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u.s. news Diasabra 30 aPriL 2022
Trump, fighting contempt fines, says he doesn’t have records
(AP) — Donald Trump’s In other affidavits, Trump when, where, what” of his
lawyers, seeking to reverse lawyers Alina Habba and Mi- search, with the judge asking
their client’s $10,000-per- chael Madaio detailed steps at one point: “Where did he
day contempt fine, pro- they took to locate docu- keep files? I assume it wasn’t
vided a New York judge ments in the Dec. 1 subpoe- all in his head.”
Friday with an affidavit in na, including meeting with
which the former presi- Trump last month at Mar-a- Habba filed a notice of appeal
dent claims he didn’t turn Lago in Florida and review- Wednesday with the appel-
over subpoenaed docu- ing prior searches of his com- late division of the state’s trial
ments to the state attorney pany’s files. court seeking to overturn
general’s office because he Engoron’s contempt rul-
doesn’t have them. Andrew Amer, a lawyer for ing. Trump is also challeng-
the attorney general’s of- ing Engoron’s Feb. 17 rul-
The judge, though, was un- fice, said in a court filing that ing requiring that he answer
moved and refused to lift while the affidavits “provide questions under oath. Oral
sanctions he imposed on some additional informa- arguments in that appeal are
Trump on Monday. Judge tion” about Trump’s efforts scheduled for May 11.
Arthur Engoron criticized to comply with the subpoe- they had taken to search for vestigation he inherited in
the lack of detail in Trump na, more extensive searches James, a Democrat, has said the documents, as required January from his predecessor,
affidavit, which amounted to were needed — including of that her investigation has un- under case law. Cyrus Vance Jr., is continuing
two paragraphs, saying that Trump Tower, his residences covered evidence that Trump “without fear or favor” de-
he should have explained the and electronic devices — be- may have misstated the value Trump, a Republican, is su- spite a recent shakeup in the
methods he uses to stores his fore the judge should con- of assets like skyscrapers and ing James in federal court in probe’s leadership. Trump’s
records and efforts he made sider reversing the contempt golf courses on his financial an effort to stop her inves- lawyers contend that James is
to locate the subpoenaed finding. statements for more than a tigation. Oral arguments in using her civil investigation
files. decade. Her Dec. 1 subpoe- that matter are scheduled for to gain access to informa-
Frank Runyeon, a reporter for na sought numerous docu- May 13. tion that could then be used
In the affidavit, which bore the legal publication Law360, ments, including paperwork against him in the criminal
Trump’s signature and said that Engoron held an and communications per- Trump recently labeled her probe.
Wednesday’s date, the for- impromptu hearing Friday, taining to his financial state- an “operative for the Demo-
mer president said that docu- without a court stenographer, ments and various develop- crat Party” and has said in So far, the district attorney’s
ments sought in Attorney in which he addressed the af- ment projects. written statements that her investigation has resulted
General Letitia James’ civil fidavits from Trump and his investigation and a parallel only in tax fraud charges
investigation into his busi- lawyers and ruled to keep the James asked Engoron to hold criminal probe overseen by against the Trump Organiza-
ness dealings weren’t in his contempt fine in place. Trump in contempt after he Manhattan District Attorney tion and its longtime finance
personal possession. Trump, failed to produce any docu- Alvin Bragg, another Demo- chief, Allen Weisselberg,
who is appealing the con- Runyeon, one of the few ments by a March 31 court crat, are “a continuation of relating to lucrative fringe
tempt ruling, said he believed members of the news me- deadline. In his ruling, En- the greatest Witch Hunt of all benefits such as rent, car pay-
any documents would be in dia to attend the unadver- goron said that Trump and time.” ments and school tuition.
the possession of his compa- tised hearing, reported that his lawyers not only failed to The company and Weissel-
ny, the Trump Organization. Engoron was insistent that meet the deadline, but also Bragg said this month that berg have pleaded not guilty.
Trump provide the “who, failed to document the steps the 3-year-old criminal in-
Former Idaho lawmaker found guilty of raping intern
(AP) — A former Idaho in March 2021. He said the uled for July 28. told the jurors they had to the jury asked a question.
lawmaker was convicted sex was consensual. “strike (Doe’s testimony) No details were made public
Friday of raping a 19-year- The Associated Press gener- from your minds as if it never about the jury’s inquiry.
old legislative intern after At the time, von Ehlinger ally does not identify people happened,” because the de-
a dramatic trial in which was a state representative who say they have been sexu- fense could not cross-exam- When the allegations became
the young woman fled the from Lewiston, but he later ally assaulted, and has re- ine her. public — largely because of
witness stand during tes- resigned. ferred to the woman in this the legislative ethics inves-
timony, saying “I can’t do case as “Jane Doe” at her re- During his testimony Thurs- tigation — Doe faced un-
this.” Von Ehlinger, 39, was found quest. day, von Ehlinger often spoke relenting harassment from
guilty Friday of rape. He was in a clear, loud voice direct- some of von Ehlinger’s sup-
The intern told a Statehouse found not guilty of sexual Doe haltingly described the ly to jurors, saying he and porters. Her name, photo and
supervisor that Aaron von penetration with a foreign moments the alleged assault Doe decided to return to his personal details about her life
Ehlinger raped her at his object. began, before abruptly leav- apartment to “hang out” after were repeatedly publicized
apartment after the two had ing the witness stand. eating at a fancy Boise restau- in “doxxing” incidents. One
dinner at a Boise restaurant Von Ehlinger sat calmly as rant. Then they began mak- of the people who frequently
the verdict was read, as he has “He tried to put his fingers ing out on the couch, he said. harassed her was in the court-
throughout the trial. Von Eh- between my legs and I closed house to attend the trial, but
linger talked quietly with his my knees,” Doe said. “Things were going well, and law enforcement banned the
attorney, who removed items I asked (Doe) if she would man from the floor where
from Von Ehlinger’s pockets At that, she stood up. like to move to the bed- where case was being heard.
as he was handcuffed and re- room,” von Ehlinger said.
manded to custody. “I can’t do this,” she said, “She said ‘Sure.’ We got up, During closing arguments,
quickly walking out of the held hands and walked into Ada County Deputy Pros-
Afterward, 4th District Judge courtroom. the bedroom.” ecuting Attorney Katelyn
Michael Reardon told the Farley told jurors that the
jury: “This has been an un- The judge gave the prosecut- Deliberations stretched for case was about “power in the
usual case attended by many ing attorneys 10 minutes to seven hours until nearly 8 wrong hands” used to the
unexpected circumstances, find her to determine if she p.m. Thursday before the “great devastation” of Doe.
but I appreciate your atten- would return and resume her jury decided to break for the Von Ehlinger had social, po-
tion ... and hard work.” testimony. evening. At one point, the litical and physical power
judge summoned the attor- over the petite intern, Farley
Sentencing has been sched- When she did not, the judge neys to his chambers because said.