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                     Saturday 22 June 2024
            How Oliver Platt moonlights on ‘The Bear,’ while still clocking in at

            ‘Chicago Med’

            By HILARY FOX                                                                                                       miss  when  Platt  was  re-
            Associated Press                                                                                                    hearsing  an  argument  as
            LONDON  (AP)  —  Timing  is                                                                                         Dr. Charles, but accidental-
            everything.                                                                                                         ly  channeled  the  confron-
            After nine years as Dr. Dan-                                                                                        tational  Chicago  accent
            iel  Charles  on  NBC’s  “Chi-                                                                                      of Uncle Jimmy.
            cago  Med,”  Oliver  Platt                                                                                          “The director was like, ‘Oli-
            decided  to  flex  his  acting                                                                                      ver,  what’s  that?  What’s
            muscles, asking his agent if                                                                                        that accent?’”
            there was someone else he                                                                                           “It  was  very  easy  for  me
            could play for a bit.                                                                                               to  drop  into  being  Doctor
            The first offer that came in?                                                                                       Charles. I’ve been doing it
            Uncle Jimmy in “The Bear.”                                                                                          for  eight  years,  but  Uncle
            This  was  before  FX’s  hot                                                                                        Jimmy is relatively new and
            kitchen    comedy-drama                                                                                             I  think  I  was  unconsciously
            had  been  on  air  and  no                                                                                         preparing  for  the  after-
            one knew that Christopher                                                                                           noon.”  Another nominated
            Storer’s show would go on                                                                                           guest  star  appearance  for
            to  be  an  award-winning,                                                                                          Platt  was  as  White  House
            star-making smash hit.                                                                                              Counsel  Oliver  Babish  on
            “I felt like a guest for about                                                                                      “The West Wing,” where his
            five minutes on ‘The Bear,’”                                                                                        character  dishes  out  legal
            says Platt.                                                                                                         advice  over  seasons  two,
            “Maybe  that  just  makes                                                                                           three and seven.
            me lucky or just makes me    Oliver Platt poses for a portrait on Thursday, June 13, 2024, in New York.             Speaking  to  writer/show-
            good  at  insinuating  my-                                                                         Associated Press  runner Aaron Sorkin before
            self into a situation, I don’t  kitchen  the  first  season,  I  On set Platt is called “Unc”  dude who wants his money  he got to set, he was told to
            know.”  And  if  anyone  was  so  excited  to  meet  and in New York, where he  back?                               make the role his own and
            knows how to be a scene-     them  all,”  he  says,  noting  lives, the actor gets the oc-  “What  you  see  is  not  nec-  interpreted it as permission
            stealing guest star, it’s Platt.  that in 2022 his only scenes  casional “Yes Chef,” as he  essarily  what  you  get,”  he  to be a bit loose and spon-
            Three  times  he’s  been  in  were  with  Jeremy  White  walks past.                   says.                        taneous with the script only
            the  running  for  an  Emmy  and  Eban  Moss-Bachrach  He  says  spending  more  Both  “The  Bear”  and  “Chi-      to quickly find out that was
            Award after making a spe-    (Carmy  and  Cousin,  re-    time with the money man,  cago  Med”  are  set  and  not the case.
            cial  appearance  on  a  TV  spectively.)                 also  known  as  Cicero,  in  shot  in  Chicago  so  Platt  “I’m not always so good at
            series,  notably  “The  West  “My  first  day  back  on  the  new episodes might reveal  was able to work on them  word for word, even when
            Wing” and “Nip/Tuck.”        set  in  season  two,  it  was  a bit more about who he is.  in the same day  by walking  that’s the rules. So ... there
            Platt’s  most  recent  guest  actually  in  the  restaurant  “It’s so fun about the char-  the  200  yards  between  his  was a bit of hazing on ‘The
            star  nomination  was  for  in the kitchen. And I literally  acter in the way it’s written.  two trailers.          West Wing.’
            playing  the  mysterious  Un-  was starstruck. And that’s a  It’s  like  you  kind  of  never  “It’s  really  fun,”  he  says  I  knew  a  lot  of  the  cast
            cle on “The Bear”  and he  wonderful scenario.”           know what you’re going to  of  pulling  double  duty.  “It  members,  and  they  would
            returned  for  seasons  two  Uncle Jimmy  is  back  once  get like, the kindly, but mild-  spices up the day,” calling  come  by  and  tease  me
            and three as a fan.          again,  on  June  27,  for  the  ly  twisted  father  figure  or  both shows “gifts” in his life.  like,  ‘Don’t  worry,  buddy,
            “I didn’t get to work in the  third season of “The Bear.”  the  frickin’  neighborhood  There  was  only  one  near-  we all went through it.’” q

            ‘Hawaii Five-0’ fan favorite and UFC fighter Taylor Wily dies at 56

                                                                      By KAITLYN HUAMANI           death  on  Thursday.  Ad-    through 2020 and became
                                                                      Associated Press             ditional  details  about  the  a  fan-favorite.  He  contin-
                                                                      LOS ANGELES (AP) — Taylor  cause remain unknown. TV  ued  in  the  same  role  with
                                                                      Wily, a former sumo wrestler  and  radio  personality  Lina  the  reboot  of  “Magnum
                                                                      who became known for his  Girl Langi said on the show  P.I.”  and  made  a  memo-
                                                                      role  as  confidential  infor-  “Island  Life  Live”  that  she  rable  appearance  as  a
                                                                      mant  Kamekona  Tupuola  announced the news “with  hotel  worker  in  the  2008
                                                                      on  both  “Hawaii  Five-0”  a heavy heart,” as Wily was  comedy  “Forgetting  Sarah
                                                                      and  “Magnum  P.I,”  has  a friend.                       Marshall.” Before he began
                                                                      died, his friend and a “Ha-  Lenkov,   Wily’s   longtime  acting, Wily, born Teila Tuli,
                                                                      waii Five-0” producer both  friend  and  collaborator,  was  a  well-known  sumo
                                                                      said Friday. He was 56.      shared a second post later  wrestler and UFC 1 fighter.
                                                                      “Hawaii  Five-0”  executive  on  Thursday  with  a  video  He became the first knock-
                                                                      producer  Peter  M.  Lenkov  montage  featuring  pho-     out  victim  in  UFC  history
                                                                      confirmed  his  death  to  tos  and  clips  with  Wily.  He  in  1993  when  opponent
                                                                      The  Associated  Press  and  wrote,  “You  charmed  me  Gerard     Gordeau’s    kick
                                                                      shared  multiple  tributes  to  into  making  you  a  regu-  knocked a tooth clear out
                                                                      the  actor  on  Instagram,  lar… on the show… and in  of Wily’s mouth, ending the
                                                                      writing  “I  am  devastated.  my  life.  You  were  family.  fight after just 26 seconds.
            Actor Taylor Wily, also known as Teila Tuli, of “Hawaii Five-0,”   Heartbroken”  in  a  caption  And  I  will  miss  you  every  He  is  survived  by  his  wife,
            gestures  to  fans  after  throwing  out  the  ceremonial  first  pitch   of a photo of the two.  day, brother.”    Wily is survived by his wife,
            before  a  baseball  game  between  the  Seattle  Mariners  and   KITV  4,  based  in  Honolulu,  Wily played Kamekona on  Halona,  and  their  two
            Texas Rangers in Seattle on June 14, 2014.                was the first to report Wily’s  “Hawaii  Five-0”  from  2010  children.q
                                                     Associated Press
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