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A28    u.s. news
                       Diasabra 9 Juli 2022

                        Biden marks CIA’s 75 years as ‘bedrock’ of national security

            (AP)  —  President  Joe                                                                                             to  tamp  down  suggestions
            Biden  lauded  the  CIA  as                                                                                         that the U.S. is directly help-
            the  “bedrock  of  our  na-                                                                                         ing Ukraine attack Russia out
            tional  security”  during  a                                                                                        of  concern  that  Putin  may
            Friday visit to the agency,                                                                                         see  those  suggestions  as  es-
            which  also  is  part  of  the                                                                                      calations.  Biden  has  said  he
            wide-ranging  intelligence                                                                                          wants to avoid a “third world
            effort to support Ukraine’s                                                                                         war.”
            resistance against Russia.
                                                                                                                                As Ukraine repelled Russian
            Biden  marked  the  75th  an-                                                                                       forces  in  the  first  weeks  of
            niversary  of  the  agency’s                                                                                        the  war,  and  under  pressure
            founding  after  World  War                                                                                         from  lawmakers  in  Wash-
            II. While at the headquarters                                                                                       ington,  the  Biden  adminis-
            in  Virginia,  he  thanked  the                                                                                     tration loosened its rules on
            CIA for its work in Ukraine                                                                                         sharing  intelligence  and  is
            and  called  America’s  intelli-                                                                                    now  providing  more  infor-
            gence officers “the best in the                                                                                     mation to the Ukrainians. It
            world.”                                                                                                             has also committed $7 billion
                                                                                                                                in weapons systems, ammu-
            Predictions that Russia would                                                                                       nition and other military aid
            invade  Ukraine  in  Febru-                                                                                         since the war began.
            ary  provided  a  public  boost
            for  spy  agencies  that  are  of-                                                                                  Ukrainian  officials  and  ob-
            ten criticized and facing new  dency,  he  said,  was  reading  cade war.              government would hold out  servers  say  Ukraine  still  is
            pressure  to  deliver  insights  the  President’s  Daily  Brief,                       for  months,  only  for  Ghani  vastly  outgunned  by  Russia
            on China and Russia. Biden  the compilation of the intel-  Douglas  London,  a  former  to flee and the Taliban to take  in what’s become a grinding
            authorized an unprecedented  ligence community’s top col-  CIA  officer  who  has  criti-  Kabul as the U.S. was trying  war  of  attrition  heavily  reli-
            campaign  to  declassify  find-  lection and analysis.    cized  the  agency’s  direction  to evacuate.             ant on artillery fire. Putin is
            ings  that  have been credited                            in recent years, said the Rus-  Sen.  Angus  King,  a  Maine  believed by U.S. intelligence
            with  helping  build  support  “I’ve been involved with your  sia-Ukraine  war  has  shown  independent  who  sits  on  to have not given up on his
            for  severe  Russia  sanctions  agency for not 75 years, but  the CIA is on its way to be-  the  Senate  Intelligence  and  initial  aims  to  “neutralize”
            and the ramp-up of military  —  I  hate  to  admit  it  —  52  coming  “an  elite  spy  service  Armed Services committees,  Ukraine in his eyes.
            support to Kyiv.             years,”  Biden  said  to  laughs  again.”                 said he’s pushed intelligence  The U.S. also is involved in
                                         from  the  officers  gathered.  “Its  path  to  redemption  has  officials to review why there  shoring up the cyber defenses
            “It was thanks to the incred-  “It’s very hard to say.”   really  been  facilitated  by  were “two significant break-  of  Ukraine  and  other  allies
            ible work of our intelligence  Biden  has  reestablished  a  Ukraine,”  said  London,  au-  downs in a year.”       against  Russia’s  capabilities
            professionals  that  we  were  more traditional relationship  thor of “The Recruiter: Spy-                          to hack and steal from digital
            able to inform the world what  with the CIA and other agen-  ing and the Lost Art of Amer-  “The  quality  of  the  intelli-  systems. And agencies are on
            Vladimir Putin was planning  cies  after  former  President  ican Intelligence.”       gence  pre-invasion  was  ex-  watch  for  election  influence
            in  Ukraine,”  Biden  told  the  Donald  Trump  repeatedly                             cellent and absolutely world-  or  interference  from  Russia
            audience  while  standing  in  cast  doubt  on  intelligence  Still,  the  U.S.  intelligence  class,”  King  said  in  a  recent  amid  expectations  that  Pu-
            front of the agency’s memo-  findings  and  attacked  what  community  underestimated  interview. “The problem was  tin may use U.S. support for
            rial wall.                   he alleged was a “deep state”  Ukraine’s ability to resist the  the assessment of what would  Ukraine  as  justification  for
                                         of opponents.                Russian invasion and wrong-  happen after the invasion.”  another campaign against an
            Biden  came  to  the  White                               ly predicted Ukrainian Presi-                             American election.
            House with a long history of  Still, there were tensions last  dent Volodymyr Zelenskyy’s  Most of the intelligence com-  “Ultimately, the U.S. calculus
            receiving  intelligence  brief-  year concerning Afghanistan,  government would fall with-  munity’s work since the war  is this: We want to do every-
            ings,  having  served  eight  with  finger-pointing  across  in weeks.                 began  has  been  kept  secret.  thing we can to support the
            years as vice president and 36  the  government  during  the                           U.S.  officials  have  disclosed  Ukrainians  while  avoiding  a
            years as a senator from Dela-  fall  of  the  American-backed  The  agencies  are  reviewing  that  it  is  providing  Ukraine  direct conflict with the Rus-
            ware, where he led the Senate  government  as  the  Taliban  how  they  assess  a  foreign  with information that Ukrai-  sians,”  said  Dale  Buckner,  a
            Foreign  Relations  Commit-  overran  Kabul.  Current  and  government’s perceived “will  nian forces have in turn used  retired U.S. Army Green Be-
            tee  and  served  on  the  Intel-  former  intelligence  officials  to fight” — an issue the U.S.  to hit high-value Russian tar-  ret who now leads the secu-
            ligence  Committee  when  it  worked  frantically  to  evacu-  also  misjudged  in  Afghani-  gets,  including  the  flagship  rity firm Global Guardian.
            was first created in the 1970s.  ate Afghans who had helped  stan last year when it believed  Moskva.
            The  thing  he  missed  most  the U.S. during the two-de-  President  Ashraf  Ghani’s  The  White  House  has  tried
            after  leaving  the  vice  presi-

                         Feces mailed to Ohio GOP lawmakers; post office investigates

                                                                      tion by the U.S. Postal In-  cluded  in  the  letters,  said  gardless  of  their  political  af-
                                                                      spection Service, a spokes-  Senate  GOP  spokesperson  filiation.”
                                                                      person for the lawmakers  John Fortney. The return ad-
                                                                      confirmed Friday.            dresses  on  the  letters  were  He said he isn’t aware of any
                                                                                                   deemed fake.                 House  members  receiving
                                                                      Mailroom  employees  in  the  Fortney  called  the  incident  such mail.
                                                                      Ohio Statehouse and post of-  “outrageous”  and  a  serious
                                                                      fices in Cleveland and Akron  health risk.                The U.S. Postal Service’s law
                                                                      intercepted the letters, which  “This  type  of  biohazard  at-  enforcement  arm  is  investi-
                                                                      never made it to their intend-  tack doesn’t just stop with the  gating the matter as a federal
                                                                      ed recipients.               people it’s directed towards,”  crime. It wouldn’t comment
                                                                                                   Fortney said. “This is some-  Friday about the ongoing in-
                                                                      Why they were sent remains  thing  that  could  potentially  vestigation, including wheth-
                                                                      unclear.  No  policy  issues  or  affect  every  single  employee  er  the  waste  was  human  or
            (AP) — Feces were mailed  state  senators  this  week,    certain  grievances  were  in-  at  the  Ohio  Statehouse,  re-  animal.
            to  Ohio’s  25  Republican  prompting  an  investiga-
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