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                     Thursday 6 april 2023

            U.S. flies nuclear-capable bombers amid tensions with N. Korea

            By HYUNG-JIN KIM                                                                                                    unveiled  a  new  battlefield
            Associated Press                                                                                                    nuclear  warhead  to  fit  on
            SEOUL, South Korea (AP) —                                                                                           short-range  weapons  tar-
            The  United  States  flew  nu-                                                                                      geting  South  Korea.  That
            clear-capable  B-52  bomb-                                                                                          touched  off  speculation
            ers to the Korean Peninsula                                                                                         that  it  may  want  to  carry
            again  on  Wednesday  in  a                                                                                         out its first nuclear test since
            show  of  strength  against                                                                                         2017  because  its  last  two
            North Korea amid concerns                                                                                           nuclear  test  detonations
            that  the  North  might  con-                                                                                       happened after it disclosed
            duct a nuclear test.                                                                                                other  new  warheads.  If
            The  long-range  bombers                                                                                            conducted,  it  would  be
            took part in joint aerial drills                                                                                    the North’s seventh nuclear
            with U.S. and South Korean                                                                                          weapons test.
            fighter jets over the Korean                                                                                        Whether  North  Korea  has
            Peninsula,  South  Korea’s                                                                                          functioning  nuclear-armed
            Defense Ministry said. It said                                                                                      missiles remains a subject of
            it  was  the  first  deployment                                                                                     debate. Some experts say a
            of U.S. B-52 bombers to the                                                                                         nuclear  detonation  would
            peninsula in a month.                                                                                               be aimed at testing a min-
            The  drills  “show  the  strong                                                                                     iaturized warhead for short-
            resolve  of  the  (South)  Ko-                                                                                      range missiles because the
            rea-U.S.  alliance  and  its                                                                                        country’s  recent  weapons
            perfect  readiness  to  re-  In this photo provided by South Korean Defense Ministry, a U.S. B-52 bomber, C-17, and U.S. Air   tests  have  focused  more
            spond  to  any  provocation   Force F-22 fighter jets fly over the Korean Peninsula during a joint air drill in South Korea on Dec.   on  weapons  that  place
            by North Korea swiftly and   20, 2022.                                                             Associated Press  key  military  installations  in
            overwhelmingly,”  Lt.  Gen.                                                                                         South Korea, including U.S.
            Park Ha Sik, commander of  five  years  and  computer  tacking  the  North.  A  day  launched a series of nucle-    military  bases  there,  within
            the South Korean air force  simulations  last  month. The  after  the  last  flight  by  a  ar-capable  weapons  de-  striking distance.
            operation  command,  said  U.S.  also  sent  the  nuclear-  B-52  bomber  to  the  pen-  signed to attack South Ko-  Kim Jong Un has said North
            in a statement.              powered USS Nimitz aircraft  insula  on  March  6,  Kim  Yo  rea and the United States.  Korea  won’t  return  to  de-
            The South Korean and U.S.  carrier for joint naval train-  Jong, the powerful sister of  They  included  the  North’s  nuclearization  talks  with
            militaries  have  been  ex-  ing  with  South  Korea  last  North  Korean  leader  Kim  longest-range  Hwasong-17  the  U.S.  unless  Washington
            panding  their  combined  week  and  U.S.-South  Ko-      Jong  Un,  warned  that  her  intercontinental   ballistic  drops  hostile  polices  to-
            military  drills  in  response  to  rea-Japan  anti-submarine  country was ready to take  missile,  a  developmental  ward the North, an appar-
            North Korea’s nuclear and  drills this week.              “quick,  overwhelming  ac-   nuclear-capable underwa-     ent reference to its joint mil-
            missile threats.             North Korea sees such drills  tion”  against  the  United  ter drone and cruise missiles  itary drills with South Korea
            The  allies  conducted  their  as  provocations  that  show  States and South Korea.   fired from a submarine.      and  U.S.-led  international
            biggest  field  exercises  in  its  rivals’  intention  of  at-  North Korea has since test-  Last  week,  North  Korea  economic sanctions.q

             U.N.: Ban on Afghan female staffers by Taliban unacceptable

            By RAHIM FAIEZ               women’s  rights,  a  flagrant  mented  publicly  on  the  their movements, including  Women  must  also  cover
            Associated Press             breach  of  humanitarian  ban and have not released  harassment,         intimidation  themselves  from  head  to
            ISLAMABAD  (AP)  —  The  principles,  and  a  breach  a statement.                     and detention.               toe.
            U.N.  said  Wednesday  it  of     international   rules,”  The U.N. statement said sev-  “The  UN  has  therefore  in-  Afghan  women  were  al-

            cannot  accept  a  Taliban  Wednesday’s       statement  eral  U.N.  national  female  structed  all  national  staff  ready barred from working
            decision to bar Afghan fe-   said.                        personnel  have  already  men  and  women    not  to  at  national  and  interna-
            male  staffers  from  working  The Taliban have not com-  experienced restrictions on  report to the office until fur-  tional   non-governmental
            at the agency, calling it an                                                           ther notice,” the statement  organizations,   disrupting
            “unparalleled”  violation  of                                                          said.                        the  delivery  of  humanitar-
            women’s rights.                                                                        Despite initial promises of a  ian aid, but the ban did not
            The statement came a day                                                               more  moderate  rule  than  previously  cover  working
            after  the  U.N.  said  it  had                                                        during  its  previous  stint  in  for the U.N.
            been informed by Afghani-                                                              power,  the  Taliban  have  That  changed  this  week.
            stan’s  ruling  Taliban  that                                                          imposed  harsh  measures  On  Wednesday,  the  U.N.
            Afghan  women  would  no                                                               since taking over the coun-  mission  said  that  accord-
            longer be allowed to work                                                              try in 2021 as U.S. and NATO  ing to the Taliban order, no
            for  the  world  body.  That                                                           forces  were  pulling  out  of  Afghan  woman  is  permit-
            announcement  came  af-                                                                Afghanistan  after  two  de-  ted  to  work  for  the  U.N.  in
            ter  the  U.N.  mission  in  the                                                       cades of war.                Afghanistan, and that “this
            country expressed concern                                                              Girls are banned from edu-   measure  will  be  actively
            that its female staffers were                                                          cation beyond sixth grade.  enforced.”
            prevented  from  reporting                                                             Women  are  barred  from  The  ban  is  unlawful  under
            to work in eastern Nangar-                                                             working,  studying,  travel-  international law and can-
            har province.                The  symbol  of  the  United  Nations  is  displayed  outside   ing  without  a  male  com-  not  be  accepted  by  the
            The Taliban decision is “an   the  Secretariat  Building,  Feb.  28,  2022,  at  United  Nations   panion, and even going to  United  Nations,  the  state-
            unparalleled  violation  of                                           Associated Press  parks.                      ment said.q
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