips  on  the  side.  How-  walk around at night. However, rare incidents
            ever, Type A is most commonly found in homes  do occurs, so keep yourself and your belong-
            and establishments.                             ings safe.q
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