Page 8 - AHATA
P. 8
local Monday 26 June 2023
Aruban legends:
Frenchman’s Pass
(Oranjestad)—If you ever hid away in nearby caves. ing almost ghost-like in the
plan on taking a group The French colonizers tried rain. However, since he
tour of the island, you may to smoke them out of the needed a ride real bad,
pass through the French- caves, but the indigenous he didn’t think twice and
man’s Pass in Balashi. The settlers ended up inhal- jumped in. But to his horror,
Frenchman’s pass (known ing too much smoke and he noticed that the there
to locals as “Franse Pas”) most died in those caves. was no driver in the front.
remains a mysterious—and From then on, this passage Paralyzed with fear, he
spooky—road of which its was known as Frenchman’s didn’t dare to get out, and
legend is told from genera- Pass, and there have been the car started to move.
tion to generation. many accounts of spirits Arriving at a nearby bar, in our car when we were
roaming the area of Span- When approaching a he ordered a drink and be- pushing it!”
The history of the French- ish Lagoon. sharp turn, the hitch hiker gan to tell everyone about
man’s pass—and how it got braced for impact, but just his experience. Everyone French man’s pass is one
its name—dates back to There are many ghost sto- when he though the car grew quiet, because they of the few sites on the is-
the colonization era, when ries surrounding this area, might drive straight off the realized he wasn’t some land that keeps the locals
the French tried to colo- but one of the most famous road and crash, he saw a drunk messing around; he on their toes. While most
nize the island, but were one involves a lonely hitch- hand appear out the win- was telling the truth. ghost stories may not have
met with an angry mob of hiker, trying to find a ride dow and turn the wheel. real grounds—or some may
indigenous settlers, refusing back home in the dark For the next few turns, the Sometime later, two men even be a set up story for a
to give up their land. How- rainy night. hand appeared again. Af- walked into the bar and joke, this pass contributes a
ever, as the French were ter having had enough, the one of them noticed the lot to our culture of folkloric
heavily equipped with fire Sometime after trying to man decided to jump out hitchhiker. He called out to story-telling.
arms, the indigenous set- hitchhike, the man saw a and he ran to Santa Cruz. his buddy and said: “Look,
tlers began to retreat, and car approaching, appear- there’s the idiot who sat Source:
Aruba’s most family-friendly beaches
Mangel Halto is situated beach sites, Eagle Beach may not be a very sandy
in the back streets of the and Palm Beach is where beach, it is relatively quiet
Pos Chiquito city. Though most of our visitors go to and tranquil. This is a great
there are several stairs on tan, swim or play in the place for family to lay down
the sides of the beach cliff white sand. Because they a big blanket and have a
leading you down, the best are near the low-rise and little picnic. This is also one
spot for families to hang high-rise hotel areas, these of the best places to snor-
(Oranjestad)—One of the son: This sandy and quiet out is across the bridge, beaches are the most ac- kel, as this area is filled with
biggest concerns that par- lagoon is a great place for passed the mangrove trees cessible for visitors on foot. little fish and corals, even
ents have when travelling parents to sit back and re- near the entrance sign. These beaches also offer close to the shore.
with their children is a guar- lax while their children play Here, there are small and many palapas free to use,
antee of their safety and in the shallow shores of the big palapas, perfect for but you can also rent chairs Palm Island
healthy enjoyment. There- beach. Beside the relaxing big and small families to and tents. Much like Baby Ok, this one is technically
fore, we thought it would atmosphere, there are also set up their belongings. In Beach, these sites are one not a beach, but a must-
be a great help to travel- several services that may this area, the shore is also of the best beaches for visit attraction for family fun.
ling parents to list off some accommodate your stay, shallow, falling right around your children to play and This small water park oasis is
the most family-friendly like a parking lot, sun tent your knee before slowly build sand castles. located further down the
beaches around the island. rentals, chairs, bathrooms getting deeper: perfect for Mangel Halto Beach and
and a snack bar right at kids to safely play. Boca Catalina in Malmok is reachable by boat. This
Baby Beach in San Nicolas the far left of the beach. Boca Catalina is a small bay water park offers 6 hours of
Baby Beach is one Aruba’s Eagle Beach/Palm beach near the Malmok fun activities, food, drinks,
most popular and visited Mangel Halto in Beach in the hotel area beach area further down and a chance to see pink
beaches, and for good rea- Pos Chiquito Yet another highly popular the hotel areas. Though it flamingoes up close!q