P. 7

A4   U.S. NEWS
             Thursday 15 February 2018

            AP sources: Mitt Romney to launch Senate campaign Thursday

                                                                                                   Despite  a  drama-filled  his-  senator,  some  supporters
                                                                                                   tory with Trump, Romney is  hope  that  the  one-time
                                                                                                   not  expected  to  address  Trump critic could serve as
                                                                                                   the  combative  president  a political and moral coun-
                                                                                                   directly  in  the  announce-  terweight  to  a  president
                                                                                                   ment video. Those close to  they see as divisive, erratic
                                                                                                   him  say  he  plans  a  hyper-  and undignified.
                                                                                                   local  focus  on  Utah  issues  During  the  2016  presiden-
                                                                                                   throughout   the   Senate  tial election, Romney gave
                                                                                                   campaign.                    a scathing speech in which
                                                                                                   His  announcement  video  he  called  Trump  “a  pho-
                                                                                                   will  suggest  that  Washing-  ny”  who  was  “playing  the
                                                                                                   ton has much to learn from  American  public  for  suck-
                                                                                                   Utah.                        ers”  and  was  unfit  to  be
                                                                                                   Romney,  a  former  Massa-   president.
                                                                                                   chusetts governor and one  He softened his stance after
                                                                                                   of  the  most  famous  Mor-  Trump won the presidency
                                                                                                   mons,  is  widely  liked  and  and put himself forward as
                                                                                                   respected in Utah, which is  a  candidate  for  secretary
                                                                                                   heavily Mormon.              of state. But he resumed his
                                                                                                   He  moved  to  Utah  after  criticism  last  year,  calling
                                                                                                   losing  the  2012  presiden-  out the president for blam-
                                                                                                   tial  election.  That  was  a  ing  “both  sides”  following
            In this Jan. 19, 2018 photo, former Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney speaks about   decade  after  he  helped  a  deadly  white  suprema-
            the tech sector during an industry conference, in Salt Lake City. Romney plans to announce his   turn  around  the  scandal-  cist  rally  in  Charlottesville,
            Utah Senate campaign Thursday, Feb. 15, 2018. Three people with direct knowledge of the plan
            say Romney will formally launch his campaign in a video.                               plagued 2002 Winter Olym-    Virginia. Trump, in turn, has
                                                                           (AP Photo/Rick Bowmer)  pics.                        criticized  Romney  for  his
                                                                                                   In  addition  to  his  instant  failed  presidential  bids  in
            By MICHELLE L. PRICE         plan  confirmed  Wednes-     Senate  bid.  His  first  public  name  recognition,  Rom-  2008  and  2012,  saying  he
            STEVE PEOPLES                day.                         appearance  as  a  Senate  ney  has  a  deep  network  “choked like a dog.” Rom-
            SALT LAKE CITY (AP) — For-   He'll be a heavy favorite to  candidate will come Friday  of  fundraisers  and  his  own  ney isn’t expected to face
            mer GOP presidential nom-    keep  the  seat  in  Republi-  night  at  a  county  Republi-  personal  wealth  to  help  any  serious  challenges  for
            inee  Mitt  Romney  will  an-  can hands.                 can dinner in Provo.         carry  him.  Those  close  to  the seat. Even Utah’s con-
            nounce  Thursday  that  he's  The  70-year-old  Romney,  Those with knowledge of his  him suggest he will not seek  servatives, who see him as
            running for the Utah Senate  once a harsh critic of Presi-  plans  spoke  on  the  condi-  financial aid from any super  too  moderate  and  estab-
            seat  held  by  retiring  Orrin  dent  Donald  Trump,  will  tion of anonymity because  PACs or Washington-based  lishment for their liking, ad-
            Hatch,  three  people  with  release  an  online  video  they  weren't  authorized  to  campaign committees.        mit  they  respect  him  and
            direct  knowledge  of  the  Thursday  announcing  his  speak publicly.                 If  he  becomes  Utah's  next  are unlikely to block him.q
            Trump breaks silence, denounces domestic violence

            By DEB RIECHMANN             after    the    allegations  engulfed senior West Wing  White  House  on  Wednes-      system.  There's  a  break-
            ZEKE MILLER                  against former White House  officials,  calling  into  ques-  day  as  his  panel  opened  down in the vetting system
            Associated Press             staff  secretary  Rob  Porter  tion  the  decision-making  an  investigation  into  the  and that breakdown needs
            WASHINGTON       (AP)    —  first became public. Porter  and candor of chief of staff  matter.                      to be addressed."
            Breaking  his  silence  about  resigned  a  week  ago.  He  John Kelly and White House  House  Speaker  Paul  Ryan  Ryan’s   comments     and
            abuse,  President  Donald  has denied the allegations.    counsel Don McGahn.          was  asked  Wednesday  word  of  the  House  probe
            Trump  said  Wednesday  Trump  had  praised  Porter,  Trump's  comments  come  about  how  the  White  followed  a  day  after  the
            he's  "totally  opposed  to  his  former  staff  secretary,  as  lawmakers  on  Capitol  House has handled the Por-  FBI contradicted the White
            domestic    violence."   He  on  Friday  in  his  first  com-  Hill  launched  a  probe  into  ter allegations, and wheth-  House  over  the  Porter  ac-
            commented amid growing  ments  about  the  allega-        how Porter was allowed to  er Trump needs to publicly  cusations.  The  FBI  said  it
            pressure to speak out after  tions. And on Saturday, he  work  at  the  White  House  condemn  domestic  vio-       gave the Trump administra-
            allegations that a top White  appeared  to  cast  doubt  under  an  interim  security  lence.                       tion information on multiple
            House  aide  had  abused  on the women's allegations  clearance  despite  allega-      "Clearly,  we  all  should  be  occasions  last  year  about
            two former wives.            when he tweeted: "Peoples  tions of spousal abuse.        condemning domestic vio-     Porter and that the investi-
            "Everybody knows" his posi-  lives  are  being  shattered  Rep.  Trey  Gowdy,  R-S.C.,  lence," Ryan told reporters.  gation wrapped up in Jan-
            tion,  Trump  said,  but  "now  and  destroyed  by  a  mere  chairman  of  the  House  "And if a person who com-    uary. The White House ap-
            you hear it."                allegation."                 Committee  on  Oversight  mits domestic violence gets  proach has drawn criticism
            The   president's   remarks  The White House's handling  and  Government  Reform,  in  the  government,  then  even  from  Trump’s  own
            came  more  than  a  week  of  the  Porter  situation  has  sent  letters  to  the  FBI  and  there's a breakdown in the  party. q
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