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A16    sports
                   Wednesday 10 July 2024

            With Tiger Woods' approval, Keegan Bradley locks in Ryder Cup

            captaincy — perhaps even as a player

            By RYAN KRYSKA                                                                         put my hat in the ring for this  golf documentary series "Full
            AP Sports Writer                                                                       committee to decide."        Swing." Now the team cap-
            NEW YORK (AP) — Keegan                                                                 With  Woods  out,  the  PGA  tain, Bradley still believes he's
            Bradley was just as shocked                                                            of  America  had  to  look  in  got what it takes to qualify for
            as anyone when Zach John-                                                              a different direction to suc-  the team. He is No. 19 in the
            son told him he'd been se-                                                             ceed Johnson, the previous  world ranking, after all. And
            lected as the 2025 U.S. Ryder                                                          captain who is on the Ryder  he was clear in his intention
            Cup captain.                                                                           Cup committee.               to do just that, a feat that
            It was two weeks ago on a                                                              They  decided  to  go  with  would make him the first U.S.
            Sunday night — the children                                                            the  38-year-old  Bradley,  Ryder Cup playing captain
            had  just  been  put  to  bed,                                                         the youngest U.S. Ryder Cup  since Palmer in '63 if he could
            and  Bradley  was  ready  to                                                           captain since a 34-year-old  pull it off.
            kick his feet up and relax af-                                                         Arnold Palmer in 1963.       "I  feel  as  though  I'm  still  in
            ter three weeks on the road.                                                           Bradley competed in the Ry-  the prime of my career and
            Then came the phone call.                                                              der Cup in 2012 and 2014,  can make this team," Brad-
            "I don't think I'll ever be more   Keegan Bradley participates in a news conference in New York,   both  losses  for  the  Ameri-  ley said.
            surprised of anything in my   Tuesday, July 9, 2024. Bradley was introduced as the U.S. Ryder   cans.  He  has  long  talked  Bradley is perhaps the most
            entire life," Bradley said Tues-  Cup captain for 2025.                                about  wanting  to  redeem  familiar  American  player
            day as he was introduced                                              Associated Press  those results, famously hold-  with the 2025 course, Beth-
            as the captain at NASDAQ  his own phone call to make.  est to go with someone else.  ing  onto  his  packed  2012  page Black on Long Island.
            headquarters in New York. "I  It was to Tiger Woods.      The PGA read a statement  bag and vowing not to open  He grew up playing there in
            had no idea. It took awhile  "I've been grateful — before  from Woods at Bradley's in-  it until he's a Ryder Cup win-  college, where he attended
            for it to sink in.           I accepted this job I needed  troductory news conference.  ner.                        St. John's University. He even
            "I  wasn't  fully  comfortable  to talk to Tiger and I wanted  "With my new responsibilities  After  two  PGA  Tour  victo-  joked about skipping class to
            with some of the people that  to make sure I — I wanted  to the tour and time commit-  ries, a runner-up finish and  play at Bethpage.
            were passed over. I have a  to  hear  from  him,"  Bradley  ments involved I felt I would  six  top-10s  last  season,  in-  "I'm  not  going  to  pick  my-
            lot of respect for the people  said. "We had a great con-  not be able to commit the  cluding  in  the  Tour  Cham-  self," Bradley said. "The only
            that came before me and  versation.  I  certainly  need  time to Team USA and the  pionship, Bradley was con-       way that would happen is if
            people that deserve to be  his input."                    players required as a cap-   sidered a candidate for the  the team was insisting it but
            in this position, so that was  Woods  was  widely  viewed  tain," Woods said in the state-  2023 team. But he was not  even if they did I don't see
            a  heavy  thought  and  mo-  as the heir to the captaincy,  ment. "That does not mean I  selected  by  Johnson.  That  that  happening.  I  want  to
            ment."                       but after considering his cur-  wouldn't want to captain a  devastated Bradley, whose  make  the  team  on  points,
            Once  Bradley  composed  rent obligations, he decided  team in the future. If/when  reaction to being rejected  otherwise  I'm  going  to  be
            himself, he realized he had  it was in the PGA's best inter-  I feel it is the right time, I will  was captured on the Netflix  the captain."q

                                                                      Brett Favre is asking an appeals court to

                                                                      reinstate his defamation lawsuit against

                                                                      Shannon Sharpe

                                                                      a fellow Pro Football Hall of  told  three  5th  U.S.  Circuit  would  have  to  be  a  sorry
                                                                      Fame member, former tight  Court of Appeals judges in  person  "to  steal  from  the
                                                                      end Shannon Sharpe, amid  New Orleans that the law-       lowest of the low."
                                                                      the  backdrop  of  a  Missis-  suit  should  be  revived,  ar-  "That's actionable defama-
                                                                      sippi  welfare  scandal  that  guing that Sharpe accused  tion, because that reason-
                                                                      is one of the state's largest  Favre,  who  has  not  been  able  listener  is  taking  the
                                                                      public corruption cases.     charged  with  a  crime,  of  word steal literally and not
                                                                      A  federal  judge  in  Missis-  theft.                    figuratively," Vora said.
                                                                      sippi  threw  out  the  lawsuit  Sharpe  said  during  a  Sep-  Sharpe's  attorney,  Joseph
            Former  NFL  football  quarterback  Brett  Favre  speaks  with
            reporters prior to his induction to the Mississippi Hall of Fame,   in  October,  saying  Sharpe  tember  2022  broadcast  of  Terry,  told  the  judges  that
            Aug. 1, 2015, in Jackson, Miss.                           used  constitutionally  pro-  the  Fox  Sports  show  "Skip  Sharpe's   remarks   were
                                                     Associated Press  tected speech on a sports  and  Shannon:  Undisputed"  clearly  an  opinion  offered
                                                                      broadcast  when  he  criti-  that Favre was "taking from  when he was asked about
            By KEVIN McGILL              back  Brett  Favre  asked  a  cized  Favre's  connection  the  underserved,"  that  he  a news report on the Missis-
            Associated Press             federal appeals court Tues-  to the welfare misspending  "stole  money  from  people  sippi  welfare  scandal  and
            NEW ORLEANS (AP) — Law-      day to revive a defamation  case.                         that  really  needed  that  how  the  reports  will  affect
            yers for retired NFL quarter-  lawsuit  Favre  filed  against  Favre's  lawyer,  Amit  Vora,  money" and that someone  Favre's legacy.q
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