P. 23

                                                                                           TECHNOLOGY Wednesday 7 June 2017

                Q&A: Internet extremism and how to combat it

            DEE-ANN DURBIN                                                                                                      en  it  in  ways  that  hack-
            AP Business Writer                                                                                                  ers,  criminals  and  foreign
            DETROIT (AP) — In the wake                                                                                          agents  could  exploit.  That
            of  Britain’s  third  major  at-                                                                                    could  potentially  jeopar-
            tack in three months, Prime                                                                                         dize  all  sorts  of  vital  data,
            Minister Theresa May called                                                                                         from  personal  communi-
            on governments to form in-                                                                                          cations  and  documents
            ternational  agreements  to                                                                                         to  bank  accounts,  credit
            prevent  the  spread  of  ex-                                                                                       card transactions, medical
            tremism online.                                                                                                     history  and  other  informa-
            Here’s  a  look  at  extrem-                                                                                        tion  that  people  want  to
            ism  on  the  web,  what’s                                                                                          keep private.
            being done to stop it and                                                                                           But Erik Gordon, a professor
            what could come next.                                                                                               of law and business at the
            Q.  What  are  technology                                                                                           University of Michigan, says
            companies doing to make                                                                                             society has sometimes de-
            sure  extremist  videos  and                                                                                        termined  that  the  govern-
            other    terrorist   content                                                                                        ment  can  intrude  in  ways
            doesn’t    spread   across                                                                                          it might not normally, as in
            the internet?                                                                                                       times of war.
            A. Internet companies use                                                                                             He  says  laws  may  even-
            technology  plus  teams  of                                                                                         tually  be  passed  requir-
            human  reviewers  to  flag                                                                                          ing  companies  to  share
            and  remove  posts  from                                                                                            encrypted  data  if  police
            people who engage in ex-     Britain’s Prime Minister Theresa May makes a statement in Downing Street, London, after chairing   obtain  a  warrant  from  a
            tremist  activity  or  express   a meeting of the Government’s emergency Cobra committee following Saturday night’s terrorist   judge.
            support for terrorism.       incident in London. Several people were killed in the terror attack at the heart of London and doz-  “If  we  get  to  the  point
            Google, for example, says    ens injured. The prime minister called for a tougher stance at home against extremists.   where  we  say,  ‘Privacy  is
            it  employs  thousands  of                                                                         Associated Press  not  as  important  as  stay-
            people  to  fight  abuse  on                                                                                        ing  alive,’  I  think  there  will
            its   platforms.   Google’s   ed  a  total  of  376,890  ac-  even the companies can’t  the  government  so-called   be  some  setup  which  will
            YouTube  service  removes    counts  for  violations  relat-  read  them.  Governments  “backdoor”  access  to  en-  allow  the  government  to
            any video that has hateful   ed to the promotion of ex-   are not happy about that.    crypted data so that inves-  breach privacy,” he said.
            content or incites violence,   tremism.  Three-quarters  of  After the 2015 mass shoot-  tigators  could  read  mes-  Q. Is it really the tech com-
            and  its  software  prevents   those  were  found  through  ing  in  San  Bernardino,  sages on these services.     panies’ job to police the in-
            the video from ever being    Twitter’s internal tools; just 2  California, and again after  Q.  Shouldn’t  tech  com-  ternet  and  remove  con-
            reposted.  YouTube  says  it   percent  were  taken  down  the  Westminster  Bridge  at-  panies  be  forced  to  share   tent?
            removed  92  million  videos   because of government re-  tack, the U.S. and U.K. gov-  encrypted  information  if  it   A.  Tech  companies  have
            in 2015; 1 percent were re-  quests, the company says.    ernments  sought  access  could  protect  national  se-   accepted  that  this  is  part
            moved for terrorism or hate   Facebook says it alerts law  to  encrypted  messages  curity?                         of their mission. In a Face-
            speech violations.           enforcement  if  it  sees  a  exchanged    by   extrem-   A.   Weakening     encryp-   book post earlier this year,
            Facebook,        Microsoft,   threat  of  an  imminent  at-  ists  who  carried  out  the  tion  won’t  make  people   CEO Mark Zuckerberg said
            Google      and     Twitter   tack or harm to someone. It  attacks.  Apple  and  Face-  safer,  says  Richard  Forno,   the  company  was  devel-
            teamed  up  late  last  year   also seeks out potential ex-  book’s  WhatsApp  refused,  who  directs  the  graduate   oping artificial intelligence
            to create a shared industry   tremist accounts by tracing  noting that they didn’t hold  cybersecurity  program  at   so  its  computers  can  tell
            database  of  unique  digi-  the “friends” of an account  the  keys  needed  to  un-   the  University  of  Maryland,   the  difference  between
            tal  fingerprints  for  images   that has been removed for  scramble  such  messages.  Baltimore  County.  Terrorists   news stories about terrorism
            and  videos  that  are  pro-  terrorism.                  Both  governments  even-     will  simply  take  their  com-  and  terrorist  propaganda.
            duced  by  or  support  ex-  Q.  Why  are  technology  tually  found  other  ways  to  munications  deeper  un-     “This  is  technically  difficult
            tremist      organizations.   companies  clashing  with  get  the  information  they  derground  by  developing     as  it  requires  building  AI
            Those  fingerprints  help  the   governments  over  extrem-  wanted.                   their  own  cyber  channels   that can read and under-
            companies  identify  and     ist communications?          Some in government — in-     or even reverting to paper   stand  news,  but  we  need
            remove  extremist  content.   A. Since Edward Snowden’s  cluding  former FBI  Director  notes  sent  by  couriers,  he   to work on this to help fight
            After  the  attack  on  West-  2013   disclosures   about  James Comey and Demo-       said.                        terrorism worldwide,” Zuck-
            minster  Bridge  in  London   National  Security  Agency  cratic  Sen.  Dianne  Fein-  “It’s   playing   whack-a-   erberg said.
            in March, tech companies     surveillance,  several  tech  stein  of  California  —  have  mole,”  he  said.  “The  bad   But  Gordon  says  inter-
            also agreed to form a joint   companies  have  started  argued  that  the  inability  guys  are  not  constrained   net  companies  may  not
            group  to  accelerate  anti-  encrypting — that is, scram-  to  access  encrypted  data  by  the  law.  That’s  why   go far enough, since they
            terrorism efforts.           bling  them  to  thwart  spies  is a threat to security. Fein-  they’re bad guys.”     need  users  in  order  to  sell
            Twitter  says  in  the  last  six   —  instant  messages  and  stein  has  introduced  a  bill  Building backdoors into en-  ads.  “Think  of  the  hateful
            months of 2016, it suspend-  other  data  so  tightly  that  to force companies to give  cryption  could  also  weak-  stuff that is said. q
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