P. 10
Wednesday 7 June 2017
Deadly attacks turn UK election into a vote on security
By JILL LAWLESS She vowed to crack down
Associated Press on terrorism suspects if she
LONDON (AP) — Britons are wins the election — “and if
about to vote in an elec- our human rights laws stop
tion that was supposed to us from doing it, we will
be dominated by Brexit. Af- change the laws so we can
ter two deadly attacks in as do it.”
many weeks it has become Critics accused May of pos-
a battle over security. turing. London Mayor Sadiq
Following attacks in Man- Khan, a former Labour law-
chester and London that maker, said the city would
killed 29 people, voters lose thousands more police
are anxiously aware of the officers under Conservative
threat the country faces plans to trim spending.
from international terror- “Cuts on this scale would
ism, and demanding to make it harder to foil fu-
know why authorities failed ture terrorist attacks on our
to apprehend suspects city,” Khan said.
whose extremist leanings This election has not gone
were well-known. according to script. May
Prime Minister Theresa May called a snap poll in hope
said Tuesday that when Britain’s Prime Minister Theresa May makes a speech during her visit to Longton rugby club in of increasing the Conserva-
Britons vote on Thursday Stoke central England while on the General Election campaign trail, Tuesday June 6, 2017. Britain tive majority in Parliament,
with security on their minds, votes in parliamentary elections on Thursday, June 8. saying that would strength-
they should ask: “Who can (Stefan Rousseau/PA via AP) en Britain’s hand in Europe-
they trust?” lambasted her for cutting land Yard’s counterterror- concert in Manchester in an Union exit negotiations.
When the campaign be- police numbers by 20,000 ism chief, Mark Rowley, which 22 people died. In Polls gave her reason for
gan, May must have been when she was interior minis- said Butt was investigated every case, the attack- confidence, showing the
confident the answer ter between 2010 and 2016. by officers in 2015 but they ers had come to authori- Conservatives with a lead
would be her and the Con- She also was responsible for found no evidence he was ties’ attention but were not of as much as 20 points
servatives, rather than the security services that failed planning an attack and he considered a major threat. over Labour.
Labour Party under Jeremy to keep tabs on Khuram was “prioritized in the lower May insisted Tuesday that But even before the at-
Corbyn, a veteran social- Butt, one of three men who echelons of our investiga- her government had “pro- tacks, the polls were nar-
ist who has opposed British went on a vehicle-and- tive work.” tected the counterter- rowing. May’s campaign-
military interventions and knife rampage around Lon- The London Bridge attack is rorism policing budget,” ing style was criticized as
tougher anti-terrorism laws don Bridge on Saturday. the third in Britain this year, increased the number of stiff and lackluster, and
for decades. The 27-year-old was a very following a vehicle and armed police officers (af- some Conservative policy
But the attacks have raised public Islamic radical who knife rampage near Parlia- ter several years when it proposals got a hostile re-
awkward questions about had appeared on a TV ment in March, which killed fell) and funded the intelli- ception, including a plan
May’s own record in gov- documentary titled “The five, and the May 22 bomb- gence services to hire 1,900 to make pensioners pay for
ernment. Opponents have Jihadis Next Door.” Scot- ing at an Ariana Grande more staff. more of their care.q
London mayor tells AP he doesn’t care about Trump tweets
By RAPHAEL SATTER Mayor Sadiq Khan, who “no reason to be alarmed” ing the mayor’s “pathetic who assumed office in May
Associated Press made history as the British by the atrocity. excuse.” 2016 after serving in Parlia-
LONDON (AP) — The mayor capital’s first Muslim leader, In fact, Khan was referring Reporters repeatedly ment, generally praised
of London says he doesn’t has repeatedly been tar- in his televised remarks to asked Khan for his thoughts the “special relationship”
care about the repeated geted by Trump on Twit- the presence of armed on Trump outside the head- between the United States
insults he has received from ter. After Saturday’s at- officers on the capital’s quarters of London’s Am- and Britain.
the president of the United tacks in the London Bridge streets. When the British bulance Service, where He calmly explained his
States, asserting Tuesday area that claimed seven press ridiculed Trump’s out- he observed a minute of opposition to Trump’s pro-
that he “really couldn’t be lives, for example, Trump of-context quote, the presi- silence Tuesday to honor of posed travel ban on visitors
bothered about what Don- panned the mayor for tell- dent returned to Twitter to the victims of the attacks. from several Muslim coun-
ald Trump tweets.” ing the public there was accuse the media of buy- The 46-year-old mayor, tries. q