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U.S. NEWS Monday 29 July 2024
NYC mayor issues emergency order suspending parts of new
solitary confinement law
By DAVE COLLINS ability to reintegrate into
Associated Press society when they are re-
New York City’s mayor issued leased, they said.
an emergency order Satur- Adams has insisted there has
day suspending parts of a been no solitary confinement
new law intended to ban in jails since it was eliminat-
solitary confinement in local ed in 2019. He said solitary
jails a day before it was to confinement is defined as
take effect, citing concerns “22 hours or more per day
for the safety of staff and de- in a locked cell and without
tainees. meaningful human contact.”
Mayor Eric Adams declared He said de-escalation con-
a state of emergency and finement and longer-term re-
signed an order that sus- strictive housing are needed
pended parts of the law that to keep violent prisoners from
set a four-hour time limit on harming other prisoners and
holding prisoners who pose staff.
safety concerns in “de-es- Jail officials, the guards'
calation confinement” and union and a federal monitor
limit the use of restraints on appointed to evaluate op-
prisoners while they are trans- erations at city jails objected
ported to courts or within jails. to parts of the new law, also
The four-hour limit could only citing safety concerns.
be exceeded only in “ex- Mayor Eric Adams speaks during a news conference at the New York City Emergency Management The law places a four-hour
ceptional circumstances." In Department on Friday April 5, 2024 in New York. Associated Press. limit on isolating inmates who
those circumstances, prison- pose an immediate risk of
ers would be released from the custody of the Depart- Administration shows how vocate Jumaane Williams, violence to others or them-
de-escalation confinement ment of Correction and of little respect it has for the who argued solitary confine- selves in de-escalation units.
“as soon as practicable” and all officers and persons who laws and democracy, it sets ment amounts to torture for Only those involved in violent
when they no longer pose an work in the City of New York more hypocritical double those subjected to lengthy incidents could be placed in
imminent risk of serious injury jails and who transport per- standards for complying with hours in isolation in small jail longer-term restrictive hous-
to themselves or others, ac- sons in custody to court and the law that leave New York- cells. ing, and they would need to
cording to the mayor's order. other facilities, and the pub- ers worse off. In this case, our Williams and other support- be allowed out of their cells
Adams also suspended a lic,” Adams wrote in his state city and everyone in its dys- ers of the new law, includ- for 14 hours each day and
part of the law that prohib- of emergency declaration. functional and dangerous ing prominent members of get access to the same pro-
ited jail officials from plac- Adams had vetoed the City jail system, including staff, New York’s congressional gramming available to other
ing a prisoner in longer-term Council's approval of the bill, are left less safe. The reality delegation, have pointed inmates.
“restrictive housing” for more but the council overrode the is that the law already includ- to research showing solitary Adams' state of emergency
than a total of 60 days in any veto in January. ed broad safety exemptions confinement, even only for declaration will remain in ef-
12-month period. His order City Council leaders did not that make this ‘emergency a few days, increases the fect for up to 30 days or until
says jail officials must review immediately return messages order’ unnecessary and likelihood an inmate will die it is rescinded, whichever is
a prisoner's placement in seeking comment Saturday. another example of Mayor by suicide, violence or over- earlier, with 30-day exten-
restrictive housing every 15 But council spokesperson Adams overusing executive dose. sions possible.
days. Shirley Limongi issued a state- orders without justification,” It also leads to acute anxi- The order suspending parts
“It is of the utmost impor- ment sharply criticizing Ad- the statement said. ety, depression, psychosis of the new law will be in ef-
tance to protect the health ams. The bill had been introduced and other impairments that fect for five days unless termi-
and safety of all persons in “Each day Mayor Adams’ by New York City Public Ad- may reduce an inmate’s nated or modified earlier.q
Minnesota prepares for influx of patients from Iowa as abortion
ban takes effect
Associated Press in danger.Sarah Traxler, an OB-GYN based in Min- Organization. Trigger laws immediately went into
Minnesota medical providers and public officials nesota and the chief medical officer of Planned effect, new restrictions were passed, court battles
are preparing to welcome patients traveling from Parenthood North Central States, said Iowa's law put those on hold and in some places, there was
Iowa, where a ban on most abortions after about could have ripple effects throughout the region. expanded access. In states with restrictions, the
six weeks of pregnancy goes into effect Monday. “When the Dobbs decision came down, many of main abortion options are getting pills by mail
On Thursday, Minnesota's Democratic Lt. Gov. the patients coming to Iowa were from Missouri,” or underground networks and traveling, vastly
Peggy Flanagan toured the Whole Woman’s Traxler said in an interview with Minnesota Public driving up demand in states with more access.
Health of Minnesota, a nonprofit abortion clinic Radio. “This is going to have resounding impacts Whole Woman’s Health of Minnesota has served
in the city of Bloomington. She welcomed Iowa on the region itself, especially the Midwest and patients from South Dakota, Nebraska, Wisconsin,
residents who were seeking abortions after the the South.” Indiana, Texas, Oklahoma, Tennessee, Florida and
state's new restrictions take effect. The Iowa Supreme Court reiterated in June that Arkansas over the past year. Amy Hagstrom Miller,
Previously, abortion was legal up to 20 weeks of there is no constitutional right to an abortion in founder and CEO of the clinic, said she expects
pregnancy in Iowa. Last July, the state's Republican- the state and ordered a hold on the law to be to see an increase in patient demand after Iowa's
controlled legislature passed a new ban on the lifted. The district court judge’s orders last week restrictions take effect. Flanagan said Minnesota
procedure after six weeks of pregnancy, which set July 29 as the first day of enforcement. would remain committed to serving people travel-
is often before women know they are pregnant. Across the country, the state of abortion access has ing from other states seeking abortion care.
There are limited exceptions in cases of rape, incest, being changing ever since the Supreme Court’s “If you’re afraid, come to Minnesota," Flanagan
fetal abnormality or when the life of the mother is decision in Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health said. "We’ve got you."q