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Friday 21 June 2024 locAl
Planning on snorkeling? Get to know our “Dorado”
waii and means "very strong". 2.7 inches (almost 7 cm) large blunt head. Its color
Dorado is based on Spanish per week. They can live up of yellow and green or blue
and refers to the golden yel- to a maximum of 5 years al- makes it immediately rec-
low color that the fish shines though very few reach that ognizable, even with small
with under the sun. Why it's age. Most become adults variations in these colors.
called Dolphinfish in Eng- within 1 year but many be-
lish is not well defined and come reproductive after just Dorado has clear differences
while there are several stories 5 or 6 months and reproduce between adult females and
around this, none have been very quickly too. males. The male is larger
confirmed. They live in open water on and can easily reach 50 to
the surface most of the time. 80 pounds and has a much
(Oranjestad)—If you’re ever Dral, Dorao, Drals, Drado, are Dorado is found in all tropi- Many fish seek them around flatter head compared to
planning on snorkeling dur- some of them in Papiamen- cal to subtropical oceans sushi lines or floating objects the female. Therefore, male
ing your vacation on Aruba, to. In English, it is also called around the world. Dorado on the sea. Often you will find Dorados are also called "bull
you may spot fish that you Mahi Mahi, Dolphinfish, or Do- is very popular both for rec- a group landing together Dorado".
can’t recognize. One of rado. It's a good example to reational fishing and for con- and if you keep a male on
these may be the “Dorado”, reflect on why there can be sumption. It is known among the line, often the others will Dorado can be found in our
a common fish that swims many names. The same fish fishermen as an exciting stay close or can keep the waters around the island all
all year long in the waters becomes known by different catch and a fish that puts group interested by giving year round, but there are
of Aruba. Here’s some infor- common names, why? Com- up a good fight. Its meat is shrimp or squid. periods when it is easier to
mation about the beloved mon names come only when very good for consumption find than others. q
Dorado. a group of people, to under- and it is also commercially Description:
stand each other, assign a fished for that reason. Dorado has a distinctive Source: The Department of
Dorado has many different name to a fish. Mahi Mahi, body. It has a large tail and Agriculture, Livestock, and
names it can be referred to. for example, comes from Ha- They grow very fast, up to its long, flat body ends in a Fisheries (Santa Rosa).
Episode CXXXV 135 - Ancient technics & Art
NOORD — Our weekly col- gible manifestation of the eration. The techniques re-
umn ‘Island Insight’ reveals intangible cultural heritage quired to create craft ob-
and uncovers interesting of a people. Safeguarding jects are as varied as the
information and amazing must be aimed primarily objects themselves and
stories along the way. In at encouraging artisans to can range from delicate
this episode we are going continue to manufacture and painstaking work to
to refer to ancient technics their products and pass on rough chores such as mak-
in art. their knowledge and skills ing a sturdy basket or thick
to others, particularly within blanket.
Our goal is to keep ancient their communities.
techniques and methods Etnia Nativa persists in an
alive and to incorporate There are numerous ex- ancestral technique teach-
cultural philosophies into pressions within traditional ing how to work raw clay for
this form of works that are crafts, from tools, clothing, example, in the native way
using their own cultural ac- accessories, containers, rit- as our ancestors did. It is a identify the best raw mate- of time and money than
countability, a philosophi- ual objects, musical instru- whole process that begins rial and to distinguish high- manual production. Also,
cal tenet that still allows their ments, etc. Some of these by guiding the participants quality material from the environmental and cli-
motive and ambition to be expressions can become a to specific places where rest of the earth. Once this matic pressures influence
shown. Traditional crafts legacy that is transmitted even the clay is preserved raw material is extracted, traditional crafts and the
are perhaps the most tan- from generation to gen- intact, thus they learn to they are guided towards a deforestation of land dimin-
work of purification of the ishes the abundance of the
dry material. Next, when main natural resources and
adding water, the cleaning supply. Even when handi-
and detoxification begins craft becomes cottage in-
to end in dehydration and dustry, larger-scale produc-
have the raw clay in your tion can cause harm to the
hands. environment.
As with other forms of intan- Did you say you love Aru-
gible cultural heritage, glo- ba its origins and cultural
balization creates serious heritage? Than this pri-
obstacles to the survival of vate encounter with our
traditional forms of crafts. columnist anthropologist
Mass production often sup- is just something for you.
plies the goods necessary Sessions created in a gor-
for daily life at a lower cost geous setting for visitors
with special interests. Ap-
Article by: Etnia Nativa pointment is required. etni- or
Whatsapp us +297 592 2702 and book WhatsApp at 297 592 2702
your Aruban exprerience for an exclusive and insid-
Etnia Nativa is close to the high rise hotels ers’ experience.q