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P. 16

                     Saturday 22 June 2024
            Reds, Brewers, Nationals are on pace to post highest stolen-base

            totals of any MLB team since 1990s

            By STEVE MEGARGEE
            AP Sports Writer
            MILWAUKEE (AP) — Cincin-
            nati’s  Elly  De  La  Cruz  un-
            derstands  how  much  of  a
            distraction  he  causes  to
            opposing pitchers whenever
            he gets on base.
            “It  seems  like  they  get  a
            little bit nervous right there
            when  I  go  out  there,”  De
            La  Cruz,  who  has  a  major
            league-leading  37  steals,
            said through a translator.
            With De La Cruz leading the
            way, the Reds are stealing
            bases at a rate unseen over
            the last three decades. And
            the Milwaukee Brewers and
            Washington  Nationals  are
            right on their heels.
            No  team  this  century  has
            stolen more than 200 bases   Cincinnati Reds’ Elly De La Cruz scores ahead of the tag by Milwaukee Brewers’ William Contreras during the third inning of a
            in a single season (the 2007   baseball game Sunday, June 16, 2024, in Milwaukee.                                               Associated Press
            New York Mets had exactly
            200). The Reds, Brewers and  teams  had  combined  for  Nationals  manager  Dave  But it hasn’t made much of  Young  (17),  Lane  Thomas
            Nationals are all on pace to  1,653  steals  through  Thurs-  Martinez said last week he  a difference.             (16), Winker, Trey Lipscomb
            blow past that mark as they  day  –  70  more  than  there  believes the Nationals can  According  to  Sportradar,  (10)  and  CJ  Abrams  (10).
            capitalize on rule changes  were at this date last year.  keep  up  this  stolen-base  all  of  MLB  started  tracking  The Brewers have four play-
            put in place last year to help  “They got what they want-  pace  but  noted  that  they  the number of times a run-  ers with double-digit steals:
            spur the running game.       ed,”    Brewers   first-base  need to do a better job of  ner was caught stealing in  Turang, Christian Yelich (15),
            Cincinnati  has  107  steals  coach  Quintin  Berry  said.  picking their spots.       1951.  Since  then,  no  team  Willy Adames (10) and Per-
            through  its  first  74  games  “They   wanted   (stealing  “I don’t want to take away  has stolen at least 200 bases  kins (10).
            and is on pace for 234. That  bases)  to  be  a  lot  easier.  our aggressiveness because  with a success rate of over  Cincinnati  has  De  La  Cruz
            would represent the highest  They  wanted  more  action  it’s  our  identity,”  Martinez  81.3%.  This  year’s  Brewers  on pace for 81 steals, which
            total for any team since the  on the basepaths. And with  said. “It’s who we are. We  have  been  successful  on  would represent the highest
            1992  Brewers  had  256,  ac-  the rules and the bags and  have to do that. We don’t  nearly 86% of their attempts.  total for any MLB player since
            cording to Sportradar.       everything else, it’s more in  have those guys in the line-  The  Reds  have  converted  1988.  The  Reds  have  two
            The   NL    Central-leading  line for base stealers. I won-  up hitting 30, 40 home runs.  81% of their stolen base tries.  more  players  with  double-
            Brewers  have  104  steals  der if they’re going to ever  We have to push the enve-    The  Nationals  have  been  digit  steals  (Spencer  Steer
            through 75 games and the  do anything to try to coun-     lope  somehow  and  move  caught stealing an MLB-high  with 12, Jake Fraley with 11)
            Nationals  101  through  74  ter that, because it’s getting  the baseball. With that be-  34 times and have been suc-  and five others with at least
            games. That puts the Brew-   so high now, but I know fans  ing said, we’ve had a lot of  cessful on three-quarters of  six.These three teams don’t
            ers on pace for at least 224  are  loving  it,  so  probably  conversations  the  last  few  their attempts.        have  anyone  with  more
            and the Nationals on track  not.”                         days  about  when  to  run,  Milwaukee  players  credit  than 12 homers, so they’re
            for 221. No team has finished  While the Reds are building  when not to run.”          Berry’s  scouting  reports  for  finding other ways to gener-
            a season with over 201 steals  off what they did last year,  Reds first base coach Collin  helping  them  make  sure  ate offense. The Brewers’ 5-4
            since the 1993 Montreal Ex-  when  they  had  an  MLB-    Cowgill says stealing bases  they go at the right time.   victory over the Reds on Sun-
            pos had 228.                 leading 190 steals, the Brew-  now isn’t as easy as it was  “We have a lot of guys who  day was a classic example.
            “As the saying goes, speed  ers and Nationals got much  last  year  because  teams  are  fast  and  athletic  and  In the third inning, De La Cruz
            never slumps,” Brewers out-  more aggressive this season.  are trying harder to contain  can run,” said Brewers sec-  drew a two-out walk, stole
            fielder Blake Perkins said. “It’s  The Brewers ranked 11th in  the running game. Cowgill  ond baseman Brice Turang,  a  base  and  scored  all  the
            always something we’ve got  the  majors  with  129  steals  said Arizona Diamondbacks  whose 26 steals rank second  way from second on an er-
            in our back pocket.”         and the Nationals were 12th  starting  pitchers  went  to  a  in the majors. “It’s part of the  rant pickoff attempt. Four in-
            Major  League  Baseball  in-  with 127 in 2023.           slide-step  whenever  the  game.  You’ve  got  to  take  nings later, Turang reached
            creased the size of the bases  No  other  teams  had  more  Reds put a runner on base  advantage  of  it  and  help  on  an  infield  hit,  stole  sec-
            from 15 square inches to 18  than 77 steals heading into  against them.                your team win.               ond, advanced to third on
            square inches last year and  Friday’s games.              “That just didn’t happen last  “Even  guys  who  maybe  a poor throw and scored on
            ruled  pitchers  could  only  “Giving  up  one  of  your  27  year,” Cowgill said. “I think  aren’t  as  fast  are  stealing  Yelich’s bunt single.
            disengage from the rubber  outs on the bases is a no-no,  people are definitely doing  bases  too,  trying  to  get  “Just  different  philosophies
            to  call  timeout  or  attempt  you know, in the era where  a  better  job  defending  it.  good jumps.”            for  different  teams,”  Cow-
            a  pickoff  throw  twice  per  one  pitch  can  change  Catchers  are  more  aware  That’s the case with all three  gill said. “We’re more get on
            plate appearance.            a  game  with  a  three-run  of it. Their stances are a little  teams atop the stolen-base  base and cause some cha-
            Those  rule  changes  led  to  homer,”  Brewers  manager  taller. They’re ready to throw  charts. For instance, Wash-  os.  So  are  the  Brewers.  So
            3,503 stolen bases last year  Pat  Murphy  said.  “There’s  more.  The  leg  isn’t  kicked  ington’s  Jesse  Winker  en-  are the Nationals. I just think

            the highest total since 1987  a lot of risk in it. You’ve got  out as much. I think people  tered this season with three  (it’s  about)  the  way  your
            and  a  41%  increase  over  to be willing to do it. Maybe  have done a much better  steals in 610 career games.  team is built. If we had a 50-
            2022  –  plus  an  MLB-record  teams like ours are willing to  job  this  year  of  controlling  He’s swiped 11 bags already  home run guy in the middle
            success rate of over 80%. The  risk. You’ve got to have the  it  and  paying  attention  to  this year.             of  the  order,  we  might  be
            success  rate  has  dropped  personnel  to  emphasize  it  it  more  so  than  last  year,  Washington has five players  less likely to steal bases when
            to 78.4% this year, but MLB  and get good at it.”         which makes sense.”          with at least 10 steals: Jacob  that guy’s at the plate.”q
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