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                                                                      obituario/u.s. news Diasabra 11 December 2021

                           Thousands in Oregon face eviction as lawmakers scramble

            (AP) — Inside Musonda Mwango’s Portland apart-
            ment are details of his life that have transformed
            the property into a home. His guitars hang in the
            corner where he composes music, Christmas dec-
            orations adorn the walls, and pictures of his three
            children — who live with him — are proudly dis-

            But as days tick by and bills stack up, Mwango is
            part of the growing number of households at risk
            of eviction in Oregon, even as he awaits aid from
            the state.

            In  Oregon,  where  a  longstanding  housing  cri-
            sis has been exacerbated by the COVID-19 pan-
            demic, tenants on the brink of eviction are losing
            the safety nets that kept them housed. Despite an
            overwhelming need, the statewide rental assistance
            program stopped taking new applications after all
            federal funds have been requested and committed
            to renters.

            Oregon  has  a  higher  rate  of  people  experienc-
            ing  homelessness  than  nearly  every  other  state
            in America. A 2020 federal review found that 35
            people in Oregon are experiencing homelessness
            per  10,000.  Only  three  states  had  a  higher  rate:
            New York City (47 people per 10,000), Hawaii (46                                                1, though they can still apply through local com-
            people per 10,000) and California (41 people per  The need for help continues to grow, especially as  munity  programs.  However,  not  every  Oregon
            10,000).                                        many tenants struggle to pay months of back rent.  county or city has rental aid available.
                                                            And now — as more than 67,000 Oregon house-
            Now, an estimated 8,355 households are are at risk  holds  report  that  they  feel  “not  at  all  confident”  Texas  and  New  York  have  also  committed  all  of
            of  eviction,  as  protections  keeping  them  housed  they can cover next month’s bills, according to the  their  money  or  indicated  that  funds  will  be  ex-
            have expired after they waited for rental assistance  most recent U.S. Census Bureau survey — law-  hausted soon.
            for  more  than  two  months.  More  than  22,000  makers will be scrambling for solutions during a
            households  are  still  waiting  to  be  considered  for  special session that begins Monday.   State officials in Oregon have asked for $198 mil-
            help.                                                                                           lion in additional money from the U.S. Treasury,
                                                            Due to the immense backlog of rental assistance  but it’s unclear whether the state will get it. The
                                                            applications, Gov. Kate Brown signed a law in June  Treasury is expected to begin reallocating money
                                                            that grants renters a 60-day period in which they  from places that have not spent it.
                                                            cannot be evicted due to lack of payments, as long
                                                            as they provide proof that they applied for aid.  Following mounting calls from advocates and law-
                                                                                                            makers, Brown announced the Legislature will re-
                                                            Following  the  expiration  of  the  federal  eviction  turn for a special session to address eviction protec-
                                                            moratorium, other states have implemented simi-  tions.
                                                            lar  eviction  limitations.  In  Connecticut  and  Vir-
                                                            ginia, a landlord must file for federal rental assis-  State Sen. Kayse Jama, who is leading a legislative
                                                            tance before removing a tenant. In Michigan, the  housing committee, says there are three solutions
                                                            eviction process is paused while an application for  that  “need  to  happen  at  the  same  time”  to  keep
               “Señor ta mi wardador, mi’n tin falta di     aid is pending. In New Jersey and New York most  Oregonians housed — additional funding for the
                                 nada                       renters can’t be evicted until January.         rental  assistance  program,  extending  the  60-day
                  Den cunucu di yerba berde e ta                                                            eviction safe harbor and speeding up rental assis-
                           ponemi sosega.                   Mwango applied for rental assistance in July and  tance processing.
                     E ta hibami na awa trankil,            was approved in August. As of the end of Novem-
                                                            ber, Mwango still had yet to receive aid from the  Brown is also proposing that landlords be paid in
                      Pa mi bolbe haña forsa”.              state. He is now past the protection period and, un-  full for the rent they are owed, that up to $90 mil-
                              Salmo: 23                     der state law, can be evicted.                  lion in additional rental assistance be provided to
                                                                                                            low-income tenants through the winter and $100
                A bay laga nos den nomber di Señor          Since July, Hebb said there have been more than  million for local agencies to deliver more robust
                                                            2,200  eviction  proceedings  filed  in  Oregon  for  long-term renter protections.
                                                            non-payment. From 1,000 to 3,000 new rental as-
                                                            sistance applications are submitted each week.

                                                            Officials say a significant number of people are ap-
                                                            plying for state aid to pay back rent that has accu-
                                                            mulated since the pandemic, as well as growing late
                                                            fee charges.

                                                            Of  the  $289  million  of  federal  rental  assistance
                                                            funds  in  Oregon,  $119  million  has  yet  to  reach
                                                            renters.  Despite  this,  in  November  the  Oregon
                                                            Housing  and  Community  Services  announced
                       Vera Bernadeta Tromp                 nearly  all  the  federal  funds  allocated  to  the  state
                      *09-08-1958 - †08-12-2021             had been requested — as a result the state agency
                                                            stopped accepting applications in December.
                  Acto di entiero lo wordo anuncia          Halting  applications  also  eliminates  the  protec-
                               despues.                     tion period for people who apply for the Oregon
                                                            Emergency Rental Assistance Program after Dec.
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