Page 27 - bon-dia-aruba-20210406
P. 27
u.s. news Diamars 6 aPriL 2021
Stocks move broadly higher following big Woman gets 5 years for
job gains in March butt injection death in
( AP ) - Stocks rose broad- rose 1.4% as of 12:17 p.m. Treasury note fell to 1.70% Missouri
ly in afternoon trading on Eastern. from 1.72% last last week.
Wall Street Monday as the The gains were broad, with ( AP ) - A Dallas woman was sentenced to five years
economy showed more Both employment and the nearly every sector rising. in prison for causing a nightclub dancer’s death by
signs that it’s continuing services industry have been Companies that stand to performing an illegal cosmetic butt injection on
to recover. lagging other areas of the benefit from a broader re- her in Missouri.
economy throughout the opening of the economy and
The U.S. government re- recovery. Analysts have said economic growth also did Nitica Deonte Lee, 49, was sentenced Thursday for in-
ported last week that employ- that both need to show signs well. Norwegian Cruise Line voluntary manslaughter in the 2015 death of Daysha
ers went on a hiring spree in of growth in order for the rose 5.9% as it seeks permis- Phillips, the St. Louis Post-Dispatch reported.
March, adding 916,000 jobs, recovery to remain on track. sion to restart cruises out of
the most since August. In- COVID-19 and the potential U.S. ports in July with a vac- Prosecutors said Lee traveled from her Dallas home to a
vestors had a delayed reac- for a spike in cases remains a cination requirement for pas- hotel in Edmundson, a suburb near St. Louis’ main air-
tion to the encouraging job concern, but the strong roll- sengers and crew members. port, where she injected the liquid silicone. Phillips, who
growth, which was released out of vaccinations is making Rival Carnival rose 4.3% was 22, died four days later after the silicone entered her
on Friday when stock trading an eventual return to normal and Royal Caribbean gained bloodstream and became trapped in her lungs.
was closed. Investors were for many people seem clearer 3.5%. Three others accompanied Phillips. One one backed out,
further encouraged by a re- and closer. and two others who received injections didn’t appear to
port Monday showing that Energy companies lagged the suffer any ill effects, police said at the time.
the services sector recorded Tesla also surprised investors broader market as crude oil Lee, who previously served time in prison for robbery,
record growth in March as with a report that vehicle de- prices slipped 3.8%. Mara- burglary and theft, was charged a few months after Phil-
orders, hiring and prices liveries doubled during the thon Oil fell 4.5%. lips died. But she was a fugitive for five years before be-
surged. first quarter. GameStop fell 2.8% after an- ing arrested by Dallas police in July. Prosecutors said she
T echnology stocks were the nouncing a stock sale. spent some of that time in Mexico.
The S&P 500 rose 1.4% and biggest gainers. Apple rose
is on track to beat the record 2.1% and Microsoft gained Markets in Europe and Cosmetic surgeons use fat from elsewhere in the body
high it set last week. The 2.8%. Tesla rose 5% follow- Greater China were closed for enhancements, but black market practitioners some-
Dow Jones Industrial Aver- ing its encouraging report on for holidays. The Nikkei 225 times use silicone sourced from hardware stores. Deaths
age rose 403 points, or 1.2%, vehicle deliveries. in Tokyo rose 0.8% while the have occurred around the U.S.
to 33,557 and the Nasdaq The yield on the 10-year Kospi in Seoul gained 0.3%.
Advertorial :
Poundwise satisfecho cu acuerdo entre Piscadonan y Stichting Rancho
localidadnan disponibel di
huur pa restaurants, cafe’s,
icecream parlor, minimar-
ket, y hopi mas. Harbour
House y Harbourwalk lo
genera mas di 100 cupo
di trabou directo y hopi
mas cupo indirecto pa nos
mercado laboral. Tambe
lo contribui grandemente
na entrada di Gobierno.
Pa converti e area aki uno
atractivo y ‘safe’ pa comuni-
dad y turista, desayoradonan nal pa nos turista, special- bleci na Aruba, cu un trayec-
a propone un Proyecto di mente pa e industria di cru- toria impecabel cu mas di 70
Embeyecemento pa e area cero, como cu ta na e dicho aña di experiencia interna-
di Paardenbaai cu ta cuadra area aki tur turista di crucero cional den su industria. Cu
Despues di algun siman di ceso y uzo rond di e pier. cu e vision di Revitalisacion ta drenta Aruba. Poundwise mas di 20 aña estableci na
negociacion, finalmente Tur piscado lo tin acceso di Oranjestad. Cu e hoya di y Pering Group ta gradici Sr. Aruba, e grupo Perret a in-
Poundwise Investment cu vehiculo pa e pier pa proyecto aki Poundwise ta Marc Figaroa di Aruba Ports verti den desaroyo di Ocea-
& Developments, Pisca- ‘load’ y ‘unload’. E prom- spera di por revitalisa e area Authority, cu a fungi un rol nia, Blue Aruba y Azure
donan di Waf ’i Rancho, enade di Harbourwalk lo di Weststraat, cu tin mas di fundamental pa tur stake- Residences, atrayendo e
Stichting Rancho y Aru- ta pa uzo peatonal cu ex- 17 aña bandona. Ta spera cu holders. Sr. Perret Gentil ta bishitante di balor halto cu ta
ba Ports Authority a yega cepcion di e vehiculonan pronto comercio den e area subraya cu e negocacionnan apoya e crecemento di balor
na otro pa cu e proyecto di piscadonan. Adicio- aki por crece den fluho di cu e representantenan di economico di nos industria
di embeyecemento al- nalmente Poundwise lo consumidor y entrada. Piscadonan y Stichting Ran- di Turismo y creando cen-
rededor di Paardenbaai. construi un facilidad di cho a bay sumamente bon tenares di cupo di trabou.
Propetario y desayo- baño, deposito y lo duna E meta di Poundwise sem- y cu hopi respet mutuo y ta Na aña 2017 Poundwise
rador, Sr. Alberto Per- uzo di awa y coriente per tabata y ta, pa re-posicio- gradici nan pa nan dedica- a cumpra na un findishi e
ret Gentil ta sumamente na e piscadonan. Tambe na e area di Weststraat, man- cion y contribucion. Pound- edificio di condominio situa
contento di e logro aki; lo construi un ‘pergola’ teniendo su historia y balor wise ta spera cu esaki ta un na Weststaat, ex- Marazul
“Poundwise ta contento unda piscadonan por cultural. Despues di a logra comienso di un aliansa, cu awor ta Harbour House.
y satisfecho cu por a yega corta pisca. un otro acuerdo mutuo, tur amistad y cooperacion mu- Poundwise ta contento y
na un acuerdo unda cu stakeholders por traha pa un tuo na bienestar di Paarden- orguyoso di por aporta na
tur partido ta sali benefi- Beneficionan di Proyecto area mas resiliente, di may- baai y Aruba en general. revitalisacion di Downtown
cioso”. E asunto principal E proyecto di Harbour or atraccion den Oranjestad, Oranjestad, como tambe na
di parkeo a keda resolvi House y Harbourwalk ta un safe, limpi y bunita. Pa final Poundwise Investment & reactivacion economico di
como tambe tin bon en- proyecto di condominio cu di 2021 Aruba por conta cu Developments y Pering Turismo di Aruba.
tendimento encuanto ac- mas di 110 apartamento, y un area di nivel internacio- Group ta un compania esta-