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                                                                                         world news Diamars 6 aPriL 2021

                          UK to ease lockdown next week, will test vaccine passports

            (AP) — Britain’s slow but
            steady  march  out  of  a  3
            1/2-month  lockdown  re-
            mains  on  track  even  as
            coronavirus  cases  surge
            elsewhere     in   Europe,
            Prime     Minister   Boris
            Johnson announced Mon-
            day, as he confirmed that
            businesses from barbers to
            bookstores will be allowed
            to reopen next week.

            Johnson said it’s too soon to
            decide,  however,  whether
            U.K.  residents  will  be  able
            to have summer trips abroad.
            He  confirmed  that  the  gov-
            ernment will test out a con-
            tentious  “vaccine  passport”
            system — a way for people to
            offer proof they have protec-
            tion from COVID-19 — as a
            tool  to  help  travel  and  large
            events return safely.

            Four  weeks  after  England
            took its first step out of lock-  people, or six in 10 adults.  nary  powers  Parliament  has  vaccine,  tested  negative  for  this month.
            down  by  reopening  schools,                             given the government to fight  the  virus,  or  recently  had
            Johnson said Britain’s vacci-  The government aims to give  the  pandemic.  The  govern-  COVID-19  and  therefore  Conservative  legislator  Gra-
            nation program was proceed-  all adults at least one shot of  ment  said  Monday  it  won’t  have some immunity.    ham Brady said vaccine pass-
            ing well and infections were  vaccine  by  July,  and  hopes  lift the travel ban before May                        ports  would  be  “intrusive,
            falling. He said the next step  that a combination of vacci-  17 -- and maybe later.   It says the idea will be tested  costly and unnecessary.” The
            would  come  as  planned  on  nation  and  mass  testing  will                         at  a  series  of  events  starting  leader  of  the  opposition  La-
            April 12, with the reopening  allow  indoor  socializing  and  “The  government  hopes  this  month,  including  soc-  bour  Party,  Keir  Starmer,
            of hairdressers, beauty salons,  large-scale events to return.  people  will  be  able  to  travel  cer  matches,  comedy  shows  called the idea “un-British.”
            gyms,  non-essential  shops                               to and from the U.K. to take  and  marathon  races.  The
            and bar and restaurant patios.  It  says  all  adults  and  chil-  a  summer  holiday  this  year,  government said that for the  The government said vaccine
                                         dren in England will be able  but it is still too soon to know  first  events,  those  attending  passports  were  all  but  un-
            A ban on overnight domestic  to  have  routine  coronavirus  what is possible,” it said in an  will  be  tested  for  the  virus  avoidable, since many coun-
            stays  away  from  home  will  tests  twice  a  week  as  a  way  official update.     both  before  and  after,  “but  tries were certain to demand
            also  be  lifted  that  day,  and  to stamp out new outbreaks.                         in later pilots vaccination and  proof  of  COVID-19  status
            outdoor venues such as zoos  The  government  said  free  Once  travel  resumes,  Brit-  acquired  immunity  are  ex-  for entry. And it said British
            and drive-in cinemas can op-  lateral flow tests will be avail-  ain  will  rank  countries  on  a  pected to be alternative ways  businesses were within their
            erate again.                 able  free  starting  Friday  by  traffic-light  system  as  green,  to demonstrate status.”  rights  to  ask  customers  for
                                         mail, from pharmacies and in  yellow or red based on their                             similar  proof.  It  said  “intro-
            The measures apply in Eng-   workplaces.                  level  of  vaccinations,  infec-  The  issue  of  vaccine  pass-  ducing a ban on this would in
            land.  Scotland,  Wales  and                              tions and worrying new vari-  ports has been hotly debated  most cases be an unjustified
            Northern Ireland are follow-  Lateral flow tests give results  ants.  People  arriving  from  around  the  world,  raising  intrusion on how businesses
            ing similar but slightly differ-  in minutes but are less accu-  “green”  countries  will  have  questions  about  how  much  choose  to  make  their  prem-
            ent paths.                   rate than the PCR swab tests  to be tested for the virus but  governments, employers and  ises safe.”
                                         used  to  officially  confirm  won’t face quarantine.     venues have a right to know
            Britain  has  recorded  almost  cases of COVID-19. But the                             about a person’s virus status.  The  government  said,  how-
            127,000  coronavirus  deaths,  government  insists  they  are  The government also is test-  The idea is opposed by a wide  ever,  that  vaccine  passports
            the  highest  toll  in  Europe.  reliable  and  will  help  find  ing  a  system  of  “COVID-  swath  of  British  lawmakers,  would never be needed to ac-
            But  infections  and  deaths  people who contract the virus  status  certification”  —  often  from  left-of-center  opposi-  cess “essential public services,
            both have fallen sharply dur-  but don't have symptoms.   dubbed  “vaccine  passports”  tion  politicians  to  members  public transport and essential
            ing the current lockdown and                              —  that  would  allow  people  of  Johnson’s  Conservative  shops,” and venues like pubs
            since the start of a vaccination  Britons are currently banned  seeking  to  travel  or  attend  Party,  and  the  policy  could  and restaurants would not be
            campaign that has given a first  by law from going on holiday  events  to  show  they  either  face stiff opposition when it  asked to use them for at least
            dose to more than 31 million  abroad  under  the  extraordi-  have  received  a  coronavirus  is put before Parliament later  the next few months.

                         Gunmen attack prison in southeastern Nigeria holding 1,500

            (AP) — Heavily armed gunmen attacked po-        The coordinated attacks come less than two weeks  Police said the attackers used machine guns, rock-
            lice and military buildings along with a prison  after another wave of violence in southeastern Ni-  et-propelled  grenades  and  improvised  explosive
            holding at least 1,500 inmates in southeastern  geria, when at least a dozen security officers were  devices during the overnight violence.
            Nigeria and an untold number of them may  killed during attacks on four police stations, mili-
            have escaped, authorities said Monday.          tary checkpoints and prison vehicles.           “The attempt by the attackers to gain access to the
                                                                                                            police armory at the headquarters was totally and
            The  attacks  began  around  2  a.m.  in  the  town  of  There  was  no  immediate  claim  of  responsibility  appropriately resisted,” the statement said.
            Owerri in Imo state and last for about two hours,  but the Nigeria inspector general of police blamed
            according to local resident Uche Okafor. Gunmen  a paramilitary wing of a secessionist movement ac-  The Eastern Security Network, or ESN, has said
            also assaulted various other government buildings  tive in the region called the Eastern Security Net-  it is fighting for the protection of the Igbo people
            around the same time, authorities said.         work.                                           from foreign armed invaders killing their people.
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