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a8    local
                       Friday 14 april 2023
            The countdown to the Aruba International Regatta is on

                                                               August 26th & 27th 2023

                                                                                                   This  year’s  strategic  orga-  protection of the ocean, in
                                                                                                   nization will be handled by  anticipation of the upcom-
                                                                                                   two  veteran  members  of  ing Aruba Marine Park.
            The upcoming Aruba Inter-    tivity, powered by wind.     gional sailors of all age. You  Aruba’s sailing community,
            national  Regatta,  will  un-                             may view the photos from  Rik van der Vaart, Anthony  The  goal  is  to  attract  as
            fold in several locations on  The  Aruba  Regatta  Foun-  last year’s successful meet,  Hagedoorn,  and  a  great  many young sailors as pos-
            the island of Aruba August  dation  reports  that  the  on FB, @arubaregatta.          number of volunteers.        sible  to  the  Regatta,  instill-
            26th &27th, 2023.            races  are  just  an  excuse                                                           ing  love  for  sailing  in  the
                                         to get us out of our homes  Expected  to  participate:  Rik  and  Anthony  see  the  young      generation   and
            Sailors  and  guests  from  and  offices  into  flipflops  Mini  sailboats,  Beachcats,  Regatta  as  an  opportu-  connecting  Aruban  and
            Aruba,  Bonaire  and  Cura-  and bathing suits. The rac-  Optimists,  Kites,  IQ-Foils,  nity  to  wake  up  the  island  visitors  to  Nature,  in  order
            cao  are  invited,  the  Blue  es are planned in different  Windsurfers,  Sunfishes,  La-  to  the  importance  of  our  to  grow  awareness  and
            Highway is open and avail-   categories,  and  locations  sers  and  Yachts,  all  racing  harmonious sustainable co-  encourage  care,  to  safe-
            able,  not  just  for  business,  during  two  exciting  days.  right  in  front  of  the  Oran-  existence  with  the  ocean  guard  our  single  most  im-
            but mostly for play. The re-  Exact race locations will be  jestad  waterfront  in  what  around  us.  The  regatta  portant resource, on which
            gatta aspires to bring us out  advised.                   promises  to  be  a  beautiful  sets out to educate all par-  we  depend  for  our  liveli-
            to the beaches, to enjoy a                                spectacle.                   ticipants  about  the  impor-  hood.  arubanationalpark.
            free,  physical  and  fun  ac-  The  Regatta  welcomes  re-                            tance  of  preservation  and  org/mainq

             Aruba Tourism Authority honored loyal visitors

             at Divi Village Golf & Beach Resort

            The  Aruba  Tourism  Authority  recently  recog-  tion program has three levels, which are divid-
            nized Goodwill Ambassadors of Aruba. Present-   ed  according  to  the  number  of  consecutive
            ing the Ambassadors with the Goodwill certifi-  years visiting the island of Aruba.
            cation as a token of appreciation.
                                                            Honoring Levels:
            The  honoring  certification  program  is  grant-  Distinguished Ambassadors: 10> years
            ed  to  ambassadors,  to  recognize,  the  loyalty,  Goodwill Ambassadors:  20> years
            friendships, and visits to Aruba. For consecutive-  Emerald Ambassadors: 35> years
            ly  choosing Aruba as  their preferred vacation                                                 would  like  to  express  our  gratitude  and  ap-
            destination each year. The Honoring certifica-  Honoree were:                                   preciation  to  all  the  Ambassadors  for  making
                                                            Goodwill Ambassadors 20> years:                 Aruba  their  preferred  vacation  destination  for
                                                                                                            so many years. We are so thankful to have had
                                                            John & Kathryn Fogg resident of Missouri, United  such wonderful Ambassadors as our visitors af-
                                                            States  (have  been  visiting  Aruba  for  23  years  ter all these years! Aruba is unquestionably their
                                                            consecutively).                                 home away from home!

                                                            Ms.  Olga  Ruiz  representing  the  Aruba  Tourism  According to Honorees these are the top rea-
                                                            Authority, and members of the Divi Village Golf  sons for returning to Aruba:
                                                            &  Beach  Resort  bestowed  the  certification  of  Mr. John & Kathryn Fogg reasons:
                                                            the Goodwill Ambassadors of Aruba. The hon-     The beaches
                                                            orees  were  presented  with  the  official  certifi-  Hotel hospitality + friendliness of staff
                                                            cate, and with memorable gifts.                 Great restaurants
                                                                                                            Ease of driving to places
                                                            On  behalf  of  the  Government  of  Aruba,  we  Meeting friends, who are lifetime friend.q
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