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CLASSIFIED Saturday 12 OctOber 2019
Report: 58% of HEALTH
Europe-only trees DOCTOR ON DUTY
face extinction threat Hospital 7:00 pm / 10:00pm
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Associated Press San Nicolas
GENEVA (AP) — An international conservation group is IMSAN 24 Hours
warning that more than half of the European tree species Tel.524 8833
that exist nowhere else in the world are threatened with Women in Difficulties
extinction. PHARMACY ON DUTY
The International Union for the Conservation of Nature Oranjestad:
said in a new report Friday that 58% of Europe's 265 en- Trupial Tel. 583 8560
demic trees face an elevated risk of disappearing from San Nicolas:
the continent. San Nicolas Tel. 584 5712
More than 150 experts contributed to the report, which Women in Difficulties
the conservancy called the first comprehensive assess- OTHER
ment of the extinction threat for all types of trees native Dental Clinic 587 9850
to Europe. Blood Bank Aruba 587 0002
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The European Red List of Trees classified 37% of Europe's Walk-In Doctor’s Clinic
454 native tree species as "threatened." Of those, 15% are +297 588 0539
"critically endangered," a step away from extinction, the Women in Difficulties
report said.. EMERGENCY
The findings come amid heightened concern about Police 100
environmental issues and extinction risks in Europe and Oranjestad 527 3140
beyond. A U.N. report on biodiversity released in May Noord 527 3200
warned that extinction looms for over 1 million species of Sta. Cruz 527 2900
plants and animals. San Nicolas 584 5000
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IUCN, a 71-year-old organization known for its "Red List" Ambulancia 911
classification of threatened species, said that "invasive Fire Dept. 115
and problematic" species are the top threat to European Red Cross 582 2219
trees, with urban development and "unsustainable log-
ging" as other factors. TAXI SERVICES
The group's Europe director, Luc Bas, said "human-led ac- Taxi Tas 587 5900
tivities" were resulting in population declines of important Prof. Taxi 588 0035
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tree species. Taxi Serv. Aruba 583 3232
Among the recommendations , the report's authors called A1 Taxi Serv. 280 2828
for the creation of protected areas, improved monitor- Women in Difficulties
ing and increased research on the impacts of climate TRAVEL INFO
change on forests and individual tree species.
The conservancy highlighted Aesculus hippocastanum, Aruba Airport 524 2424
or the horse chestnut tree, native to southeastern Europe. American Airlines 582 2700
The polished brown conker inside its spiked fruit "is per- Avianca 588 0059
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haps more famous than the tree itself" because of its use Surinam 582 7896
in children's playground games, the report said.
The species, present in Europe since before the last Ice Women in Difficulties
Age, has been threatened by defoliation because of the CRUISES
leaf miner moth, and a blotch caused by a fungus, as
well as by human pressures. It is endangered in Bulgaria
and Greece and critically endangered in Albania.q
October 13
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