Page 10 - HOH
P. 10
LOCAL Monday 19 SepteMber 2022
Opening parliamentary The Department of Human Resources
year 2022-2023 (DRH) initiates performance
Oranjestad - The Gover- Governor as head of the management
nor of Aruba, His Excel- government announced
lency Alfonso Boekhoudt, the policy plans for the Oranjestad - The Depart- tion of the unions and ev- tinue with the preparation
opened the parliamentary coming year. ment of Human Resources ery single public worker. process to implement the
year 2022-2023 on Tues- DRH will initiate the trajec- system. They will invite all
day, September 13, 2022 The opening of the parlia- tory of the system called To implement the perfor- government departments
by delivering the annual mentary year of the Parlia- performance manage- mance management, they to attend the performance
address. ment of Aruba takes place ment as stipulated in the organized a pilot project management workshop.
annually on the second “Landspakket”. where 38 departments of The participants will receive
In the annual address, the Tuesday of September. the Government attended information and training
The objective of perfor- successfully. Next, the DRH about the trajectory.
mance management is the will provide information
guidance and coaching of and workshops to all de- The DRH will keep the pub-
public workers to improve partments. The legislative lic sector posted about
the quality and efficiency part of the system is being the developments in the
of the public entity. developed by the DWJZ upcoming days to allow
to achieve performance all departments to ac-
The Government of Aruba management by Jan. 1, quire more knowledge of
has granted the DRH the 2023. the system and contribute
mandate to initiate this pi- constructively to the per-
lot project performance During the week of Sep- formance management
management. This trajec- tember 12 to September project.
tory includes the participa- 19, 2022, the DRH will con-