P. 8

                  Wednesday 7 June 2017
            US-backed Syrian force attacks IS-held capital of Raqqa

            By BASSEM MROUE                                                                                                     underway there.
            Associated Press                                                                                                    Lt.  Gen.  Steve  Townsend,
            BEIRUT  (AP)  —  A  U.S.-                                                                                           the top U.S. commander in
            backed  Syrian  force  said                                                                                         Iraq, said the twin offensives
            Tuesday  it  has  begun  an                                                                                         against  Mosul  and  Raqqa
            offensive  to  capture  the                                                                                         are hurting the Islamic State
            northern city of Raqqa, the                                                                                         group’s prestige and ability
            de  facto  capital  of  the  Is-                                                                                    to recruit new loyalists.
            lamic  State  group,  after                                                                                         “It’s hard to convince new
            months  of  clearing  opera-                                                                                        recruits that ISIS is a winning
            tions.                                                                                                              cause  when  they  just  lost
            An  American  commander                                                                                             their twin ‘capitals’ in both
            said the battle will be long                                                                                        Iraq  and  Syria,”  Townsend
            and  difficult,  but  success                                                                                       said,  referring  to  IS  by  an-
            would  deliver  a  decisive                                                                                         other acronym.
            blow to the idea of IS as a                                                                                         He  said  U.S.-led  coalition
            physical caliphate.                                                                                                 forces will continue to sup-
            By  early  afternoon,  op-                                                                                          port the SDF in Raqqa, pro-
            position  activists  said  U.S.-                                                                                    viding equipment, training,
            backed fighters were trying                                                                                         Intelligence and logistics as
            to break into the city from   This March 7, 2017 frame grab from video provided by Arab 24 network, shows U.S. forces patrol-  well as precision firepower.
            the east, triggering intense   ling on the outskirts of the Syrian town of Manbij, in Aleppo province, Syria. U.S.-backed Syrian   “We all saw the heinous at-
            clashes.                     forces have launched their attack on the Islamic State group’s de facto capital of Raqqa, in north-  tack  in  Manchester,  Eng-
            Raqqa  was  among  the       ern Syria, just as the jihadist group is making its last stand in Mosul in neighboring Iraq.   land,”  said  Townsend,  re-
            first  cities  captured  by  IS,                                                           (Arab 24 network, via AP)  ferring  to  a  bombing  that
            in  January  2014,  and  has   begun in coordination with  led coalition.”             and  west,  and  opposition   killed 22 people last month
            been  the  home  of  some    the U.S.-led coalition.      SDF  fighters  began  ad-    activists  have  reported  in-  and  was  claimed  by  IS.
            of the group’s most promi-   “We  declare  today  the  vancing  toward  Raqqa  in  tense shelling and airstrikes    “ISIS threatens all of our na-
            nent leaders. The battle for   beginning  of  the  great  November, capturing wide  on  the  city  since  Monday    tions, not just Iraq and Syria,
            the  city  is  expected  to  be   battle to liberate the city of  areas of northern Syria from  night,  which  killed  at  least   but  in  our  own  homelands
            extended and bloody, and     Raqqa, the alleged capital  the  extremists.  Last  week,  12 people.                  as well.
            could mark a major turning   of  terrorism  and  terrorists,”  they reached the northern  IS militants are not expect-   This cannot stand.”
            point in the war against the   Sillo  told  a  news  confer-  and  eastern  gates  of  the  ed  to  give  up  easily.  Iraqi   “The  International  Coali-
            extremists.                  ence held in northern Syria.  city  after  intense  clashes  forces  launched  an  offen-  tion and our partner forces
            Talal Sillo, a spokesman for   “Morale is high and military  under the cover of U.S.-led  sive  to  capture  the  north-  are steadily dismantling the
            the Kurdish-led Syrian Dem-  readiness to implement the  airstrikes.                   ern  city  of  Mosul,  the  larg-  physical  caliphate  of  ISIS,”
            ocratic Forces, told report-  military plan is complete, in  Raqqa is currently surround-  est  held  by  IS,  in  October,   said Townsend.
            ers  that  operations  have   coordination  with  the  U.S.-  ed  from  the  east,  north  and  heavy  fighting  is  still   Continued on page 27

                Kuwait tries to mediate crisis between Qatar, Arab nations

            By JON GAMBRELL                                                                        posture at Qatar’s Al-Udeid  about  the  crisis  late  Mon-
            Associated Press                                                                       Air Base, Trump made a se-   day night.
            DUBAI,  United  Arab  Emir-                                                            ries  of  tweets  calling  into  Sheikh  Tamim  bin  Hamad
            ates  (AP)  —  Kuwait  tried                                                           question  his  commitment  Al  Thani  “received  a  call
            to  mediate  a  resumption                                                             to the peninsular nation.    from the emir of Kuwait ask-
            of  diplomatic  and  com-                                                              “During  my  recent  trip  to  ing  him  to  postpone  it  in
            mercial  ties  between  Qa-                                                            the  Middle  East  I  stated  order to give time to solve
            tar  and  several  of  its  Arab                                                       that there can no longer be  the  crisis,”  Sheikh  Moham-
            neighbors  Tuesday,  while                                                             funding  of  Radical  Ideolo-  med said.
            U.S.   President    Donald                                                             gy,” he tweeted. “Leaders  Still, the minister struck a de-
            Trump  appeared  to  back                                                              pointed to Qatar — look!”    fiant  tone,  rejecting  those
            those  isolating  the  energy-                                                         He later tweeted: “Perhaps  “trying  to  impose  their  will
            rich nation over allegations                                                           this will be the beginning of  on Qatar or intervene in its
            it  supports  terror  groups                                                           the end to the horror of ter-  internal affairs.”
            and Iran.                                                                              rorism!”                     The  state-run  Kuwait  News
            Qatar  long  has  denied                                                               Trump,  who  traveled  to  Agency  reported  that  Ku-
            funding  extremists,  and  its   Passengers of cancelled flights wait in Hamad International Air-  Saudi Arabia last month for  waiti  ruler  Sheikh  Sabah
            foreign  minister  struck  a   port (HIA) in Doha, Qatar, Tuesday, June 6, 2017. Qatar’s for-  a  conference  of  Arab  na-  Al-Ahmad  Al  Sabah  spoke
                                         eign minister says Kuwait is trying to mediate a diplomatic crisis
            defiant  tone  in  interviews,   in which Arab countries have cut diplomatic ties and moved   tions, had told Qatar’s ruler  with  Qatar’s  emir  Monday
            even after worried residents   to  isolate  his  energy-rich,  travel-hub  nation  from  the  outside   at  the  time  that  “we’ve  evening and urged him to
            emptied  grocery  stores  in   world. Airlines suspended flights and residents cleaned out store   been friends now for a long  give  a  chance  to  efforts
            its capital, Doha.           shelves. Bahrain, Egypt, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emir-  time.”  Qatari  officials  de-  aimed  at  easing  tensions.
            Qatar relies heavily on food   ates said Monday they would cut diplomatic ties.        clined to comment.           The call came after a senior
            imports,  especially  those                                    (AP Photo/Hadi Mizban)  In  an  earlier  interview  with  Saudi  royal  arrived  in  Ku-
            coming  over  its  only  land  edented,”  said  Hatoon  al-  with  Iraq  pits  several  na-  Doha-based  satellite  news  wait  with  a  message  from
            border  with  Saudi  Arabia,  Fassi,  a  Saudi  historian  of  tions  against  Qatar,  home  network  Al-Jazeera,  For-  the  Saudi  king.  An  Omani
            which joined with other key  Gulf  Affairs  and  Women’s  to  some  10,000  American  eign  Minister  Sheikh  Mo-   diplomat traveled to Qatar
            Arab  powers  Monday  in  Studies at Qatar University.    troops and a major U.S. mili-  hammed Bin Abdulrahman  on Monday.
            cutting off land, sea and air  The   biggest   diplomatic  tary base.                  Al  Thani  said  Kuwait’s  ruler  Sabah  left  Tuesday  night
            routes into the country.     crisis  in  the  Persian  Gulf  While  the  U.S.  military  has  had asked Qatar’s emir to  for Saudi Arabia, where he
            “On  this  scale,  it’s  unprec-  since the 1991 U.S.-led war  said it wouldn’t change its  hold off on giving a speech  met with King Salman.q
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