Page 34 - MIN ECEM
P. 34
Thursday 7 sepTember 2017
Aruba’s Happy Information Officers are at Your Service!
(ARUBA.COM) stop shop of information,
ORANJESTAD - Make the staffed by friendly, profes-
Happy Information Officers sional and trained officers
your first stop for informa- with extensive local knowl-
tion when roaming around edge.
Aruba. The Happy Infor-
mation Officers are a one- They can provide you with
reliable information on at-
tractions, activities and
events, help you with any
questions you may have or
give you up-to-the-minute
advice for your vacation in
To ensure your access to
them, the Happy informa-
tion officers are mobile and
can be found in numerous
areas across the island, in-
cluding the city center, the
Cruise terminal and Palm
Beach area. You can rec-
ognize them by their sea
green t-shirts featuring the
happy information slogan.
In addition, we also offer
an Aruba tourism kiosk lo-
cated at Plaza Daniel Leo
straight across the renais-
sance entrance, at the en-
trance of the main street.
Here you will also find a
Happy Information officer
ready to help.
Wherever you go, look up
or visit the Happy Informa-
tion Officers to help you
get the most out of your
stay in Aruba.q