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                                                                                                       SPORTS Wednesday 10 July 2024
            Daniil Medvedev beats Jannik Sinner at Wimbledon and faces

            defending champ Carlos Alcaraz next

            By HOWARD FENDRICH                                                                                                  the  21-year-old  Alcaraz,
            AP Tennis Writer                                                                                                    back-to-back tests against
            LONDON  (AP)  —  Jannik                                                                                             the two new young stars of
            Sinner  felt  ill.  He  was  dizzy.                                                                                 men’s tennis.
            Hadn’t slept well the night                                                                                         In  the  women’s  quarterfi-
            before.  Wimbledon’s  top-                                                                                          nals, Donna Vekic reached
            seeded man, who recently                                                                                            the  final  four  at  a  major
            attained the No. 1 ranking,                                                                                         for the first time in her 43rd
            definitely  did  not  want  to                                                                                      Slam,  defeating  qualifier
            quit  playing  against  Daniil                                                                                      Lulu  Sun  5-7,  6-4,  6-1,  and
            Medvedev  in  the  quarter-                                                                                         French  Open  runner-up
            finals,  but  things  were  not                                                                                     Jasmine  Paolini  eliminated
            looking good.                                                                                                       No. 19 Emma Navarro 6-2,
            Sinner  was  treated  by  a                                                                                         6-1 in less than an hour.
            trainer  and  left  the  court                                                                                      Navarro got past four-time
            during the third set Tuesday,                                                                                       major  champion  Naomi
            then  briefly  surged  before                                                                                       Osaka  and  reigning  U.S.
            faltering  again  down  the                                                                                         Open  champ  Coco  Gauff
            stretch,  eventually  losing                                                                                        earlier in the tournament.
            to a more-aggressive-than-                                                                                          Vekic,  a  28-year-old  from
            usual  Daniil  Medvedev  6-7                                                                                        Croatia, pondered quitting
            (7), 6-4, 7-6 (4), 2-6, 6-3.                                                                                        the sport on multiple occa-
            “I  was  struggling  physical-  Daniil Medvedev of Russia plays a forehand return to Jannik Sinner of Italy during their quarterfinal   sions  including as recently
            ly,”  said  Sinner,  who  had   match at the Wimbledon tennis championships in London, Tuesday, July 9, 2024.       as right before play began
            won  his  past  five  matches                                                                      Associated Press  at Roland Garros in May.
            against Medvedev, includ-                                                                                           “I didn’t have any energy,
            ing a five-setter in the final  took a bit of time to get go-  During a later changeover,  fewer double-faults (11-4).  any  motivation  to  keep
            of  the  Australian  Open  in  ing  in  his  quarterfinal,  but  Sinner draped a towel over  “It’s  a  tough  one  to  swal-  practicing,  keep  pushing,
            January.  “It  was  not  an  once he did, there was no  his head.                      low,” Sinner said.           because  I  felt  like  the  last
            easy  moment.  I  tried  to  stopping  him  during  a  5-7,  While he did regain his usu-  Medvedev,  a  28-year-old  couple  months  I’ve  given
            fight  with  that  what  I  had  6-4,  6-2,  6-2  victory  over  al verve, particularly on his  from Russia, began playing  everything  for  tennis,  and
            today.”                      No. 12 Tommy Paul at No. 1  booming  forehand,  and  closer to the baseline than  I  wasn’t  getting  the  results
            It wasn’t enough.            Court. Alcaraz is coming off  pushed the match to a fifth  he  often  does.  He  found  that  I  kind  of  expected,”
            Not against the crafty Med-  a title at the French Open  set    the  36th  this  fortnight  the  space  to  deliver  more  Vekic said.
            vedev, the 2021 U.S. Open  last  month  and  is  seeking  and the most at any Grand  winners, compiling 13 in the  “Now  I’m  the  semifinals,”
            champion  who  now  will  his  fourth  Grand  Slam  tro-  Slam  tournament  in  the  closing set alone, broke for  Vekic said. “Not just in ten-
            face  Carlos  Alcaraz  in  the  phy.                      Open  era,  which  dates  to  a 3-1 lead in the fifth, and  nis,  (but)  in  life,  things  can
            semifinals at the All England  Over  at  Centre  Court,  it  1968  Sinner could not get  was on his way back to the  turn pretty fast.”
            Club  for  the  second  con-  was not immediately clear  over the line.                semifinals.                  Sinner  was  a  Wimbledon
            secutive year.               what  was  wrong  with  Sin-  Even though he won more  “Today,”  Medvedev  said,  semifinalist a year ago and
            “Was  a  bit  up-and-down  ner,  who  leaned  back  in  points  (164-160),  accumu-    “a  lot  of  tactical  things  carried  a  nine-match  win-
            match, in a way, from both  his sideline chair, rested his  lated more winners (61-56),  worked well.”              ning  streak  into  Tuesday,
            sides,” Medvedev said.       head in a hand and had his  made  fewer  unforced  er-    After   eliminating    the  including  a  grass-court  ti-
            Alcaraz,   the   defending  heart rate checked before  rors  (49-45),  hit  more  aces  22-year-old Sinner, Medve-  tle  at  Halle,  Germany,  last
            champion and No. 3 seed,  heading to the locker room.  (17-15) and finished with far  dev  now  goes  up  against  month. q

             Philipsen finally triumphs in sprint finish

             on Stage 10 of Tour de France

             SAINT-AMAND-MONTROND,  France  (AP)  Philipsen,  the  Belgian  rider  known  for  his
             — Jasper Philipsen edged a thrilling sprint  powerful  finishes,  finally  capitalized.  This
             to win his first stage of this Tour de France  was  his  seventh  career  stage  in  the  last
             on Tuesday after finishing runner-up twice  three Tours.
             last week.                                 “Today  everything  worked  according  to
             Biniam  Girmay,  winner  of  two  stages  al-  plan,”  Philipsen  said.  “We  came  to  the
             ready, was runner-up a second time, and  Tour de France with the goal of winning at
             Pascal Ackermann was third.                least one stage. I’m really happy that we
             The overall leaders stayed the same. Tadej  can now tick that box and go further in the
             Pogacar  retained  the  yellow  jersey  with  Tour with more confidence in the team.”
             the same 33 second gap on Remco Evene-     Following  the  first  rest  day,  the  race  un-
             poel and more than a minute on two-time  folded  without  major  disruptions  despite   Belgium’s  Jasper  Philipsen  celebrates  as  he  crosses  the  finish
             defending champion Jonas Vingegaard.       intermittent showers. The peloton enjoyed   line  ahead  of  Germany’s  Pascal  Ackermann,  second  left,
             The  10th  stage  from  Orléans  to  Saint-  a picturesque route, passing the 500-year-  Eritrea’s Biniam Girmay, wearing the best sprinter’s green jersey,
             Amand-Montrond in central France was a  old Château de Chambord.                      and Belgium’s Wout van Aert, third right, to win the tenth stage
             flat 187 kilometers (116 miles) without clas-  Stage 11 on Wednesday will get the riders   of the Tour de France cycling race over 187.3 kilometers (116.4
                                                                                                   miles) with start in Orleans and finish in Saint-Amand-Montrond,
             sified climbs, and set the stage for a mass  back climbing again in the Massif Central   France, Tuesday, July 9, 2024.
             sprint.                                    mountains.q                                                                         Associated Press
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