P. 2
Wednesday 7 June 2017
US envoy Haley berates UN rights council, demands reforms
By JAMEY KEATEN nent fixture on its agenda hypocrisy and evasion, not extensively from an Asso- one of the lucky ones. She
Associated Press — the only country in the the forum for conscience ciated Press report in Oc- lived,” Haley said. “Others
GENEVA (AP) — U.S. Presi- world that is. that its founders envi- tober that described the are not so lucky. In the last
dent Donald Trump’s am- “Countries like Venezuela, sioned,” she said at the desperate medical saga year, 11,500 babies died
bassador to the United Na- Cuba, China, Burundi and Graduate Institute in Ge- of 3-year-old Ashley Pa- before their first birthday in
tions on Tuesday berated Venezuela. Maternal mor-
the U.N.’s top human rights tality is up 65 percent.”
body, calling it a “forum Her tough words about
for politics, hypocrisy and Venezuela didn’t come
evasion” that allows rights without a response.
abusers to whitewash their Two silent protesters in the
images and foes of Israel audience held up sheets
to criticize the Jewish state of paper during her Gradu-
unfairly. ate Institute address, one
Nikki Haley, in the first visit with the words “Fake Lead-
to the Human Rights Coun- ership” on it — an appar-
cil by America’s top dip- ent critique of the Trump
lomat at the U.N., trained administration and an al-
most of her focus on al- lusion to the president’s re-
leged abuses by Venezu- peated jibes about “fake
ela’s government, a rela- news.” The American Civil
tively easy target in that Liberties Union responded
President Nicolas Maduro by calling on the United
has increasingly run afoul States to “practice what
of some of his Latin Ameri- it preaches” on human
can neighbors. rights. The ACLU, in a state-
Haley made only a pass- ment, urged the United
ing reference to poor hu- States to make human
man rights in Saudi Arabia, United States permanent Representative to the United Nations Ambassador Nikki Haley smiles rights a priority at home,
a longtime U.S. ally that before delivering a speech about the current humanitarian situation in the world, during the open- and then it could “begin to
recently agreed to buy ing of the 35th session of the Human Rights Council, at the European headquarters of the United credibly demand the same
hundreds of billions of dol- Nations in Geneva, Switzerland, Tuesday, June 6, 2017. (Magali Girardin/Keystone via AP) of other countries abroad.”
lars’ worth of U.S.-made “It’s hard to take Ambassa-
weapons over the next de- Saudi Arabia occupy posi- neva. “If it fails to change, checo, who nearly died dor Haley seriously on U.S.
cade. Many of the weap- tions that obligate them to, then we must pursue the from a staphylococcus support for human rights in
ons could be used in the in the words of the resolu- advancement of human infection in Venezuela’s light of Trump administra-
Saudi-led fight against reb- tion that created the Hu- rights outside the council.” shattered medical system. tion actions like the Mus-
els in impoverished, war- man Rights Council, ‘up- “America does not seek Haley noted Venezuela lim ban and immigration
wracked Yemen. hold the highest standards’ to leave the Human Rights lacks medical supplies, in- crackdowns.”
After brief comments to of human rights,” she said, Council; we seek to re-es- cluding antibiotics needed Venezuela’s ambassador
the Human Rights Council, alluding to some member tablish the council’s legiti- to fight Ashley’s infection, in Geneva also struck back
Haley used an academic countries. “They clearly do macy,” she said. “The Unit- and cited the frenzied tartly with a “right of reply”
forum in Geneva to pin- not uphold those highest ed States will not sit quietly search for treatment by the under council rules.
point two reforms sought standards.” while this body, supposedly girl’s parents. They finally The ambassador, Jorge
by the United States: the Haley also dangled the dedicated to human rights, got the antibiotic, only af- Valero, denounced “the
use of competitive elec- possibility that the U.S. continues to damage the ter another child destined pathetic intervention from
tions to choose the coun- could quit the council. cause of human rights.” for it had died. the ambassador of the
cil’s 47 members and re- “In case after case, it has To make her case in the “Ashley eventually got North American empire this
moval of Israel as a perma- been a forum for politics, side event, Haley drew out of the hospital ... she is morning.”q
Pentagon report cites China military buildup around world
By LOLITA C. BALDOR islands, it has substantially ing friendly relationship and through Asia, Africa and navy participate in United
Associated Press built up the reefs with ex- similar strategic interests, Europe. Nations peacekeeping op-
WASHINGTON (AP) — Chi- tended runways and other such as Pakistan, and in And countries including erations and provide hu-
na’s construction of a mili- military facilities. And it has which there is a precedent Pakistan and Afghanistan manitarian assistance.
tary outpost in Djibouti is increased patrols and law for hosting foreign militar- welcome it as a path out of But the expanded pres-
just the first of what will like- enforcement to protect ies,” the Pentagon report poverty. ence around the world
ly be an ongoing expan- them. said. “This initiative, along But India and others would would align with China’s
sion in friendly foreign ports The Djibouti base construc- with regular naval ves- be unhappy with addition- growing economic inter-
around the world to sup- tion is near Camp Lemonni- sel visits to foreign ports, al Chinese development in ests and would help it proj-
port distant deployments, er, the U.S. base in the Horn both reflects and amplifies Pakistan, particularly any- ect military power further
a new Pentagon report of Africa nation. But Ameri- China’s growing influence, thing linked to the military. from its borders.
concludes, predicting that can military leaders have extending the reach of its China has cited anti-piracy The report cautioned, how-
Pakistan may be another said they don’t see it as a armed forces.” patrolling as one of the rea- ever, that China’s efforts
potential location. threat that will interfere with The military expansion ties sons for developing what it to build more bases “may
The annual assessment of U.S. operations there. into a broader Chinese ini- calls a naval logistics cen- be constrained by the
China’s military might also “China most likely will seek tiative to build a “new Silk ter in Djibouti. Construction willingness of countries to
notes that while China has to establish additional mili- Road” of ports, railways began in February 2016. support” the presence of
not seized much new land tary bases in countries with and roads to expand trade Beijing has said the facil- China’s People’s Liberation
to create more man-made which it has a longstand- across an arc of countries ity will help the army and Army in one of their ports.q