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A28    u.s. news
                Diaranson 6 october 2021

                          Refugee admissions hit record low, despite Biden’s reversal

                                                                      fice until almost four months  administration says is needed  be accelerated to add person-
                                                                      after the last fiscal year began.  to rebuild the program.  nel overseas, do more remote
                                                                                                                                interviews  and  relieve  the
                                                                      The  State  Department  did  Refugee  advocates  said  the  enormous backlog of refugee
                                                                      not  immediately  respond  to  record-low  number  reflects  applications.
                                                                      a request for comment about  the  damage  done  by  the
                                                                      the number.                  Trump administration to the  She said that while the pro-
                                                                                                   program.  Before  the  2021  gram  was  gutted  by  the
                                                                      The  11,445  refugee  admis-  budget year, the lowest num-  Trump  administration,  it  is
                                                                      sions total falls far below the  ber  of  refugees  allowed  in  now Biden’s responsibility to
                                                                      nation’s cap of 62,500 for the  was  during  the  2020  budget  revive it.
                                                                      2021 budget year that Biden  year  when  the  number  hit
                                                                      set in May. It’s also below the  11,814.                  “If we are to reach President
                                                                      record-low ceiling of 15,000                              Biden’s  goal  of  welcoming
                                                                      that  Trump  had  initially  set  The historical yearly average  125,000 refugees, the admin-
                                                                      for the year.                was  95,000  under  previous  istration  must  be  aggressive
            (AP)  —  Refugee  admis-     troops  withdrew  from  Af-                               Republican  and  Democratic  and  innovative  in  ramping
            sions to the United States  ghanistan, ending the 20-year  Biden   initially   indicated  administrations.          up processing,” she said in a
            fell to a record low during  war there. Many of those Af-  he  would  not  override  the                            statement.
            the  2021  budget  year,  de-  ghans were allowed into the  15,000-person cap, saying in  The  Biden  administration
            spite President Joe Biden’s  country under a different le-  an emergency determination  has expanded the narrow eli-  Mark Hetfield of HIAS, an-
            pledge to reverse the sharp  gal status known as humani-  that  it  “remains  justified  by  gibility criteria put in place by  other  resettlement  agency,
            cuts  made  by  the  Trump  tarian  parole,  which  is  why  humanitarian  concerns  and  his predecessor that had kept  agreed  that  Biden  “should
            administration, according  they are not included in the  is  otherwise  in  the  national  out  most  refugees,  among  have done better.”
            to figures obtained by The  refugee tally.                interest.”                   other  steps.  But  critics  say
            Associated Press.                                                                      it’s not enough and that the  “What this record low num-
                                         Still  the  number  highlights  But  that  brought  sharp  re-  Biden  administration  has  ber really shows ... is that the
            A  total  of  11,445  refugees  Biden’s challenges in revers-  buke from Democratic allies  moved too slowly.       administration  needs  to  re-
            were allowed into the United  ing  the  restrictive  refugee  who  criticized  him  for  not                        move the red tape and other
            States during the budget year  policies set by former Presi-  taking  the  symbolic  step  of  It remains to be seen whether  obstacles that hinder the re-
            that ended on Thursday, ac-  dent Donald Trump’s admin-   authorizing  more  refugees  refugee admissions will reach  settlement program from ef-
            cording to a person with ac-  istration,  which  targeted  the  this  year.  The  White  House  anywhere  near  the  125,000  fectively responding to emer-
            cess to the information who  program as part of a broader  quickly  reversed  course  and  cap that Biden has set for the  gencies like Afghanistan,” he
            spoke  on  condition  of  ano-  campaign to slash both legal  raised the cap, though Biden  current  budget  year,  which  said.
            nymity  because  they  were  and illegal immigration to the  said  at  the  time  that  he  did  started Friday.
            not authorized to release the  United States.             not  expect  the  U.S.  would                             Biden,  who  co-sponsored
            figure.                                                   meet the new 62,500 ceiling  Krish  O’Mara  Vignarajah,  legislation  creating  the  refu-
                                         The  U.S.  president  deter-  with only four months left in  president  of  the  Lutheran  gee program in 1980, has said
            That  number  does  not  in-  mines  the  cap  on  refugee  the  2021  budget  year,  given  Immigration  and  Refugee  reopening  the  door  to  refu-
            clude  the  tens  of  thousands  admissions each budget year,  the  ongoing  restrictions  put  Service,  one  of  nine  U.S.  gees is “how we will restore
            of  Afghans  brought  to  the  which  runs  from  Oct.  1  to  in place due to the coronavi-  agencies  working  to  resettle  the soul of our nation.”
            United  States  as  American  Sept. 30. Biden didn’t take of-  rus  pandemic  and  work  the  refugees, said efforts need to

                              Oklahoma judge blocks 2 abortion laws, allows 3 others

            (AP)  —  An  Oklahoma  dam, a staff attorney for the  cal  professionals  can  detect  sions to the states where they  of the judge’s ruling on Mon-
            judge on Monday tempo-       New  York-based  Center  for  cardiac activity, which is usu-  rightfully  belong,”  Daniels  day  will  have  reverberations
            rarily  blocked  two  new  Reproductive  Rights,  which  ally around the sixth week of  said.                       throughout the entire South.
            anti-abortion  laws  from  challenged  the  five  new  pregnancy.
            taking effect next month,  Oklahoma  laws.  “Every  day                                Women  have  been  increas-  “Oklahoma  clinics  were  al-
            including a measure simi-    that  law  remains  in  effect,  About 11 women from Texas  ingly  seeking  out-of-state  ready inundated with patients
            lar to a Texas abortion ban  we’re talking about really cat-  received  abortion  services  at  abortions as Republican leg-  from  both  Texas  and  Okla-
            that  effectively  bans  the  astrophic fallout.”         the  Trust  Women  clinic  in  islatures  and  governors  pass  homa, and if these laws take
            procedure  after  about  six                              Oklahoma  City  in  August.  ever-more  restrictive  abor-  effect, many Oklahoma abor-
            weeks of pregnancy.          The     medication-induced  That  number  increased  to  tion laws, particularly in the  tion providers won’t be able
                                         abortion   restrictions   in-  110 last month, said Rebecca  South. At least 276,000 wom-  to provide care,” Braid said in
            District Judge Cindy Truong  clude  requirements  previ-  Tong,  co-executive  director  en terminated their pregnan-  a  statement.  “Where  will  all
            said  she  would  allow  three  ously  struck  down  by  the  of Trust Women. Similar in-  cies  outside  of  their  home  these patients go? Politicians
            other  anti-abortion  laws  to  Oklahoma  Supreme  Court.  creases are being reported at  states  between  2012  and  are  trying  to  trap  them,  and
            take effect Nov. 1, which one  Those  include  an  admitting  abortion clinics in Colorado,  2017, according to a 2019 As-  they are succeeding. But we
            abortion rights advocate said  privileges  requirement  that  Kansas,  Louisiana  and  New  sociated Press analysis of state  will  not  stop  fighting  these
            would  be  “catastrophic”  to  has been struck down by the  Mexico.                    and federal data.            restrictions.”
            the  ability  of  women  to  ac-  U.S. Supreme Court and an
            cess  abortion  services  in  the  ultrasound  requirement  that  State  Sen.  Julie  Daniels,  a  The trend appears to have ac-
            state.  Those  three  would  is  more  restrictive  than  an  Bartlesville  Republican  who  celerated  over  the  past  year.
            create  new  restrictions  on  ultrasound law the state Su-  sponsored  four  of  the  five  Abortion  clinics  in  neigh-
            medication-induced    abor-  preme  Court  already  struck  anti-abortion  bills  that  were  boring states began seeing an
            tions and require all doctors  down.                      challenged  in  Oklahoma,  increase  in  calls  from  Texas
            who perform abortions to be                               said the laws are designed to  after  Republican  Gov.  Greg
            board-certified  in  obstetrics  Abortion  clinics  in  Okla-  make abortions safer, though  Abbott  banned  abortions
            and gynecology.              homa  already  are  being  she  acknowledged  her  ulti-  in  March  2020  for  nearly  a
                                         overwhelmed  by  patients  mate goal is to save the lives  month  under  a  COVID-19
            “The OB-GYN requirement  from  Texas,  where  the  U.S.  of fetuses.                   executive order.
            will  immediately  disqualify  Supreme  Court  allowed  a
            more  than  half  of  the  doc-  law to take effect on Sept. 1  “My goal has always been to  Dr. Alan Braid, the owner of
            tors  providing  abortions  in  that  made  it  illegal  to  per-  save  the  life  of  the  unborn  Tulsa Women’s Reproductive
            the state,” said Rabia Muqad-  form  abortions  once  medi-  child  and  return  these  deci-  Clinic, said the consequences
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