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                                                                                         WORLD NEWS Friday 13 March 2020
            European Central Bank deploys stimulus to ease virus damage

            By DAVID McHUGH              ued to slide after the ECB's   The  move  comes  as  the
            AP Business Writer           announcements,  with  the    eurozone is forecast to slide
            FRANKFURT,  Germany  (AP)  Stoxx  Europe  600  index      into recession and financial
            —  The  European  Central  falling 11.5% - its worst day   markets  keep  falling  over
            Bank  deployed  targeted  ever  -  amid  global  con-     concerns  about  the  virus
            new  stimulus  measures  to  cerns  that  authorities  can   outbreak's hit to the econ-
            cushion  the  shock  to  the  do  little  to  ease  the  dam-  omy.  Concerns  deepened
            economy  from  the  virus  age  wrought  by  the  virus   after  the  U.S.  decided  to
            outbreak,  but  its  presi-  outbreak                     halt travel from 26 Europe-
            dent said monetary policy  Holger  Schmieding,  chief     an countries.
            couldn't  do  it  alone  and  economist  at  Berenberg    The  bank's  policy  meeting
            called  for  a  "decisive  and  bank,  said  that  "the  ad-  was  held  without  several
            determined" response from  verse     market    reaction   members  of  the  25-seat
            governments.                 may  not  be  just  a  market   governing council physical-
            ECB President Christine La-  verdict on the ECB's pack-   ly present and participating
            garde  said  the  economy  age...  It  could  also  reflect   by  remote  conferencing.
            was facing a "major shock"  a  growing  realization  that   Italian  central  bank  head   President  of  European  Central  Bank  Christine  Lagarde  looks
            and that the central bank  monetary and fiscal policy     Ignazio  Visco  was  among   up prior to a press conference following a meeting of the ECB
                                                                                                   governing council in Frankfurt, Germany, Thursday, March 12,
            measures  unveiled  Thurs-   cannot be the genuine cir-   them  since  his  country,  so   2020.
            day were "almost surgical-   cuit breakers in a medical   far the hardest hit in Europe                                         Associated Press
            ly" targeted at areas where  emergency. "                 by  the  virus  outbreak,  has
            monetary    policy   could  Schmieding  said  Lagarde     restricted movement.         effects of business interrup-  Italy is earmarking 25 billion
            help.                        committed a "communica-      Economists are saying that  tion.  More  abundant  and  euros  ($28  billion)  in  new
            The central bank, she said,  tions mishap" with a remark   the  impact  of  the  virus  targeted credit could help  spending  and  Britain  said
            was  "determined  to  sup-   that  it  was  not  the  ECB's   outbreak  is  difficult  to  ad-  businesses  get  through  a  it  would  make  30  billion
            port  households  and  firms  business to hold down gaps   dress with monetary policy,  period of interruption with-  pounds  ($39  billion)  avail-
            in  the  face  of  the  current  in  borrowing  costs  among   since  it  first  and  foremost  out going out of business.   able.
            economic  disruptions  and  eurozone member govern-       deals  a  shock  to  the  sup-  The Bank of England cut its  The  government  of  Chan-
            heightened uncertainty."     ments.  The  gaps,  or  sover-  ply  of  goods  and  services.  key  benchmark  to  0.25%  cellor  Angela  Merkel  has
            But she added that a stron-  eign  spread,  increased  in   Monetary  policy  is  bet-  from 0.75% on Wednesday;  decided to make it easing
            ger  response  from  euro-   response and Lagarde lat-    ter  equipped  to  stimulate  the  U.S.  Federal  Reserve  for companies to put work-
            zone  governments  was  ur-  er  made  what  appeared     demand,  not  supply,  by  cut  its  benchmark  by  a  ers  on  shorter  hours,  with
            gently  needed  to  prevent  to  be  a  clarifying  remark   making credit more widely  half-percentage  point  to  government      assistance.
            the  eurozone  from  falling  that  high  spreads  "clearly   available.               1.0-1.25% on March 3.        That  could  help  firms  re-
            into  recession:  "An  ambi-  impair"  the  bank's  mone-  Central  bank  action  is    Governments  have  an-      bound  after  the  outbreak
            tious  and  coordinated  fis-  tary policy.               aimed  instead  at  limiting  nounced    some    limited  passes  because  they  will
            cal  policy  response  is  re-  The European Central Bank   the damage from knock-on  measures of fiscal support.  have avoided layoffs.q
            quired to support business-  said  it  was  also  providing
            es and workers at risk." She  more  cheap,  long-term
            said  action  should  come  loans  to  banks  to  make
            "in the next few weeks and  sure  they  have  the  liquid-
            not months."                 ity they need. And the ECB
            She repeated the phrase at  will temporarily ease some
            the  start  of  her  statement,  capital  requirements  for
            and when asked if the eu-    banks  to  help  them  keep
            rozone  faced  a  recession,  lending.  It's  all  aimed  at
            said  that  depended  "on  helping  businesses  get  the
            the  speed,  the  strength  of  financing  they  need  and
            the  collective  approach"  stimulating  activity  to  off-
            by all players. She said cur-  set  the  downturn  from  all
            rently  announced  fiscal  the closings and restrictions
            measures were only 27 bil-   due to the virus outbreak.
            lion euros, or about a quar-  The  central  bank  did  not
            ter of one percent of GDP.   cut  interest  rates  as  many
            The    bank's   25-member  analysts  had  expected.
            governing council decided  Rates  are  already  low
            a stimulus package that in-  and economists have said
            cluded the purchase of up  deeper cuts might not help
            to  120  billion  euros  ($132  much.
            billion)  more  in  bonds  this  Thursday's  steps  "will  do
            year.                        no  more  than  cushion  the
            The  money  is  newly  cre-  blow to the economy from
            ated and injected into the  the  coronavirus,"  said  An-
            financial  system.  It  comes  drew  Kenningham,  chief
            on top of purchases worth  Europe economist at Capi-
            20 billion euros a month it is  tal  Economics.  "Monetary
            already  carrying  out,  and  policy  is  powerless  to  pre-
            would be aimed at corpo-     vent  a  deep  downturn
            rate  bonds,  which  should  and, unlike in the U.S. and
            help keep credit available  China, it has little scope to
            to companies.                support the recovery after-
            Financial  markets  contin-  wards."
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