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                      Monday 26 June 2023

            Aruba’s underwater wonderland

            ORANJESTAD  -  Exploring  the  underwater  won-
            ders is something you should definitely do dur-  Antilla shipwreck
            ing  your  stay  in  Aruba.  The  underwater  world  Antilla is a 400-foot-long long ship, built in 1939
            has  everything  to  offer  that  makes  a  snorkel  in Hamburg, Germany. Antilla came to Aruba,
            trip so exceptional; an impressive, colorful sea  because  it  had  to  find  a  neutral  port.  When
            life with exotic fishes, turtles and beautiful cor-  Germany invaded the Netherlands on May 10,
            al reef. The historic shipwrecks, located on the  1940,  the  crew  decided  to  let  their  own  ship
            Aruban seabed are also worth a visit. Aruba is  sink,  to  prevent  it  from  falling  into  the  hands
            known for its white beaches and blue oceans,  of the Dutch Navy. Antilla lies on its portside in
            which means there are many fascinating under  Malmok bay, and the sunken word war two ship
            water spots, where you can take your snorkel-   is now one of Aruba’s most popular snorkeling
            ing gear and we selected the top spots for you.  and  dive  spots.  However,  the  ship  wreck  can
                                                            only be reached by boat. The ship is visible from  area marked until where it is recommended to
            Tres Trapi                                      the surface and during your snorkeling trip you  snorkel and on the beach you will find different
            Tres Trapi means tree steps in Papiamento, Pa-  be  surrounded  by  hundreds  of  tropical  fishes,  facilities. It is a perfect beach to spend your day
            piamento is together with Dutch the official lan-  but the ship wreck alone is already impressive  snorkeling and relaxing.
            guage spoken on Aruba. The beach is called  enough.
            Tres  Trapi  because  it  is  accessible  by  the  tree                                         Mangel Halto
            steps carved into the rocks. Tres Trapi is a small  Baby Beach                                  Mangel Halto beach is located in Savaneta, on
            rocky  beach,  located  on  the  north-western  Baby beach; a white beach, with a crystal blue  the southern-west part of the island. The beach
            side of the island, approximately 5 to 10 minute  ocean. The beach is located on the southern  is different from the other beaches in Aruba; it is
            drive from Palm Beach. From the unique steps  part  of  the  island.  On  the  way  to  the  famous  beach full of mangroves. You reach the beach
            you  can  easily  walk  over  the  beach  into  the  beach, you will drive through the old capital of  by a bridge through the mangroves and then
            clear and turquoise blue ocean. While snorkel-  Aruba, San Nicolas. The old Aruban culture can  you  will  have  several  entrances  to  the  sea.
            ing you will encounter all kind of tropical fishes  be still felt and experienced here, so do not hes-  There are diverse spots where you can enjoy a
            and sea stars. The kind of starfish you will find in  itate to get out of your car and walk around for  perfect beach day, wooden stairs made to en-
            the Aruban waters is the red cushion sea star.  a while. Baby beach is a child friendly beach,  ter the water and a dock to sit on and enjoy the
            This is a starfish that is commonly found in the  since  it  is  shallow  and  the  water  has  a  pleas-  view. Mangel Halto is also worth a visit for the
            shallow waters of the Caribbean sea and if you  ant  temperature.  The  name  therefore  fits  well  snorkeling experience. Inside the bay, the water
            are lucky during your snorkeling visit to Tres Tra-  with  the  beach.  Baby  beach  is  an  excellent  is clear and you find many colorful fish. Outside
            pi, you may come across one of the green sea  beach for snorkeling, especially if you want to  the bay is a bit more challenging for beginners
            turtles. Respect the animal, keep your distance  go with small children, because the water re-  because  of  the  wind  and  the  waves,  but  the
            and enjoy the view. Also remember; it is a once  mains  shallow  and  there  are  still  many  under-  coral is alive and it is just like snorkel heaven.q
            in a life time experience.                      water wonders to see. In the ocean there is an
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