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                       Friday 14 april 2023

            Drought will cause crop failures in Spain, farmers warn

            By  JENNIFER  O’MAHONY                                                                                              In  the  northeastern  Cata-
            and JOSEPH WILSON                                                                                                   lonia  region,  average  res-
            Associated Press                                                                                                    ervoir  levels  are  hovering
            MADRID  (AP)  —  Drought                                                                                            around 27% of their capac-
            now  affects  60%  of  the                                                                                          ity.
            Spanish  countryside,  with                                                                                         There are restrictions on ag-
            crops like wheat and barley                                                                                         ricultural and industrial wa-
            likely  to  fail  entirely  in  four                                                                                ter use, and it is forbidden
            regions,  the  main  Spanish                                                                                        to  use  drinking  water  for
            farmers’  association  said                                                                                         washing cars or filling swim-
            on Thursday.                                                                                                        ming pools.
            Spain’s  long-term  drought                                                                                         The    spokesperson     for
            is causing “irreversible loss-                                                                                      Spain’s   state   weather
            es” to more than 3.5 million                                                                                        agency,  Rubén  del  Cam-
            hectares of crops, the Co-                                                                                          po,  said  the  prognosis  for
            ordinator  of  Farmers’  and                                                                                        the  next  few  weeks  was
            Ranchers’    Organizations                                                                                          unlikely  to  improve.  “This
            (COAG in its Spanish acro-                                                                                          drought  is  probably  the
            nym) said in a new report.                                                                                          most  intense  since  the
            Some  cereals  need  to  be                                                                                         1960s,”  he  told  Spanish  ra-
            “written  off”  in  the  prime                                                                                      dio network Cadena Ser.
            growing  regions  of  Anda-                                                                                         “In  some  areas,  such  as
            lusia,  Castilla  La  Mancha,   View of the dry Sau reservoir about 100 km (62 miles) north of Barcelona. Spain, March 20, 2023.   Catalonia  or  the  east  of
            Extremadura  and  Murcia,                                                                          Associated Press   Andalusia,  it  is  at  the  level
            and  are  likely  to  be  lost  in  the ability of farmers to irri-  Wednesday  to  discuss  the  feed cattle due to dried-up  of  the  worst  droughts  due
            the  driest  areas  of  three  gate  corn,  sunflowers,  rice  crisis.  COAG  will  plead  for  pasture,  the  farmers’  asso-  to  the  scarcity  of  rainfall
            other  regions,  according  and  cotton,  likely  leading  immediate  financial  relief,  ciation further warned. This  in the last three years,” he
            to  the  report.  In  the  wine-  to reduced sowing of these  it said.                 will  also  be  the  third  con-  said.
            growing region of La Rioja,  crops  over  the  summer,  it  “This  has  been  the  most  secutive  season  without  The  picture  is  not  any  rosi-
            farmers were in the excep-   added.                       expensive  planting  season  honey  for  beekeepers,  as  er  in  the  long-term  either,
            tional  situation  of  “having  Three years of very low rain-  on  record,  and  with  har-  bees  lack  vegetation  and  especially  for  those  crops
            to  irrigate  cereals  ...  when  fall and high temperatures  vests ruined or reduced by  flowers to feed from in the  which rely on rainwater.
            normally  they  are  never  have  put  Spain  officially  60-80%, there will be many  mountains  due  to  a  short-  “There  is  no  plan  B,”  CO-
            watered,”  the  association  into long-term drought, the  farms that will have a very  age of water.                AG’s  Fatas  said.  “While
            said.                        country’s  weather  agency  tough time surviving if they  Reservoirs   in   Andalusia,  there have been improve-
            Nuts and vineyards are also  said  last  month.  Last  year  don’t  receive  an  injection  Spain’s   most   important  ments  in  irrigation  systems
            struggling, and olives will be  was Spain’s sixth driest and  of  capital,”  said  Javier  Fa-  food-exporting   region,  to  make  them  more  ef-
            badly affected if rain does  the  hottest  since  records  tas, head of water and the  have  water  levels  of  30%.  ficient,  this  is  becoming  a
            not  arrive  in  the  next  few  began in 1961.           environment  for  the  asso-  The  regional  capital,  Se-  very,  very  difficult  situation
            weeks,  the  report  stated.  Spain’s  agriculture  ministry  ciation.                 ville, may face drinking wa-  for  crops  that  rely  on  rain-
            The  lack  of  available  wa-  has  called  a  meeting  with  In addition to crop failures,  ter  restrictions  by  the  sum-  water, like cereals, almonds
            ter  was  further  impacting  farming representatives on  ranchers  will  struggle  to  mer if not enough rain falls.  and our vineyards.”q

             Sudan’s military warns of conflict after rival force deploys

            By JACK JEFFERY              without  “the  approval  of,  tion  of  an  unsigned  transi-  in recent months, with con-  Khartoum  and  parallel  for-
            Associated Press             or  coordination  with”  the  tion  deal  for  Sudan.  The  flicting  public  statements,  eign  trips  by  military  and
            KHARTOUM,  Sudan  (AP)  —  armed  forces’  leadership  army-RSF  rivalry,  however,  heavy  military  presence  in  RSF leaders.q
            Sudan’s  military  warned  and  presents  a  clear  “vio-  dates  back  to  the  rule  of
            Thursday of potential clash-  lation of the law.”         autocratic  President  Omar
            es with the country’s pow-   The  paramilitary  has  also  al-Bashir,  who  was  ousted
            erful  paramilitary  force,  deployed  troops  in  north-  in 2019.
            which  it  said  deployed  ern  Sudan,  along  the  bor-  Under  al-Bashir,  the  para-
            troops  in  the  capital  of  der  with  Egypt,  with  local  military  force,  led  by  pow-
            Khartoum and other cities.   media  reporting  that  the  erful   Gen.   Mohammed
            Tensions  between  the  mili-  RSF  attempted  to  build  a  Hamdan Dagalo, grew out
            tary  and  the  paramilitary,  military  base  there.  Also,  of former militias known as
            known  as  Rapid  Support  videos circulating on social  the  Janjaweed  that  exe-
            Forces  or  RSF,  have  esca-  media Thursday show what  cuted a brutal crackdown
            lated  in  recent  months,  appear  to  be  RSF-armed  in  Sudan’s  Darfur  region
            forcing a delay in the sign-  vehicles  being  transported  during the decades of con-
            ing  of  an  internationally  into  Khartoum,  further  to  flict there.
            backed  deal  with  political  the south.                 Although  both  the  army
            parties to revive the coun-  The latest tensions between  and  the  RSF  together  car-
            try’s democratic transition.  the army and the paramili-  ried out a coup in October   In this frame grab from a video posted by Sudan’s state news
            In a statement, the military  tary stem from a disagree-  2021 that upended Sudan’s    agency, SUNA on Thursday, April 13, 2023, spokesman for the
            said the buildup of the RSF  ment  over  how  the  RSF  transition  to  democracy,     Sudanese Armed Forces Brig. Nabil Abdullah reads a statement
            in Khartoum and elsewhere  should  be  integrated  into  friction  between  them  be-  warning  of  conflict  after  the  recent  deployment  of  Sudan’s
            in  the  country  was  done  the  military    a  key  condi-  came  increasingly  visible   powerful paramilitary in the capital and other cities.
                                                                                                                                            Associated Press
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