P. 4
Wednesday 7 June 2017
Accused leaker shared harsh opinions on Trump before arrest
a detention hearing. clearance. obtained a classified Na-
In her spare time, Winner “I know my daughter. She’s tional Security Agency
lifted weights and taught a patriot,” Davis said. “She report dated May 5 sug-
the occasional yoga class. served with distinction in gesting Russian hackers
She served six years in one of the highest classi- attacked at least one U.S.
the Air Force before she fied jobs in the Air Force.” voting software supplier
moved to Georgia early Winner’s mother said she days before last year’s
this year, according to her was stunned when her presidential election.
mother, Billie Winner-Davis. daughter called over the Winner’s defense attorney,
Reporters gathered Tues- weekend, saying the FBI Titus Thomas Nichols, would
day outside Winner’s small, had come to her home not confirm whether she
red-brick home in a neigh- and she was being ar- was being charged with
borhood dotted with over- rested. Winner asked if her leaking the NSA report cit-
grown yards and houses in mother and stepfather, ed by The Intercept.
In this 2013 photo, the National Security Agency (NSA) campus disrepair. who live in Texas, would On social media, Winner
in Fort Meade, Md. Russian hackers attacked at least one U.S. “She’s got a good heart,” travel to Georgia to help mostly shared glimpses into
voting software supplier days before the 2016 presidential elec- Winner-Davis said. “She feed her cat. “Mainly she her life far removed from
tion, according to a classified NSA report leaked Monday, June serves her community, she was concerned about her politics — such as watch-
5, 2017, that suggests election-related hacking penetrated fur- served her country. She cat,” Winner-Davis said. ing Dr. Who with her cat
ther into U.S. voting systems than previously known. believes in always doing Court documents accuse and serving her family a
(AP Photo/Patrick Semansky)
what’s right.” Winner of mailing a clas- vegetarian meal of barbe-
Continued from Front ments containing top-se- Gary Davis, Winner’s step- sified report written on or cued jackfruit.
cret material and mailed father, said she turned about May 5 to an un- “I just know she cares about
Winner remained locked them to an online news or- down a full college schol- named news organization. her world and taking care
up Tuesday on federal ganization. She was sched- arship to join the Air Force. The website The Intercept of people and animals,”
charges that she made uled to appear before a Court records say Winner reported Monday it had Winner-Davis said.q
copies of classified docu- federal judge Thursday for held a top-secret security
Flynn turns over documents to
panel probing Russia, Trump
Continued from Front and his communications
with Russia are part of a
The aide said the commit- wide-ranging probe by the
tee’s investigators immedi- Justice Department’s spe-
ately began reviewing the cial counsel. Meanwhile,
information to determine a Democratic lawmaker
the extent of what Flynn called on a top Justice
provided. The aide spoke Department official to
on condition of anonymity clarify the scope of Special
to discuss the committee’s Counsel Robert Mueller’s
sensitive work. investigation.
Sen. Mark Warner of Virgin- On Tuesday, commit-
ia, the ranking Democrat tee chairman Sen. Rich-
on the Senate intelligence ard Burr, R-N.C., said the
committee, confirmed the panel sought Flynn’s busi-
panel had received docu- ness records — including
ments from Flynn, but de- travel, expense and phone
clined to characterize the records — to determine
material or say how many whether those records
pages had been received. “would give us insight as
“We can’t make any judg- to where he was when he
ment on whether he’s fully was, what reimbursements
complied because we’ve he received, what expens-
got to review the docu- es he might have had.”
ments,” Warner said. Burr said it was still possible
The documents came as Flynn may turn over more
Homeland Security Secre- records. He noted the com-
tary John Kelly indicated mittee is still working with
that President Donald Flynn to see if he will agree
Trump’s son-in-law and to be interviewed as part
top adviser Jared Kushner of the panel’s probe.q