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Thursday 14 december 2023 LOCAL

              Aruban snacks and where to find them

               ORANJESTAD  —  Want  to  Or  perhaps  you  might  for        on-the-road    lunch
               taste  something  different  want  to  try  a  croquette,  break.
               for a change? How about  locally  called  a  “kroket,”
               some  Aruban  snacks  that  which is a crusty fried snack  While you’re at it, why not
               you can find all around the  with typically a meat and  accompany  your  snack
               island?  Hop  in  your  car,  dough mix filling. The Aru-  with a refreshing “batido”?
               and go to these locations  ban kroket is based on its  Batidos  are  fruit  shakes,
               to  find  some  of  the  most  Dutch  counterpart,  the  typically  made  with  add-
               popular  and  tasty  snacks  “bitterbal”.              ed  milk  for  some  creami-
               that  are  beloved  by  our                            ness.  However,  you  can
               locals.                     These  two  snacks  are  also  ask  to  hold  the  milk.
                                           typically  found  in  all  lo-  Batidos  are  commonly  vendors  carry  their  little  4.  At the Alto Vista Cha-
               One of the staples of Aru-  cal  snack  trucks,  which  found in snack shops too.  shop  at  the  back  of  their   pel.
               ban cuisine and snacks is  can be found all over the  You may find some batido  truck,  so  they  are  ever-
               the  Pastechi.  Pastechi  is  island,  including  on  the  shops next the flee markets  moving around the island.  These vendors may also sell
               a  Caribbean  fried  pastry  side of the main road that  downtown, or if you’re on  However, there are a few  other delights, like the be-
               that  is  filled  with  cheese,  stretches  from  San  Nico-  your  way  to  San  Nicolas,  spots  where  you  can  al-  loved coconut-based des-
               meat,  chicken,  veggies  las to the Hotel Area. You  at Mauchi Smoothies and  most  always  find  a  coco-    sert “cocada” or peanuts.
               and  sometimes  even  fish!  can  also  find  pastechis  Juice Bar in Savaneta (lo-  nut/shaved ice vendor:    All in all, in Aruba, you can
                                           and  krokets  at  local  bak-  cated  at  the  side  of  the  1.  Right  next  to  the  Red  always  find  some  place
                                           eries and snack shops, like  main road).                   Anchor in San Nicolas,  to take a break and have
                                           Bright Bakery in Piedra Plat,                              on  the  way  to  Baby  a  bite  of  something  lo-
                                           Huchada in Santa Cruz or  If you are looking for some-     Beach.                  cal, you maybe just might
                                           Pastechi House in the city  thing a bit more fresh and  2.  Along  the  main  road  have to look for them!
                                           center. These places may  healthy, why not try some        next to the airport field.
                                           also sell other snacks and  coconuts,  or  shaved  ice  3.  At  the  California  Light   Photo credit: wheninaruba.
                                           sandwiches  too,  perfect  from local vendors? These       House.                                        com

            Episode LXXXV – 85 Island’s famous succulent

            Although  this  famous  suc-                                                           being the most widely used   the  gallon  and  was  trans-
            culent  appears  on  our  is-                                                          followed by Aloe vera with   ported  in  small  covered
            lands  code  of  arms  it  is                                                          light orange flowers.        casks,  tied  on  donkeys  in
            not really local specie. The                                                                                        pairs,  to  the  boiling  pots
            unique vegetation of our is-                                                           Aruba`s  aloe,  also  known   in order to be reduced by
            land is part of the local cul-                                                         as  ‘barbaloin’,  has  an  al-  evaporation.  This  reduc-
            ture  and  national  identity,                                                         oin content of 22 percent,   tion of the sap to resin took
            so in order to protect it we                                                           a  bitter  yellowish-brown   place in open brass bowl of
            hope to allow future gener-                                                            compound seen in the exu-    about 200 liters of content.
            ations to enjoy the special                                                            date of at least 68 species   Subsequently, the thick liq-
            environment it creates.                                                                of aloe, while the content is   uid was poured into boxes
                                                                                                   assumed to of aloe in other   of where it cooled and co-
            Thorny  shrub,  tree  cactus,                                                          parts of the world is 15 per-  agulated into a mass that
            and  agave  varieties  are  ter that in its place of origin  and  skin  products  used  to  cent at the highest. Harvest   contracted  to  a  consider-
            abundant,  though  not  in  some say. In reality this now  protect  against  the  harsh  used to be brought in from   able  degree.  Such  a  box
            large  numbers  of  species.  famous succulent was intro-  sun,  in  shampoo`s  and  to  March to June, a very suit-  contained 57.5 kilos of res-
            The  cactus  grows  in  the  duced to Aruba to encour-    mitigate  the  negative  ef-  able  time  for  Aruba  since   in. Sometimes the resin was
            wild. Its seeds are dispersed  age its cultivation and cre-  fects of chemotherapeutic  this is the dry season, during   poured  into  tree  calabas,
            by the wind and fauna, es-   ate new sources of income  burns. It also can be found  the time which in the seven-   Crecentia  cujete  which
            pecially birds and bats that  for the islanders. Some vari-  in  laxatives,  consumed  to  teenth century and virtually   could  be  packaged  at  a
            delight  with  the  delicious  eties of aloe were imported  treat constipation and as a  till  about  1928,  there  was   slightly higher price. Today,
            fruits it creates.           from  the  island  of  Socotra  detoxification agent.     little  employment.  To  ex-  modern aloe products are
                                         and  others  from  the  island                            tract or resin-sap from aloe,   manufactured locally.
            In this succulent vegetation  of  Barbados  around  1840  Aloe had a prosperous ex-    is  called  ‘azeta’  mean-
            we find the best known and  and  had  begun  to  gen-     istence  on  our  island.  The  ing  oil  in  Papiamento,  the   To get to know a little more
            most famous of all which is  erate  great  additional  in-  limestone  soil  and  dry  cli-  thick, pulpy leaves and ser-  regarding  Aruba’s  and  its
            the  aloe,  although  this  fa-  come  for  those  who  had  mate were the best condi-  rated  at  the  edges,  were   cultural  origins,  we  highly
            mous  succulent  appears  decided to invest in it.        tions for the aloe to thrive.  placed  in  an  inclined  drip   recommend  you  to  book
            on our islands code of arms                               For the more than 500 spe-   channel  box,  consisting  of   your  participation  in  our
            and  is  called  the  Aruba  Nowadays  the  so  called  cies, only a few were tradi-   two  boards  with  long  two   cultural encounter session.
            aloe, this plan reality is not  Aruba  Aloe  has  become  tionally  used  as  medicinal  legs and two shorter legs in   A mind opening revelation
            an endemic or local specie  an  important  ingredient  herbs, with Aloe barbaden-      the  front.  Payment  for  this   and entertaining island ex-
            but has adapted even bet-    in  many  pharmaceutical  sis  having  yellow  flowers  heavy  work  was  made  by     perience.  Mail  us  at  etni-
                                                      Article by: Etnia Nativa                                                  facilities and activities take
                                                                                                                                place close to high rise ho-
                                                      Whatsapp us +297 592 2702 and book                                        tels.
                                                               your Aruban exprerience                                          Source; Island Insight Column
                                                        Etnia Nativa is close to the high rise hotels                                        by Etnia Nativa
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