P. 9

             Thursday 15 February 2018
            First blood test to help diagnose brain injuries gets U.S. OK

            By LINDSEY TANNER                                                                                                   tor of the National Institute
            CHICAGO  (AP)  —  The  first                                                                                        of  Neurological  Disorders
            blood  test  to  help  doctors                                                                                      and Stroke, and other brain
            diagnose  traumatic  brain                                                                                          injury  experts  say  the  test
            injuries  has  won  U.S.  gov-                                                                                      isn't sensitive enough to rule
            ernment approval.                                                                                                   out concussions.
            The  move  means  Banyan                                                                                            "This  may  be  a  beginning.
            Biomarkers  can  commer-                                                                                            It's  not  the  pot  of  gold  at
            cialize  its  test,  giving  the                                                                                    the  end  of  the  rainbow,"
            company  an  early  lead  in                                                                                        Koroshetz said.
            the  biotech  industry's  race                                                                                      That  prize  would  be  a  test
            to find a way to diagnose                                                                                           that  could  detect  and
            concussions.                                                                                                        guide  treatment  for  con-
            The  test  doesn't  detect                                                                                          cussions   and   traumatic
            concussions  and  the  ap-                                                                                          brain  injuries,  similar  to  a
            proval  won't  immediately                                                                                          blood  test  that  hospitals
            change  how  patients  with                                                                                         commonly use to evaluate
            suspected      concussions                                                                                          suspected  heart  attacks,
            or  other  brain  trauma  are                                                                                       Koroshetz said.
            treated.  But  Wednesday's                                                                                          "That's  what  we'd  like  to
            green  light  by  the  Food                                                                                         have for the brain," he said.
            and Drug Administration "is                                                                                         San  Diego-based  Banyan
            a  big  deal  because  then                                                                                         has partnered with Abbott
            it  opens  the  door  and  ac-                                                                                      and French firm bioMerieux
            celerates technology," said   Product development scientist Veronika Shevchenko works with patient samples at Banyan Bio-  SA  to  market  the  test  to
            Michael  McCrea,  a  brain   markers Tuesday, Feb. 13, 2018, in San Diego.                                          hospitals  using  those  com-
            injury  expert  at  Medical                                                                        Associated Press  panies'  blood  analyzing
            College of Wisconsin.                                                                                               machines.
            The  test  detects  two  pro-  emergency rooms, possibly  fect an estimated 10 million  scans. It also shows that ab-  Other  companies  are  de-
            teins  present  in  brain  cells  as  soon  as  later  this  year,  people globally each year;  sence of the two proteins in  veloping similar blood tests
            that  can  leak  into  the  but  Banyan's  hope  is  that  at least 2 million of them are  the test is a good indication  to  detect  brain  injuries.
            bloodstream  following  a  it  will  eventually  be  used  treated  in  U.S.  emergency  that  CT  scans  will  be  nor-  BioDirection  is  developing
            blow to the head. Banyan's  on battlefields and football  rooms.  They  often  get  CT  mal.  That  means  patients  a test involving one of the
            research shows the test can  fields.                      scans  to  detect  bleeding  with  negative  blood  tests  proteins  in  Banyan's  test
            detect  them  up  within  12  FDA Commissioner Dr. Scott  or other abnormalities. The  can  avoid  CT  scans  and  plus another one and using
            hours of injury. It's designed  Gottlieb  said  the  test  fits  scans  expose  patients  to  unnecessary  radiation  ex-  a portable device that can
            to help doctors quickly de-  with the agency's goals for  radiation, but in many pa-   posure, said Dr. Jeffrey Ba-  yield  results  from  a  single
            termine which patients with  delivering  new  technolo-   tients with mild brain injuries  zarian, a University of Roch-  drop  of  blood  in  less  than
            suspected      concussions  gies to patients and reduc-   including  concussions,  ab-  ester emergency medicine  two minutes.
            may  have  brain  bleeding  ing  unnecessary  radiation  normalities  don't  show  up  professor  involved  in  Ban-  Quanterix  is  also  working
            or other brain injury.       exposure.                    on these imaging tests.      yan's research.              to  develop  a  blood  test
            Patients with a positive test  The test "sets the stage for  With  Department  of  De-  Bazarian called the test "a  to  diagnose  concussions
            would  need  a  CT  scan  to  a  more  modernized  stan-  fense  funding,  Banyan's  huge step" toward devising  and  other  brain  injuries.
            confirm the results and de-  dard  of  care  for  testing  of  research  shows  its  Brain  a  blood  test  that  can  de-  It  has  licensed  the  use  of
            termine  if  surgery  or  other  suspected  cases,"  Gottlieb  Trauma  Indicator  can  ac-  tect brain injuries including  both  proteins  in  Banyan's
            treatment  is  needed.  The  said in a statement.         curately  pick  up  brain  concussions.                   test to be used with its own
            test  will  first  be  used  in  Traumatic  brain  injuries  af-  trauma  later  found  on  CT  Dr. Walter Koroshetz, direc-  technology.q
                                                                      Leaping elk crashes low-flying

                                                                      research helicopter in Utah

                                                                      By LINDSAY WHITEHURST        collision that also killed the  in  a  mountainous  part  of
                                                                      Associated Press             elk,  authorities  said  Tues-  eastern Utah, with its crew
                                                                      SALT  LAKE  CITY  (AP)  —  An  day.                       trying to drop a net on the
            In this photo taken Monday, Feb. 12, 2018, and provided by the   elk leaped into a research  The  elk  jumped  into  the  elk, said Jared Rigby of the
            Wasatch County Sheriff's Office is a research helicopter that was   helicopter  that  was  trying  chopper's  tail  rotor  as  the  Wasatch  County  Sheriff's
            brought down by a leaping elk in the mountains of eastern Utah.   to  capture  it  and  brought  aircraft flew about 10 feet  Office.
                                                     Associated Press  down  the  helicopter  in  a  (3  meters)  above  ground  The  two  people  on  board
                                                                                                                                weren't  seriously  hurt,  but
                                                                                                                                the  elk  died  of  its  injuries
                                                                                                                                Monday afternoon.
                                                                                                                                The  state-contracted  Tex-
                                                                                                                                as-based  crew  was  trying
                                                                                                                                to capture and sedate the
                                                                                                                                elk  and  give  it  a  tracking
                                                                                                                                collar to research its move-
                                                                                                                                ments in the area about 90
                                                                                                                                miles  (145  kilometers)  east
                                                                                                                                of Salt Lake City. q
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