P. 3
U.S. NEWS Wednesday 7 June 2017
Trump wishes Comey luck, allies aim at lawman’s credibility
tisan agreement, the email allies have traded compet- Democrats have accused
says, that Comey “needs to ing narratives about their Trump of firing Comey
answer a simple question interactions. The president to upend the FBI’s Rus-
about his conversations asserted that Comey told sia probe, which focused
with President Trump: If you him three times that he was in large part on whether
were so concerned, why not personally under inves- campaign aides coordi-
didn’t you act on it or notify tigation, while the former nated with Moscow to
Congress?” director’s associates allege hack Democratic groups
Comey’s testimony before Trump asked Comey if he during the election. Days
the Senate intelligence could back off an investi- after Comey’s firing, the
committee marks his first gation into Michael Flynn, Justice Department ap-
public comments since who was fired as national pointed a special counsel,
he was abruptly ousted security adviser because former FBI Director Robert
by Trump on May 9. Since he misled the White House Mueller, to oversee the fed-
then, Trump and Comey about his ties to Russia. eral investigation.q
President Donald Trump speaks during meeting with House and
Senate Leadership in the Roosevelt Room of the White House in
Washington, Tuesday, June 6, 2017.
(AP Photo/Pablo Martinez Monsivais)
By JULIE PACE it came after Trump had
JULIE BYKOWICZ asked Comey in February
Associated Press to end an investigation
WASHINGTON (AP) — The into Trump’s first national
White House and its allies security adviser, Michael
are scrambling for ways Flynn. Trump’s White House
to offset potential dam- and its allies are crafting a
age from fired FBI Direc- strategy aimed at under-
tor James Comey’s highly mining Comey’s credibility.
anticipated congressional Both White House officials
testimony, an appearance and an outside group that
that could expose new backs Trump plan to ham-
details about his discus- mer Comey in the coming
sions with President Donald days for misstatements he
Trump about the federal made about Democrat
investigation into Russia’s Hillary Clinton’s emails dur-
election meddling. ing his last appearance on
Asked about the testimo- Capitol Hill.
ny, Trump on Tuesday was An ad created by the pro-
tight-lipped: “I wish him Trump Great America Alli-
luck,” he told reporters be- ance — a nonprofit “issues”
fore a meeting with law- group that isn’t required to
makers. disclose its donors — casts
Tuesday evening, a person Comey as a “showboat”
familiar with the situation who was “consumed with
said Comey had asked election meddling” instead
Attorney General Jeff Ses- of focusing on combating
sions to keep him from be- terrorism. The 30-second
ing alone with Trump. spot is slated to run digitally
The person, who was not on Wednesday and ap-
authorized to discuss the pear the next day on CNN
matter by name and spoke and Fox News.
on condition of anonymity, The Republican National
told The Associated Press Committee has been pre-
the request was made be- paring talking points ahead
cause of concerns Comey of the hearing, which will
had about Trump. be aired live on multiple
It was not immediately clear TV stations. An RNC re-
when the conversation oc- search email Monday is-
curred. But The New York sued a challenge to the
Times, which first reported lawmakers who will ques-
the request to Sessions, said tion Comey. There’s bipar-