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                                                                                         world news Diaranson 6 october 2021

                          French report: 330,000 children victims of church sex abuse

            (AP)  —  Victims  of  abuse  within  group  La  Parole  Libérée  (The  Lib-
            France’s  Catholic  Church  wel-    erated Word), said it was “a turning
            comed  a  historic  turning  point  point in our history.” He denounced
            Tuesday  after  a  new  report  esti-  the  coverups  that  permitted  “mass
            mated  that  330,000  children  in  crimes for decades.”
            France were sexually abused over
            the  past  70  years,  providing  the  “But even worse, there was a betrayal:
            country’s first accounting of the  betrayal of trust, betrayal of morality,
            worldwide phenomenon.               betrayal of children, betrayal of inno-
                                                cence,” he added.
            The  figure  includes  abuses  com-
            mitted by some 3,000 priests and an  Martine,  73,  and  Mireille,  71,  were
            unknown  number  of  other  people  sexually  assaulted  by  a  priest  when
            involved in the church — wrongdo-   they were teenage girls in high school.
            ing that Catholic authorities covered  They both declined to give their last
            up over decades in a “systemic man-  name due to privacy reasons, in part
            ner,” according to the president of the  because some family members were
            commission  that  issued  the  report,  not aware of the abuses.
            Jean-Marc Sauvé.
                                                “It brings on such terrible thoughts,”
            The 2,500-page document was issued  Martine  said.  “For  me,  personally,  I
            as  the  Catholic  Church  in  France,  had to wait for my parents to die” be-
            like in other countries, seeks to face  cause otherwise she said it was “not
            up to shameful secrets that were long  possible” to speak out.
            covered  up.  Victims  welcomed  the
            report as long overdue and the head  “I think that each victim experienced
            of  the  French  bishops’  conference  it as if they were the only one (vic-
            asked for their forgiveness.        tim), and that’s part of this phenom-
                                                enon involving control and secrecy,”
            The  report  said  the  tally  of  330,000  Mireille said. “We are in a condition                           philia, said “this is more than a shock.
            victims includes an estimated 216,000  of submission ... in a mental captivity.  “I  perceived  this  priest  as  someone  It is a deep feeling of shame.”
            people  abused  by  priests  and  other  So, we follow this person who sud-  who was good, a caring person who
            clerics, and the rest by church figures  denly takes power over us ... We are  would not harm me,” Savignac said.  Crepy  said  a  process  was  underway
            such as scout leaders or camp coun-  caught in a spider web.”           “But  it  was  when  I  found  myself  to  put  together  funds  and  create  an
            selors. The estimates are based on a                                    on  that  bed  half-naked  and  he  was  independent  commission  to  handle
            broader research by France’s Nation-  A  recognition  of  the  fault  is  essen-  touching  me  that  I  realized  some-  church compensation for the victims.
            al  Institute  of  Health  and  Medical  tial, she said, and financial compen-  thing was wrong ... It’s like gangrene
            Research  into  sexual  abuse  of  chil-  sation is “really symbolic ... it won’t  inside the victim’s body and the vic-  The  report  comes  after  a  scandal
            dren in the country.                fix things but it means it will also cost  tim’s psyche.”               surrounding  now-defrocked  priest
                                                them something.”                                                        Bernard  Preynat  rocked  the  French
            The study’s authors estimate 80% of                                     The  priest  eventually  was  found  Catholic  Church.  Last  year,  Preynat
            the church’s victims were boys, while  Olivier Savignac, the head of victims  guilty of child sexual abuse and sen-  was  convicted  of  sexually  abusing
            the  broader  study  of  sexual  abuse  association  Parler  et  Revivre  (Speak  tenced in 2018 to three years in pris-  minors  and  given  a  five-year  prison
            found that 75% of the overall victims  Out and Live Again), contributed to  on, including one year suspended.  sentence. He admitted abusing more
            were girls.                         the  investigation.  He  told  The  As-                                 than 75 boys for decades.
                                                sociated  Press  that  the  high  ratio  of  The  commission  worked  for  2  1/2
            The independent commission urged  victims  per  abuser  was  particularly  years,  listening  to  victims  and  wit-  Vatican spokesman Matteo Bruni said
            the church to take strong action, de-  “terrifying for French society, for the  nesses  and  studying  church,  court,  Pope  Francis  learned  about  the  re-
            nouncing its “faults” and “silence.” It  Catholic Church.”              police  and  news  archives  starting  port’s findings “with sorrow.”
            also called on the Catholic Church to                                   from the 1950s. Sauvé denounced the
            help compensate the victims, notably  Savignac assailed the church for treat-  church’s attitude until the beginning  “His thoughts go in first place to the
            in cases that are too old to prosecute  ing such cases as individual anomalies  of the 2000s as “a deep, cruel indiffer-  victims, with a profound sadness for
            via French courts.                  instead of as a collective horror. He  ence toward victims.”            their wounds and gratitude for their
                                                described being abused at age 13 by                                     courage to speak out,” he said.
            “We consider the church has a debt  the  director  of  a  Catholic  vacation  “Sometimes church officials did not
            towards victims,” Sauvé said.       camp in the south of France who was  denounce (the sex abuses) and even  Francis issued in May 2019 a ground-
                                                accused  of  assaulting  several  other  exposed children to risks by putting  breaking  new  church  law  requiring
            Francois Devaux, head of the victims’  boys.                            them in contact with predators,” he  all Catholic priests and nuns to report
                                                                                    stressed.                           clergy sexual abuse and cover-ups by
                                                                                                                        their superiors to church authorities.
                                                                                    The president of the Conference of  In June, Francis said a process of re-
                                                                                    Bishops of France, Eric de Moulins-  form was necessary and every bishop
                                                                                    Beaufort,  said  French  bishops  “are  must take responsibility for the “ca-
                                                                                    appalled”  at  the  conclusions  of  the  tastrophe” of the sex abuse crisis.
                                                                                                                        The shocking estimate of more than
                                                                                    “I wish on that day to ask for pardon,  a  quarter  million  potential  victims
                                                                                    pardon to each of you,” he told the  dwarfs  numbers  released  by  other
                                                                                    victims.                            countries that have also faced national
                                                                                                                        reckoning with church sexual abuse.
                                                                                    “No one expected such a high num-   But each country has investigated the
                                                                                    ber  (of  victims)  to  come  out  of  the  problem in different ways.
                                                                                    survey and that is properly frighten-
                                                                                    ing  and  out  of  proportion  with  the  Instead  of  limiting  itself  to  specific
                                                                                    perception  that  we’ve  had  on  the  cases,  France’s  report  made  an  esti-
                                                                                    ground,” he told the AP.            mate of the overall scale of the prob-
                                                                                                                        lem, extrapolating the number of vic-
                                                                                    Luc  Crepy,  the  bishop  of  Versailles  tims based on study of specific inci-
                                                                                    who  heads  an  office  fighting  pedo-  dents and nationwide surveys.
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