Page 33 - MIN ECEM
P. 33
Thursday 7 sepTember 2017
Loyal Visitor Honored at the Renaissance Ocean Suites
name of the Minister of Tourism as a token of ba very much because of the friendly people,
appreciation to guests who visit Aruba for 20-to- the climate, friends they have made here over
34 consecutive years. the years, the beaches and the restaurants.
The honoree was Ms. Sabrina Fernandez, cel- They say Aruba feels like a second home, and
ebrating her 20 consecutive annual visit to the people are like a family to them. The cer-
Aruba – she has visited Aruba every year since tificates were presented by Ms. Emely Ridder-
she was born! staat representing the Aruba Tourism Authority
Sabrina and her family are regular guests at the together with associates from the Renaissance
Renaissance Ocean Suites and they love Aru- Ocean Suites.q
ORANJESTAD - Recently the Aruba Tourism Au-
thority had the great pleasure of honoring a very
nice young woman who is loyal and friendly vis-
itor of Aruba at the Renaissance Ocean Suites
as a Goodwill Ambassador.
The symbolic honorary title is presented in the
Loyal Visitor Honored at Manchebo Beach Resort & Spa
MANCHEBO BEACH - Recently the Aruba Tour-
ism Authority had the great pleasure of honor-
ing a very nice young man who is loyal and
friendly visitor of Aruba at Manchebo Beach
Resort & Spa as a Distinguished Visitor.
The symbolic honorary title is presented in the
name of the Minister of Tourism as a token of
appreciation to guests who visit Aruba for 10-to-
19 consecutive years.
The honoree was Mr. Chris Sellas of New York,
celebrating over 10 years of consecutive an-
nual visits to Aruba.
Chris and his family and friends are regular
guests at Manchebo Beach Resort & Spa and
they love Aruba very much because of the
friendly people, the climate, the associates at
Manchebo, the beaches and the restaurants.
They say Aruba feels like a second home, and
the people are like a family to them. The cer-
tificates were presented by Mr. Jonathan Boek-
houdt representing the Aruba Tourism Author-
ity together with associates from Manchebo
Beach Resort & Spa..q